
Spiderman:Deal with the devil.

Reincarnate in Marvel as Peter Parker. .................... I was also given for making a Spiderman fanfic, it's always great. ....................... It's my first novel, so maybe I get a bit confused, as well as the grammar. the image is not mine, if you want to change it let me know. I don't own any personage, they all belong to Marvel.

Key_001 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

I think I saw a Familiar Face.

"I thought this Spiderman was wearing different color" said the spider woman, after seeing Peter's suit.

It was when Peter remembered that his suit did not look like the classic one, but that was a drawback of the past. Hitting his badge, Peter's suit changed its colors.

With a few quick adjustments, Peter's suit changed its appearance, it was best to go unnoticed. So an official change. Peter's current suit was the Spiderman PS4 suit, it was great and a good way to avoid confusion with the Spiderman of this world, who used a more classic style. But without creating the identity of a new Spiderman in New York.

"That was great" the girl couldn't help but exclaim after seeing the change.

"Yeah, that's great, goodbye to the days of talc to avoid irritations thanks to the material. Not counting how comfortable it is" Peter replied as he compared it to spandex.

"Well, I guess, I just hope that's not the only thing that suits does" replied the young woman.

"He does other things, but I don't want our first conversation to be about my suit" Peter replied remembering his situation.

Now with doubts, the young spider woman seems to have found someone quite peculiar, "although I wanted to continue that talk, I think the first thing would be to get some information, if you are not the Spiderman of this world, I suppose that you and I have a quite similar situation "

Peter realized that the conversation was going nowhere, "You're right, but I guess introductions come first", Peter already knew whom he was talking to, and hiding his identity in a world that already has a Spiderman makes no sense. The best thing was to gain the confidence of his new spider friend to get out of that situation as soon as possible.

"My name is Peter ...." Cutting off her introduction, the young woman took a step back as her hands began to shake.

"What? Don't tell me, something happened to my handsome face, ..." With some panic, Peter began to touch his face in search of any deformation or injury from his trip.

Without even feeling anything, Peter was surprised with a big hug.

"I'm sorry ..." In a weak voice, the young woman tried to apologize for Peter, reminding Peter of the Spider-Gwen story.

It was a bit of an awkward situation, but he stayed calm until the girl calmed down.

"I ... sorry, sorry if I scared you" apologizing, the spider woman took a step back, while putting her arms behind her back.

"Easy, I usually generate that type of reaction in the ladies" with a more relaxed atmosphere, Peter wanting to continue with the presentations. Since the little comment managed to relax the arachnid girl a bit.

"As I was saying, I am Peter Parker, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and since the last 3 years I have been the one and only amazing Spiderman, although at the beginning it was quite confusing since with twelve years it was difficult for them to take me seriously, Returning to the topic, I don't have much to say, my world is quite calm, global warming is the real villain, it's getting hotter every day, and I think that's all, ..... and besides, I have no idea how to get there here "Peter wouldn't tell the truth, so he said the first thing that came to mind.

"Quite a strange presentation, but now I think it's my turn" taking off her mask. a beautiful blonde-haired woman was shown. And the spider woman put on an expression as if she expected some response from Peter.

The seconds passed, and Peter's stomach broke the silence, "I'm sorry about that, but I haven't eaten yet."

"That's all you have to say? In my world we were best friends, I thought you would have an emotional moment or something like that, so I wouldn't be so ashamed of what I did just now" the spider woman didn't expect that Peter didn't have any kind of reaction.

"Oh, that, sorry, I saw you in the afternoon. But you and my Gwen have such different vibes. Starting with that piercing and your haircut. I'm not saying I don't like it. But it's not very difficult for me to see. the difference "the Gwen in front of Peter had a wild vibe, very different from the studious Gwen, with whom Peter has yet to share a coffee.

"I guess I thought too much" Gwen passed the initial shock, and she began to relax a bit more. And it helped that although the faces were similar, Gwen also noticed the clear differences with her Peter. But that didn't make her feel better.

Feeling a slight pressure on her back, Gwen saw Peter trying to comfort her with a light slap, "Don't worry, if it makes you feel better, I discovered that in this world my version is blonde, you can imagine, Peter Parker is not blonde, a man over 20 shouldn't have that hair color, although I have to say that Captain America doesn't look bad at all "

Gwen watched Peter carefully and then spoke, "You're weird, you know that?" Although Gwen said those words, there was still a slight smile.

"As a person who sways wearing a suit that leaves little to the imagination you should have good resistance to the weird, also I think the weird is more interesting, although I have to admit that my mouth got me into more than one problem" Peter answered.

The earlier worry and embarrassment began to fade, and Gwen realized that this Peter was quite easy to talk to, much easier than the Peter of her world.

But the conversation did not continue, clarifying her voice, Gwen began again. It was time for her to introduce herself.

Taking a deep breath, Gwen turned to Peter. "I'll start over, my name is Gwen Stacy, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and since the last two years, I was the only original Spider-Woman, and you should know the rest as Spiderman, join a band, save my father's life, and I ..... I couldn't save my best friend's life "Gwen got quite melancholic when she got to that part, but she continued," but keep saving everyone else, besides….. I also preferred not to have friends to no longer have distractions, and everything was going relatively well, but one day something very strange happened, and strangely it falls short since I ended up falling into a New York that was not the one I was used to. "Gwen said remembering everything she saw.

That was quite interesting for Peter, "Gwen, you can specify what brought you here, in my case I was sleeping so I don't quite remember it"

"I'm not sure, a hole appeared that brought me here by force, and I'm not sure how to explain what I saw, since when I reacted it was already here" Gwen replied.

"This doesn't make sense, something is missing," Peter said as he started walking in circles. He tried to sort the puzzle, but this situation made no sense.

Gwen didn't say anything, it wasn't the first time she'd seen a Peter rambling and talking to himself.

Peter was not aware of this event, as he only had some knowledge of the movies and some Marvel comics, so it was time to use his intelligence. And while it sounded redundant, the lack of evidence gave Peter a clue.

Gwen was about to take out her phone to listen to some music when Peter approached, "I think I have a theory, in this world, someone will play with the continuity of space and time, but since there is no trace of that event, it means that still It didn't happen, and the only way to know what happened is because we are here, meaning that soon something will happen that brought us here "said Peter, it was still a theory since there was no news about a strange event of a dimensional level in the newspaper. So either it was well hidden, or it still hasn't happened.

Gwen thought about it, "so what do we do, do we prevent that from happening?" Gwen's sense of hero kicked in, and avoiding any mishap was her priority

"Unfortunately we can't do anything" was Peter's reply.

That infuriated Gwen, "Are you saying to just sit around when something that could threaten our dimensions happens right under our noses?"

"Easy, I did not say that what I said is that whatever brought us here has to happen, because if we avoid it we would be creating a paradox, because if that event never happens, then we would not come to this place, and if that happens then a loop would be created, where that event will happen because we never get to this dimension ", with patience, Peter managed to calm Gwen.

"That…... That sounds complicated, but if you know that much then you must have a plan right?" Gwen asked.

"Maybe, assuming I'm right, but the first thing we have to do is collect information, and try not to change anything, or maybe we've already changed something, and that was already considered, maybe we'll do what we do has already happened, so no ...…. "

"Enough .... Thinking too much won't get us anywhere, if you have any plans say so" Gwen said to Peter as she pointed her finger at him.

Peter's mind cleared, Valeria would be good in these kinds of situations. But since the little blonde is not available. It was time to improvise a bit.

"You've got me there, let's eat first, and let me think a bit. Maybe a direct approach could help us on this, but let's take it easy, after a meal everything could improve" regaining his usual false optimism, Peter decided to act calmly.

So Peter turned to Gwen, "So you can accompany me to a fancy dinner to eat at the dollar dog?"

On Gwen's side, she was surprised because it was what she was thinking "Are you kidding me? No one ever wanted to accompany me, I always say that they should first try it before judging it"

Taking it as a confirmation, Peter decided the course, but there was still another problem. "By any chance, you don't have money, do you?"

Remembering that little detail Gwen replied "Nothing, I always suffer to make ends meet, and if it weren't for saving the person from the hot dog cart, I would starve during the day, and I think maybe I said too much" regretting a bit, Gwen talked about more.

"Don't worry, you shouldn't be ashamed, we are separated by one or several dimensions of distance, I would also recommend you if you have something to confess I'm the ideal person" said Peter casually.

Gwen felt Peter's good intentions, but talking to someone with the face of her best friend was very strange for Gwen "I will refrain, but if you are willing to reveal something, I would not mind telling you something"

Peter's eyebrow shot up, the idea of ​​talking to someone sounded liberating, but it was only a passing thought, "Nothing comes to mind at the moment, but I suppose anything can happen"

Gwen had a little hunch, she could see something in Peter's eyes, but that feeling was still too vague, but it was already something on Gwen's list for now, "so do you have a plan to get the money?" If Gwen were alone, she would do the usual, hit some thieves, and in the end, she would get a small heroic quota.

"I have several options, but not very heroic, so I will recommend getting jobs" but the option did not seem to convince Gwen at all.

"Really? For some reason you gave me the impression that you didn't follow the rules," Gwen said her honest opinion.

"Although I would love to fake some fake pain, your eyes are quite sharp so I'll be blunt, I was planning on looking for some gang of gangsters, and after donating a fairly acceptable amount to charity, I would keep the rest of the money" Peter no hid too much.

"Charity? Seriously" was the first thing that came out of Gwen's mouth.

Peter had a really good joke about a stripper named Charity, but he kept it to himself, "Okay, let's find a thief and steal his wallet, I think that would be the greatest act of poetic justice, what do you say?"

Gwen was not satisfied, although she did it in the past, saying it out loud sounded pretty bad, but it was the best option at the moment, "Okay, but just once, tomorrow we will look for a better way to get money, we agree?"

Peter had already planned to upset his "me" of this world, so he had no complaints.

"It's fine by me, but something tells me that you work better alone, so because we don't divide for the moment, and we'll be back in an hour, we have to be quick, we need clothes and a place to stay"

Gwen thought of Peter's option, and she readily agreed, "So let's hurry, I'm starving"

With all said, Gwen put her mask back on to leave, but not without giving one last look at Peter, who was watching her as she walked away. Gwen was quick, she didn't want Peter to look at her right now, turning her friend's face hit her, and it was hard for her to bear it. Especially since she found out that Peter also had spider-powers, she could already imagine that his situation could be similar to her. But burying any thoughts, Gwen jumped as she swung through the buildings of New York.

Even on the roof of the building, Pete saw Gwen's silhouette get smaller with each passing second, he saw Gwen's internal conflict, but it was best not to comment on it for now. The two of them would grow apart anyway when they return to their universes. So Peter put on his mask as well as he headed to a phone booth. "Can I find one?"

Another chapter arrived.

So I also take the opportunity to answer some questions.

The symbiote is in Peter's blood, and he will only use it when necessary. or when he is experimenting to get stronger. and I think that was it.

Also don't forget to bribe me with Power Stones to keep me motivated.

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