

It was to late when Kaito wakes up. For the other persons it doesn't matter if they still wakes early but for him is very important. He don't know if his life style was the best.

His mother always told him that he need be a good person and good persons always do better in life and because he love her, he always has been a good person. When he was a teenager he learned self defense but never began a fight. He never cheated in any test, when he see an old people crossing the road, he helps it and more examples like that.

He studied business management in the college and worked as civil servant for 10 years and as always he was a good person and never accept bribes, and after he resigned on his job and open his own company he made his business and he had many ideas to improve it.

But the world is cruel and unfair. Despite their efforts to get good grades in school, others just cheated and did better. Although he never started fights, he was always inculcated for hitting others. Those he thought were his friends betrayed him, his father was accused of assault when he was the one who saved the victim. even his companies are on the verge of bankruptcy because all his ideas were stolen by corporate spies or he was sued unfairly.

And it was precisely on this day where he would have to lose everything, sell his company to be able to pay his employees. He had lost absolutely everything and it was then that he discovered those who had betrayed him, people to whom he gave his trust, his friendship and who stabbed him in the back.

That night after twilight he was walking around the city aimlessly and it was when he saw a mother with her son and remembered his mother's words "always remember to be a good person, because good people always do well".

-Why mom? Why did you make me live like this? - He started to cry. He wanted, no, it's better to say that he forced herself to believe those words were true, because the moment he stopped thinking about it, he felt that his life would lose all its meaning. He dried his tears, went to her house, which was the only thing she had left. He changed his clothes, went to bed and fell asleep while thinking what was going to happen with his life from that moment.

I will begin this novel, sorry if my grammar is very bad. And for my another story "Comming back to save the world" maybe I'll begin again in Spanish o I don't know but I hope that.

Macrosscreators' thoughts
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