
Spiderman: The Rise of The Goblin

Late June 2005

It is the day of my graduation from The Midtown High. I feel kinda relieved. After four years of being bullied by the likes of Flash Thompson it feels great to finally get rid of him. I will go on somewhere where people would not treat me as some kind of weird alien from another world.

I can see my aunt May sitting in the background looking at me with pride and admiration. She was always there for me ever since the disappearance of my parents. Her and my uncle Ben were my parents to me ever since that day. I only wish that my uncle Ben was here at my graduation ceremony. It has been almost three years since his death but the pain is still with me the entire time. It was back then when I became Spiderman. It happened during a school field trip to the American Museum of Natural History where I was bitten by a mystical spider and gained its abilities. I even shoot webs out of my wrists. At first it freaked me out but now I am perfectly okay with that. I could finally get back at those who bullied me and made fun of me before. I even went on to use my powers to earn money and fame. At first I tried wrestling and soon I started to appear in TV commercials and movies. I was some sort of icon.

One day a burglar named Dennis Carradine went past me and I didnt stop him. It wasn't my business. I was a movie star not a cop. However, this backfired on me when Carradine murdered my uncle Ben. Enraged, I hunted him down like an animal and surely I put my hands on him. He paid dearly for what he had done. Justice has been served. Since then I made a promise that no innocent soul will suffer as long as I am around to do something about it. I have the power so I thus have the responsibility to help mankind and I will not have it any other way.

The graduation ended relatively fast and I was worried that it would drag on until midnight. I was praised by my science teachers and my aunt May cried out of joy. I do not know why but I felt some sort of guilt at that moment. Anyways, this day marked the end of a chapter in my life. It was the day when I could finally put the past behind and focus on the future. I had dedicated this day to the memory of my uncle Ben. I think he would have been proud of me. My aunt May told me that uncle Ben was watching the entire time and that he couldn´t be any prouder i his life. I wished he was here. No matter what I will make him proud both as Peter Parker and as Spiderman.

July 10th, 2005

Tonight I went on patrol after my crime radar reported an illegal action near the Randall´s Antiquities. I went to check it out to see that The Enforcers were behind it all. These bozos worked with Dennis Carradine when I was hunting him down for killing my uncle Ben. Now they are back making misery in this city again.

"It´s the Wall-Crawler! Waste him!" Montana started to shoot and the other two soon joined him. Beating them was relatively easy courtesy of my spider abilities. Suddenly, my spider sense alarmed me of a danger approaching but I hadn't seen anyone nearby. It wasn't long before a strange pumpkin-shaped bomb exploded in front of me, sending me to a nearby wall.

"Mwahahahahahaha!" a devilish laughter pierced my ears like a buzzsaw on a mike before seeing a strange looking figure standing before me. He was dressed in some kind of armor. It was similar to that of Iron Man but colored in dark-green. He also seemed to be floating on some kind of glider that resembled a bat.

"Who are you supposed to be?" I asked the mysterious figure with great curiosity.

"Call me The Green Goblin, Wall-Crawler! This face will be the last thing you´ll ever see in

your miserable life!"

We started a fight and the whole hell broke loose. This Green Goblin guy was very

dangerous and unpredictable. He managed to dodge all my attacks with efficiency and

managed to knock me down with ease. He is insanely strong. I admit that.

"Die, Wall-Crawler!"

In a flick of a moment I managed to shoot a web to his face to distract him. Then I damaged his glider while we were flying across the city. It was not easy since he was attacking me even when his face was covered in webbing.

"We´ll meet again, Spiderman!"

I hope not. No more Goblins for me for the next 50 years. Despite that I must say that The Goblin was the first worthy adversary after two and a half years of my superhero career. I became rusty. I need to start learning some martial arts for a change.

September 2005

My first month at The Empire State University. At first I was looking forward to it, because it was supposed to be moving on from my past and starting anew.

Unfortunately, my High School tormentor, Flash Thompson, enrolled here as well. He started talking down on me every time we saw each other and telling everyone what kind of loser I was. What can I say? Some things change but some things stay the same. One of my new haters was a student named Harry Osborn. He was obviously a rich punk that could easily solve his issues by paying people's souls off. I didn't like him either. He and Flash were made up for each other.

Among the new crowd there was a girl named Madelyne Prior and she was the most

beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She kinda reminded me of the actress Jennifer Beals from Flashdance. However, unlike Harry and Flash, Madelyne seemed to be indifferent when it came to talking about me. She seemed not to care what Flash and Harry were talking about me but also she did not give me any attention at all. It was as if I was invisible to her.

I didn't care either. I tried to focus on my studies and on my work so I could find a better job in the future that would not end up being $200 for taking selfies while I was there risking my neck for the wellbeing of others. Also I needed to take care of my aunt May who cannot afford to pay bills for our home. However, from time to time I sensed Harry and his gang observing me from afar. Really creepy thing if you ask me. I mean like Michael Myers creepy. I found out Harry´s father, Norman Osborn, is the CEO of Oscorp Industries, a company that produces and supplies the US army.with the newest military technology. Due to his father´s constant absence in his life Harry never truly developed any close relationship with Norman. I kinda understand him because I never really knew my own father. He and my mom disappeared when I was 6 years old and the only family since then were my aunt May and my uncle Ben. Ben was my father until his death at the hands of Dennis Carradine after I became Spiderman.

Nevertheless, me and Harry were not friends in any shape or form but we also did not openly hate each other like mortal enemies either.

September 9th, 2005

Today was the day I met Harry´s father, Norman, for the first time. It was raining and I was going to Aunt May's house from work. I had to give that scumbag Jameson the photos of me fighting The Vulture in Downtown in order to receive my pay. However, I realized that I forgot to take the umbrella with me. Well, that was a bust. It was not until a huge black limo alerted me.

"Yo, Parker! Do you need a lift?" Harry shouted at me from the inside of a car. It was perfect timing. Thank you, Osborn.

"It is a true calamity outside. Are you feeling good, m´boy?"

I set my eyes to a middle-aged man holding a magazine in his hands.

"Peter Parker, this is my father Norman Osborn."

Me and Norman shook hands. He had a surprisingly strong grip for a mere human. This was the father that Harry was telling me about. He didn't seem to be such a boogeyman as Harry depicted him to be. He seemed very friendly towards me.

"So you are that famous Peter Parker my son was telling me about. Glad to meet you, m´boy. Thank you for helping Harry with his studies. He was very struggling these days. I´m happy to know that Harry has such a magnificent genius like you as a friend."

"Dad..." Harry intervened only for Norman to hush him. The relationship between the two wasn't very good. Exactly how Harry described it to me many times before.

"I was told that you like science. You know I am the CEO of a huge corporation which uses science for the betterment of mankind. Have you applied for the internship yet? In Oscorp Industries we could use a brain like yours."

I replied to him that I am currently focusing on my studies at ESU but I would consider his offer. I told Norman that my wish is to use science to help people all around the world and also help humanity to achieve its potential. In a good way of course. We have the power and thus we have a responsibility to use it to help those in need. Norman looked awestruck as if he saw an exploding supernova or something. I wondered if I hadn't just said something stupid.

"Magnificent, m´boy. Your parents must be very proud of you."

I told him that I live only with my aunt May now. Norman gave me his condolences and told me that I have his biggest sympathies.

The limo suddenly stopped before my aunt May's house. As when I was prepared to leave the car, Norman stopped me and gave me his business card with his number on it.

"If you´ll ever need anything, m´boy, just call on this number. I will be more than happy to help you in any way I can."

I gladly took it with me and then the Osborn car vanished into the horizon. Well, that was a very interesting meeting. I never knew that the CEO of a major company in New York City would think so highly of me. He doesn't even know me. He probably just wanted to appeal on my good side as I am the one helping Harry with his studies. He seemed to be a very nice guy but something tells me to watch out.

October 13th, 2005

Today I spent an afternoon with Norman Osborn. He gave me a call and invited me to OSCORP. He showed me his new projects he was working on which were scientific enhancements for the US Military. His work was apparently inspired by Captain AMerica as he was the first Super Soldier who brought victory to the Allied Forces during World War II. Thinking that America needs to protect itself from terrorists, he decided to create enhancements for US soldiers. He does not want another 9/11 to happen anymore. I was totally geeking out as I had never seen so much science before. And I really enjoyed Robotech anime when I was little as my uncle Ben bought the VHS tapes from a small movie store in Queens.

Following the tour at OSCORP, Norman took me to a nearby arcade where we played Space Invaders all day. We had so much great time together. I really do not remember when was the last time I had such a thrill in my life. Norman was the first person closest to being a father to me since the day my uncle Ben died. It was like a nothingless void caused by my uncle's death was closing and that I could feel joy again.

Later that day we both went to Central Park where we were eating pizza. During that time I opened myself to Norman. I told him that after my uncle Ben died I always felt empty inside. Beside my aunt May I never had any friends to anchor me and to give me support I clearly needed. I told him I wanted to be a scientist but due to my present circumstances I really doubt that happening. Norman then put his hand on my shoulder and told me that I was a brilliant young man with talents and missions that he could only dream of having. He also told me that I should not mind if somebody puts me down as I have the power to prove them wrong. He said that he never met a person like me in his entire life. Sometimes he wishes that I was his son. Harry was good but he did not possess the qualities Norman sees in me. To me it sounded like he didn't like his son that much as he believed that Harry was a disappointment to him. It sounded as Norman was embarrassed to have Harry around as if Harry was just a stain on his perfectly clean tuxedo. I started to suspect that Norman wasn't as fatherly as I thought he was.

"You know, m´boy, you would make an excellent Osborn!" Norman joked and he elbowed me to my arm. I also told him that he was like a father to me and that I deeply respected him. He was the second person I could be myself around and not pretend anything to save my face. I also wished him to be my father as I don´t remember my own father.

"You can always count on me, kid. If you need something, call me and I will be there to help you."

After our little trip ended, I felt some sort of peace inside my soul. I felt hope for the future and I was excited for it. Norman really believed I was alone but he showed me that this was not the case. He was like a guardian angel who stood over me and guided me to a brighter future. I was grateful for his encouragement and his belief in me. I wish to work with him someday and together we can change the world for the better.

October 30th, 2005

Today is the day of the ESU party on the campus. I heard it will be paid by Norman Osborn himself since Harry ordered all the newest equipment. This was my chance to invite Maddie to the party as my date. I tried to talk to her many times since I first saw her but I was never that good with women. She was always surrounded with the cool guys as well as her girlfriends who looked more like a fanclub of hers. I want to look the best I can to impress her and let her know that I am not a lame nerd Flash thinks I am. I am willing to show her love and respect and enjoy this wonderful evening with her. To be honest I am scared out of my mind, because I don´t know if she will accept me as her boyfriend. I can try my best. I´m not passing on that chance.

November 5th, 2005

I am in my room right now reflecting on the events that happened in the last 6 days. The college party was a total bust for me. It started out well. I asked Maddie to dance and we rocked the dancefloor together. She is a wonderful dancer. She used to dance in bars to earn enough money to enroll into ESU which is impressive in my book. Things started to go down when I sawnHarry Osborn kissing Maddie while they were dancing on How Deep is Your Love from Bee Gees. I became enraged, because I believed Harry betrayed my trust. After all the trouble helping him with his studies he repaid me by stabbing me in the back and going for the girl I liked. I simply couldn't just let it go. I hoped to do something about it. After a fierce argument with Harry, I was thrown out of the party by the ESU bouncers. Soon after I was approached by Maddie herself who told me that she was very disappointed with me. I told her I tried to defend her honor. She replied by laughing at my face while I was totally devastated. Maddie told me that I was lame and boring loser and the only thing I was good at were "a few laughs." According to

her, Harry Osborn was a way better man due to him being rich and she went out with me only out of pity. She revealed to me that both of them were dating for two years now and that she planned to marry him. When I tried to say something she slapped me across the face as a sign how low she thinks of me. Right after our "chat" ended Harry Osborn came to pick her up and both of them went back to the party like two lovebirds under the sun. I was heartbroken as well as stripped off my dignity. I have never felt this bad since the death of my uncle Ben. I didn't want to stay around any longer so I decided to go home without anybody knowing about it. Why would I stay there? I was embarrassed and humiliated by the woman I thought I loved as well as betrayal by a guy whom I considered a friend. There was nothing for me to do there anymore. I needed to

sleep my sorrows out of my system. I did not care if it would help or not. I needed to leave that place in an instant. I no longer cared about those backstabbing bastards and rich brats. I do not want to know them, I do not want to see them, and I do not want to even hear about them. I have better things to do in life like studying and saving people as Spiderman. As I left the party I headed to aunt May's house. I haven't seen her for months now and I also need some consolidation and encouragement after that humiliation I went through that day. Going to my accommodation would not help because I would have spent that night isolated from humanity and that is not good for human health. I need to heal my emotional wound. Otherwise I would not

move on with my life.

"Can the Spiderman come out and play?"

I felt as if my heart was pierced by the spear made by the coldest ice in the universe. It was as if for a second the time stopped around me. No, it couldn´t be but it was. The Green Goblin was floating on his glider and laughing maniacally at my face. He knew who I was. He actually found out that I am Spiderman. How the hell did he find out? I am always careful to conceal my secret identity so nobody can raise any suspicions. I have absolutely no idea how The Goblin found out my secret but I have to stop him before he will make it public.

"You knew this day was coming, Spiderman! I´ve waited so long for this moment! I can finally finish what I started years ago!"

I tried to dodge his constant attacks. He really caught me off guard. After several minutes of fighting I was knocked out cold by one of the gasses The Goblin sprayed out of his hands. I admit that he really prepared himself this time. I thought this was the death of me.

Next thing I remember was waking up in some dark room chained to a chair accompanied by The Goblin´s irritating comments. He was gloating that he had captured me and that he had big plans for me. I wondered how he found out my secret identity to which he replied that he had his methods.

"You are finally in my grasp, Peter Parker! Did you really think you could hide from me? I will finally have my revenge! This time, PArker, you will never escape! I have big plans for you, m´boy!"

That word. It seems kinda familiar to me. Only Norman Osborn called me that every time we met. Wait, is it possible that The Goblin is…

Right that moment, The Green Goblin took his mask away. The man under the mask was

someone I would never expect to be a supervillain. It was him all right. It was Norman Osborn, Harry´s father. It was like someone liquified my internal organs with acid. Norman was like a father to me. Ever since we met he gave me the strength to work hard and ignore those who wish me harm. He always reminded me that my future is always in my two hands and i tis up to me what I will make of it. I believed him and I followed his example in asking Madeline Pryor to the Halloween Party. Knowing that a man I considered my father was a supervillain shook me to the core.

"Surprised, m´boy? I thought that we should look at each other´s true faces before I destroy you once and for all!"

Later he mumbled about how disappointed he was that he had been bested by a school boy which would be bad for his reputation if anyone wants to find out. He told me that he was hunting me for years, because he wanted to gain access to the Al Capone fan club. He believed that by killing me he would automatically become the big man in the city in competition with The Kingpin.

But after he found out who I am he changed his plans altogether. He planned to make me his replacement as The Green Goblin.

"Did you really think I would entrust that responsibility to that idiot loser like Harry? That pathetic excuse of a son cannot guard his own socks, let alone be in charge of a company like Oscorp. It was after meeting you I realized that you will be my heir to Oscorp as well as the mantle of The Green Goblin. You will inherit my name and you will carry on my life mission toward a glorious future."

I told him that he was so full of crap if he thought I would really agree to his nonsense.

"I will bring you into the fold! I am offering you the entire world!"

"I do not want your world, you sick bastard, and I am going to make sure that you will never hurt anyone again!"

After a while I managed to free myself from the chains much to Norman´s surprise.

"Alright, Osborn! It's all over! Give it up! I promise I won't tell!"

Enraged, Norman started to throw his bombs at me hoping to kill me. I managed to dodge them all with relative ease. However, I was briefly stunned by his laser beam before being thrown outside the warehouse. I managed to pull myself together and faced my foe. Norman rushed out of the warehouse with mad rage in his eyes. He most likely felt betrayed that I refused to become The Goblin Junior.

"You think you are a big hero, eh, Parker? Truth is that you are the worst of all of us! Everybody touched by you dies! Your uncle Ben, your parents, not to mention your so-called friends! Stop deluding yourself and join me! We will destroy everything and everyone who would stand in our way! We will be gods among these pathetic insects! They are worthless and they don't deserve to live!"

I had enough of his crap. I will rather die than join him. My aunt May and my uncle Ben taught me that with great power there must also come great responsibility and my responsibility is to protect innocent people from murdering scum like Norman Osborn when I have the power to do it.

I jumped at Osborn´s glider and tried to wrestle him out of it. It was dangerous as hell as I was risking my life as well. However, Norman is really strong and persistent. That lame suit hides a very dangerous and unpredictable enemy. Suddenly, Norman hit me with an elbow which was followed by a fast fall into the wooden boxes placed outside the warehouse.

"Peter, Peter, Peter...your heroic actions will be your undoing. You can count on it, boy."

"Go on! Do what you want! I will never give in to the darkness!"

Norman fired another laser at me which sent me flying to a nearby fence.

"Nobody ever says NO to me, boy! If you don't accept my offer, then there is only one way this will go down! You´ll see. Later, kid! Mwahahahahahahaha!"

It took me days to recover from that. Both physically and mentally. I came to Aunt May's house and she was scared out of her soul. I told her I got into a fight at the party rather than telling her I was ambushed by The Green Goblin. I have not attended classes for days due to my poor state and my anxiety of Norman endangering my family. I also did not want to see Harry's face for how he did me dirty. He was a complete piece of shit but due to Norman´s hatred of him I could only feel bad for him. It wasn't his fault for having such a crappy father. I had to put myself together before returning to the university campus.

November 12th, 2005

It has been two weeks since my encounter with Norman and I haven´t heard of him since then. Probably he is playing me. He wants to keep me worried so I would not think clearly so he would easily end me. I wonder what Captain America would do in this situation.

Today I managed to bust Scorpion who was endangering everyone at the Bugle. He was going after Jameson for reasons unknown. If I had not intervened on time Jameson would have ended dup being fileted by Scorpion in front of all of his employees. Instead of gratitude for saving his sorry ass Jameson called the cops on me for helping Scorpion destroy Daily Bugle. I barely escaped the swarm of bullets the cops were shooting at me with. Sometimes I wonder if doing this hero thing is even worth it.

After arriving on campus I was approached by Harry who told one that his father is throwing a dinner party tomorrow and that he insisted that I would come as well. It is obviously a trap. He probably wants to expose me in front of everybody there or he wants to kill all the guests in front of me before he will end my life as well. However, I want to know how this party will go down and also I want to protect everybody attending the event. I will not allow innocent people to die because of me. I accepted the offer. However, I could tell that Harry wasn't very happy about the idea of having me at the party with him. It makes two of us, Harry. The last thing I want right now is having your megalomaniacal father degrading you publicly and telling everybody that he would

want me as his son. You are pretty annoying little shit, Osborn, but even you do not deserve to be treated like this. Especially by your own father. You reign of terror ends, Norman, and I will be there to make sure it does. You can bet your crummy life on it.

November 13th, 2005

The day of the dinner party at the Goblins is here. I must say I am frustrated as hell. Knowing that my greatest enemy is hosting a gala with the intention of murdering us all is very crushing. I do not know if I am strong enough to protect everyone in there. I do not know what Norman is capable of. He could have the whole place planted with explosions just to detonate them at any given moment. I must be careful and look for any possible signs. I must not let anything distract me. Otherwise the blood of everybody in the party will be on my hands.

We arrived at 18:00 at The Osborn Mansion. Man, this building really looked like a palace of Versailles. I knew that Osborns were rich but this is another level of rich. The mansion was full with people in high places. Harry´s birthday celebrations are royal balls compared to mine. I am just a poor kid from Queens who can barely afford a new backpack. And I am working my ass off in a newspaper redaction that is trying to bury me for keeping the streets safe. I saw Harry in the company of several hot super models. I wonder if Maddie, his girlfriend, agrees with what Harry is doing behind her back. Oh, who cares? It is their problem to solve. One Halloween party is enough for me. Suddenly, I saw Harry coming closer in my direction. Oh, boy. What does he want now? Does he want to gloat about how I cannot afford such lavish parties?

He can shove his lame parties down his...

"Well, well! What do we have here?" Harry mockingly addressed me with a confident smirk.

"Hey, Osborn! Wassup?"

"So you came. Judging by your late arrivals to classes I wondered if you even show up!"

"What was that supposed to mean?" I angrily replied, clenching my fist ready to punch him.

"You know I wasn't too fond of you of all people in this world to come to my birthday party. However, my father insisted upon inviting you as well. To this day I do not know what my father sees in you! I tis like he wants to adopt you or something. If that ever happens I will renounce my family name and leave the country. I will never accept such disgrace to my name!" That's it. I do not care if this is a public event. I will teach this rich brat a lesson or two.

"What is your damage, Osborn? Ever since you and I first met you have been a pain in my ass! What the hell did I ever do to you? You treat me like a piece of trash! It is not my fault that my family isn't as rich as yours but it doesn't give you the right to undermine me or anybody else! Can you finally tell me why do you hate me so much?"

"I dunno! Maybe it´s because you are a fucking nerd! You think you belong to the group! The truth is, Parker, you don't belong here!"

"At least I am not hanging around with numbskulls like Flash Thompson and his lame ilk! And I thought you were an intelligent guy!"

"Why, you...?!" Harry was ready to attack me before being interrupted by the host of this event.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. Let's not ruin this beautiful evening with a petty squabble."

Norman appeared to look very generous and very friendly if you ask me.

"Hi, Peter! I am glad that you managed to come. I was worried that we would celebrate this party without you."

"It's okay, Mr. Osborn. I got the invitation on time," I replied. Suddenly, Norman started to laughnas if I said the best joke he ever heard in his life. He put his arm around my neck as if we werenbest buddies.

"That was a good one, m´boy! Harry never mentioned that you were such a great comedian! You are even more funnier than Donald Duck!"

Suddenly I felt Norman´s arm squeezing my neck as if he tried to choke me to death. I couldn't breathe properly and I tried to make him stop. However, he seemed not to care. His smiley face turned into a grin of a madman. He wanted me to know that I was completely in his mercy and that it is futile to resist him.

"Let go, Norman!" I whispered to him from under my teeth.

"Don´t worry, m´boy. The party hasn't begun yet. I assure you it will be the most unforgettable shindig in your life. You´ll see."

Then Norman relinquished his hold over me and fakely apologized for his tight hold over me. He then slightly tapped me on my back as if nothing ever happened.

"I hope you will enjoy this," said Norman with a devilish grin before leaving the hall.

Two hours later I found myself sitting at the huge table. I saw myself surrounded by many different guests. I saw Madeline Pryor, Flash Thompson, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, etc. I felt kinda uncomfortable among those many people. I was aôways the shy type and thus I wasn't really good with socializing with other people. The other reason may lie in the fact that all of these people have a giant target on their foreheads for the Goblin to attack. I do not know if I can protect them from the wrath of The Green Goblin if he will ever go loose on them. I have to think of something.

"So, Ms. Pryor, I heard that you have been accepted to a new dance show at Broadway. Sincere congratulations to you," said Norman and Maddie started to blush in front of everybody.

"Thank you, Mr. Osborn."

"Well, you know, you have to follow your dreams if you want to achieve greatness in your life."

Then I saw Norman turning his attention towards me. "Right, Peter?"

I saw the evil grin on his face when he said that. Is he trying to embarass me in front of

everybody here? Because this proved nothing. "Yes... Of course, Mr. Osborn," I replied

nervously, trying to keep my composure.

"See, Harry? You should take a page from Peter´s book for once. If you work hard enough then you will also become somebody in this society." Harry´s face turned pale as if his spirit left his body entirely. "I´m doing my best, dad."

"Your grades tell a very different story, son. Why don't you let Peter here to tutor you? It is clear that he knows more about science and thus he can be of use. Don´t you think?"

That was awful to hear. I saw Harry being emasculated by his own father in front of all these people as if he was nothing more than a common peasant. It was disgusting and despicable. I wanted to stand up and kick Norman´s green ass to the Kingdom Come. However, I did not want to cause a scene in front of all of these people. The last thing I needed was a major scandal and possible police arrest for attacking a wealthy businessman in his own house.

"Peter, m´boy! I saw your wonderful pictures of Spiderman. They are really great. I wonder how you make such amazing shots?"

I was startled. I didn't know what to say. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to expose me in front of everybody. He knows I am Spiderman and he was ready to blow my cover.

"Luck, I guess. Talent maybe?" I tried to mislead him hoping it would work.

"It's okay to have secrets, m´boy. We all have secrets we do not want to be revealed. But

remember, everything will crawl up to the surface eventually. All our darkest secrets, our deepest desires and our fears as well. Especially our fears. They stalk us in the shadows and they manifest in our nightmares. They tend to keep us down and devour our very souls until the only thing that remains is a deep chasm. However, standing up to them and confronting them is the true strength of a man. If you manage to overcome them then you become invincible. You must crush your demons who are holding you back and move forward! Only then you will become somebody of importance! A master of your own destiny!"

Everybody looked amazed at Norman´s highly ambitious speech as if they saw some sort of visionary. I must admit it was really inspiring. However, at the same time I felt unwell because Norman kinda reminded me of Hitler in terms of speech and body language. However, in terms of his charisma, Norman needs to pay for the lessons og "How to become an evil megalomaniac who wants to destroy the world?" or "The perks of being a homicidal supervillain."

"Ehm. Excuse me, guys. I feel kinda funny.I need to go to wash my face for a moment."

I couldn't come up with anything more convincing than that. I just needed to clear my head for a while. Norman really made me uncomfortable. Any minute longer and I would have exploded.

Maybe that is what Norman hoped for. He thought I would break under the pressure for me to become an easy prey. However, I would not give him that satisfaction.

"It's okay, m´boy. We will wait until you come back. I can assure you." I heard Norman´s voice behind my back as I walked out of the dining room. I walked across the halls of the Osborn Mansion aimlessly until I saw Norman standing on the other side of a hall. He was staring at me with a devilish smile and green pupils in his eyes. He did not say anything. He was just standing there motionless. It was kinda creepy if you ask me. And I thought the boogeyman that hides under the bed was creepy.

"Norman!" I called after him. He just slowly changed direction and started walking away. I called after him again and ran towards his direction. After a few seconds I saw him sitting behind his office desk grinning at me. What the hell was he doing? Was he trying to confuse me and lure me into another trap? My spider-sense would be able to detect one.

"Welcome, Mr. Parker, in my humble office!"

"What the hell is going on, Norman?"

"Oh, oh, Mr. Parker, no need for hostilities, son. We are having such a good time here."

"I don´t get it. Is this some kind of psychic game to rile me up? Are you trying to expose me in front of all of these people?" I really had enough of Norman´s mind games. He thought he could get the best of me by trying to make me nervous and anxious in public so he could reveal that I am Spiderman? Who was gonna to believe him anyways?

"I am trying to encourage you to make better choices in your life, m´boy."

"I told you before, Norman. I am not interested in becoming The New Green Goblin. You are insane if you think I will agree to this." "

"Of course, m´boy. The question lies in who will be the last man standing. One of us has to eventually destroy the other." Said Norman calmly.

"I will not let you harm these people, Gobby. It is only between you and me."

"It is funny to think that you have a choice, Spiderman."

"We all have a choice, Normie."

"Very well then. Let the best man win!" Norman then left his office calmly and with the same evil grin on his face.

"I´ll be there, Osborn!" I called after him. "You can bet your goblins on that!"

Later I joined the rest of the gang in a huge living room where they were chilling as if it was some kind of speakeasy in 1920s Chicago. All of these people sitting comfortably on these expensive choices and sofas not knowing about the danger their benefactor had in store for them. Speaking of the devil, I haven't seen Norman anywhere around. He was obviously plotting something. I just did not know what. I had to stay vigilant. Norman was capable of absolutely anything.

"Attention, my dear guests!" I heard Norman´s voice talking to congratulate Harry on his birthday! Harry, m´boy! You are my dearest son and even I wasn't around to spend more time with you as you would have wanted I love You! You make me proud every day! You are proving yourself to be an Osborn! I wish you great success in life, my son!"

Everybody clapped in awe at Norman´s speech saying how much of a great father he is.

"Now it is time for the presents!"

Everybody fell in line and gave Harry their presents. He received an expensive watch from Roy Robinson, a football from Flash Thompson with which he used to bully me at The Midtown High, a sweater from his girlfriend Maddie Pryor, etc. I was the only one that hadn't brought any presents. Me and Harry are not friends and we do not like each other so I owe him nothing. I really do not like these upper-class rich assholes. If it were up to me I wouldn't come into this lame party in the first place. I just wanted to know what Norman was up to. He knew my secret identity after all.

"Alas, the final present!" said Norman as he was holding a small wrapped parcell in his hands. I suddenly felt my spider-sense tingling like crazy. It was that present. I saw Harry unwrapping it and revealing what was inside. It revealed what was inside-an average metallic ball. It was one of the pumpkin bombs Norman had in his deadly arsenal.

"Harry! Put that down! Now!" I called after him to save his life.

"What are you tal..."

Suddenly a huge explosion happened in the Osborn living room and panic soon erupted. There was fire and smoke everywhere. I had to do something to save all these people.

"Harry! Get all of these people out of the house! I´ll go find Norman!"

"What-what are you..."


I ran across the halls to find Norman. He would not get away with this. He tried to blow his own son in front of everybody. I should have known that when he is The Green Goblin he does not care about anyone but himself. I had to find him and put him away fast before he would do any more damage.

"Is that Itsy-Bitsy Spider coming to play? Hahahahahahahahaha!"

From the smoke emerged Norman hovering on his Goblin Glider laughing like a maniac.


Norman rushed at me with full speed trying to kill me. I jumped out of the way. I quickly changed into my Spiderman costume and hid my civilian clothes.

"Enjoying the rodeo yet, Spiderman?"

"I assure you, Parker, i tis going to get even warmer in here!" Norman picked more pumpkin bombs and threw them all over the place causing the half of the building to collapse.

"Were you really going to do this? Killing your own son in front of all of those people? I was wrong about you, Norman! You are beyond crazy!"

"Hah! My son! That stupid piece of good-for-nothing moron! He is too much like his mother! He is a disappointment to me and to the family! I should have blown his head off when I had the chance! I´m going to remedy that!"

I jumped at Osborn, trying to keep him away from the people as long as I could. I could not let innocents die from the pleasure of a madman. We exchanged blows and grappled with each other. Norman was insanely strong. That Goblin Serum gave him incredible strength. I could barely hold him off. However, Norman managed to overpower me with his headbutt. Suddenly I was gassed by his Goblin glass which rendered me powerless.

"Sweet landing, Spiderman! Hahahahahaha!"

I did fall on a concrete pavement which most likely gave me a concussion. I tried to use all of my strength to stand up. But it was to no avail as he stomped me to the ground with his foot.

"Now I will show you what fate awaits every hero!"

"Leave Spidey alone, creep!"

I looked up and I saw Flash Thompson standing before The Green Goblin. He was holding a baseball bat in his hands.

"And who are you supposed to be? One of Spider-Man's followers?"

"Hellz yeah! Spidey is the best!"

I couldn't believe my ears. Flash Thompson, of all people, stood bravely before The Green Goblin trying to save a man he hates. He was aware that The Goblin was dangerous yet he decided to stick his neck out for me.

"Then you are a fool!" said Osborn with a disappointed tone in his voice.

"Maybe I am but this is the only way I can make some difference in this world! All my life I had been a moronic bully who preyed on the people weaker than me because I wanted to feel respected by everybody around me! Now I realize what an idiot I have been. Saving Spidey's life is the least I can do to make up for all the wrong choices in life. It may not work but it will be worth it!"

I could feel the anger Norman felt at that moment. Anger for other people sticking their

necks out for me as well as their defiance towards him. I was never more proud of my childhood bully than what I was at that moment.

"Do you really think you will make any difference here? Look at you! You are nothing! You have no means of stopping me, boy! Spiderman is the only one who could do it and even he is lying on the pavement at my mercy! What possible chance do you have against me, kid?"

Flash smirked under his nose and confidently replied that he cannot defeat him on his own. The talk was just a distraction he made in order for me to recover. And that is what happened. I managed to gather my strength and then kick The Goblin from behind. I thanked Flash for his help to which Flash gave a friendly nod. Suddenly my Spider-Sense started tingling again as I saw Green Goblin taking out a pair of long wrist blades out of his wrists. I tried to warn Flash to jump out of the way but it was too late. Norman furiously slashed him several times with his wrist blades like a furious cat.

"You dumb little shit!" Norman screamed at Flash after viciously slashing him.

"I will make you pay for that! Do you hear me, you useless little freak?"

"NO!" I furiously screamed and jumped at Norman. I viciously started hitting him repeatedly to make him pay for what he had done to Flash and so many people around here. I wanted to kill Norman right there. I wanted to kill him so that nobody could die anymore. After seeing Norman unconscious I hurried to see Flash. He was bleeding all over the place. The wounds inflicted by The Goblin were really deep and there was no way of stopping the blood flowing out of his body.

"Flash, buddy, are you okay?" Flash was barely moving. He slowly turned his head to me.

"S-Spidey! Please...protect...them!"

"Hold on, Flash! I´ll get help!"

"N-No! Spidey...p.pro-tect my buddies! Please..." said Flash before he gave his final breath. I could not believe it. Flash was dead. He died in my arms...killed by The Green Goblin in the most brutal way possible. "I promise you this, Flash. I will avenge you. I will protect everyone. I will kill Norman for this. You have my word, buddy."

I felt a huge rage inside me. I felt like I was about to explode any second. Flash did not deserve to die. He did not deserve to be brutally slaughtered by The Goblin. No, he didn´t. Maybe he was a bully once but now he showed more courage and heroism than anybody. Including me. He sacrificed himself so I could live. I promise you that you didn't die in vain. I will find Norman and I´m going to kill him.

"Hahahahahaha! What's the matter, Spiderman? You do not want to play anymore?"

Full of hate I jumped on Norman´s glider with every intention of tearing it down. He will not escape me after what he just did, I said to myself. I had to keep my hate for Norman fresh if I wanted to kill him. I had to take the fight outside the public so no other people could be harmed.

"What are you doing, Parker? Release me this instant!"

"I am going to do something I should have done back in your creepy warehouse, Osborn!"

"No! You cannot do this to me!"

"Watch me, Normie!" I took one of his bombs and stuck it under his glider. I jumped away before it detonated. Norman landed on the nearby rooftop still alive.

"Norman?" I approached him with the intention of ending him.

"You little freak! How dare you oppose me? Imagine what we could accomplish together! I was offering you the entire world!"

I just stared at him with a disgusted look on my face. I told him I did not want his world in which the innocent people suffer under the thumb of the likes of him.

"You! You, Parker, were the son I always wanted to have! Resourceful, self-sufficient,

hard-working and ambitious! Everything my failure of the son, Harry, would never be! I did not build my empire just to see it crumble into nothing! I groomed you with the hopes that one day would take over my place as the head of Oscorp as well as the mantle of The Green Goblin! We could have been one big happy family!"

"You twisted sense of family has caused the life of an innocent man tonight, Norman! If this is your idea of a family then I do not want to have anything to do with it! You are done, Osborn!"

"Don´t you dare turn your back on me, boy! After everything I ́ve done for you!" said Norman even furiously. He still hoped to gain the upper hand. However, by the tone of his voice it was clear that he was left out of options.

"I am not your son, Norman. Never was and never will be. Your real son Harry almost died because of you. I think that he will be off without you too. He will be free to make his own choices and live his life on his terms. I am looking forward to seeing him choosing his own destiny."

"Why, you son of a..."

Before Norman would attack me I shot my webs at the water tank above him and, with all of my power left, I dropped it down on him. I waited for Norman to come out but nobody answered. I thought if I left Norman to die there nobody would be in danger anymore. Flash's death as well as the deaths of many people at Osborn Manor would be avenged and my secret would be safe.

However, something inside me just couldn't let it go so I decided to save Norman even though I knew I would regret it later. Norman appeared to have had a panic attack and apparently had no idea where he was. My Spider-Sense told me that he wasn't faking it and that he really had some sort of amnesia. I thought it was too good to be true. Nevertheless, I took him to a hospital where the doctors would check upon him. I was safe. Norman didn't remember anything about being The Green Goblin nor the fact that Peter Parker was Spiderman. I was relieved.

December 6th, 2005

It has been several weeks since my climactic battle with The Green Goblin and Norman is well taken good care of in the hospital. I really do not know which one. New York is a huge city after all. Ever since Norman lost his memories Harry became more and more depressed as he was worried for his father´s wellbeing. However, Harry does not know that Norman is a supervillain who murdered Flash Thompson and countless others and who doesn't care about him at all.

Even if I told Harry he wouldn't have been behind me anyway. Harry and I are on good terms now. He believes that I saved his father from the clutches of The Green Goblin. He is thus eternally grateful for it and he even apologized to me about The Halloween Party. At least something went well for a change. However, I still cannot shake the possibility that Norman can remember at any moment and go after me and my loved ones. I should have Norman arrested so he cannot hurt anyone else ever again. But this will ruin Harry for sure. I really am in a moral dilemma and I do not know what to do.

Back on campus I received an anonymous letter on my address as I heard from a local janitor. I wondered who would send me a letter. Was it Aunt May, Harry? I took the letter to my room and read it.

„Meet me in a cafeteria at 7 PM."


I wondered what it was about. Was it some sort of trick or an attempt to blackmail me or

something? Nevertheless, I went to check it out. I arrived at the place and looked around it. After a few minutes I saw a woman with short red hair and dark shades raising a drink to me at the corner of the cafeteria. I automatically recognized her. It was Natasha Romanoff aka The Black Widow.

„Hello, Peter." She said calmly as I was surprised what she was doing here. I sat beside

her without causing any disturbance. She told me that she heard about my recent encounter with Norman Osborn and gave me her condolences regarding Flash Thompson. She told me that The Green Goblin was a huge pain in the ass for The Avengers and catching him was almost impossible. I felt kinda flattered that a legit Avenger thanked me for something. Then she informed me that The Avengers will be out of town and will be dealing with some insurgencies in Wakanda apparently. Thus, they will be unreachable for me in New York. I also told her about my dilemma about The Green Goblin being my schoolmate´s father and that I do not know what I should do.

"Kid, I cannot tell you what to do. If you really believe that Osborn needs to be brought to justice then do it. Follow your own gut. We all make choices and then we have to live with the consequences of these choices."

I thanked her for the advice before we went packing. I knew exactly what to do. I called an anonymous tip on Norman to the NYPD and they started investigating him. I heard that the cops stormed Norman´s mansion and found a lot of Goblin gear, suits, and the weapons. It was considered the second massive raid since the raid of Neverland Ranch. It was all over the headlines of the major newspaper companies. Norman was found guilty of the crimes as The Green Goblin and was sentenced to 25 years in prison at Rikers Island. I felt kinda relieved by knowing that all my loved ones were safe from him. However, I felt bad for Harry who did not take this news very well. He also started using some drugs to cope with the depression.

December 17th, 2005

While daydreaming at The Central Park, I was approached by Betty Brant who needed comfort after the whole Goblin incident at Osborn Manor. The death of Flash and Harry´s fall into depression really messes her up. Apparently, this made her look back at her life and realize how helpless humanity is in face of such an evil force that was The Green Goblin. She was also grateful for Spiderman that he stopped the villain and saved as many people in Osborn Manor as possible. Then she emotionally broke down in front of me as I comforted her. She was grateful to me for helping Spiderman save them all including Norman, who did not deserve to be rescued in my opinion.

"I thought that Norman was held hostage by The Green Goblin and that is why I rescued him,"

I was lying like a total jackass in order to hide my double life from people I care about.

"I was shocked as you are when I heard that Norman was the villainous Green Goblin all this time." Betty replied that she wasn´t blaming me for this at all. She said that I did what I thought was right. In a certain way I thought that myself too.

Suddenly, Betty asked me to come with her to the upcoming Lestat musical that will premiere on Broadway in an upcoming week or two. It was a theater adaptation of the novel Vampire Lestat written by Anne Rice back in the 80s. As a child I watched The Interview with a Vampire in the cinema and I liked the movie. I was curious how the performance would go on as well as I wanted to feel a small measure of happiness as a normal person. In the end I agreed to accompany her. She hugged me a little bit before pulling back blushing.

"I'll be there. I promise." I said to her before we went our separate ways. I felt kinda relieved. After all the crap I have to take from people it felt good to know that I matter to at least someone.

After the death of uncle Ben three years ago I felt an unending void in my soul. It was Norman who temporarily filled this void. I have to admit that Norman was like a father to me. He believed in me when no one else did and encouraged me to become my best self. In lots of ways he was like my uncle Ben. The realization that Norman was actually evil struck me hard. What hurt me more than that was the fact that I will never find anybody who would fill the void after uncle Ben died. I mean aunt May is always there for me and The Avengers are fine but without my uncle Ben my life will never be the same. Knowing that really makes my heart grow sick. However, with my spider powers I can make sure that nobody will lose their uncle Bens like me. With this I can honor his memory and make a difference in this world. With great power there must also come great responsibility and my responsibility is to help the people around me both as Peter Parker and as Spiderman.