
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

ChronosXx · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 5: School Life

[1 week later...]

Inside a six-story apartment building nestled in Queens, New York, a middle-aged couple stood outside one of the rooms, a sense of hesitation evident in their fidgeting movements. Before them, a closed door loomed, creating a moment of uncertainty as they debated whether to knock or proceed further.

Concerning the destination of that door, it inevitably led to Barry Parker's room. Having tragically lost his parents in his formative years, Barry succumbed to a deep sense of melancholy, choosing to seclude himself within the confines of his solitary space.

While he would occasionally venture out to dine, he unfailingly returned to his abode once he had concluded his meal, and this routine persisted for a week.

Fortunately, Barry's school granted him a week off without any repercussions on his grades, but that changed as of today.

The moment had arrived for Barry to return to school. Regrettably, he had yet to emerge from his room, causing concern for the couple who, feeling apprehensive of a potential incident, knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock!

The couple lingered in anticipation of a response, but all that greeted them was an unsettling silence, intensifying their growing worry for Barry.

"Barry? Are you there?"

The middle-aged man knocked once more, a sense of urgency in his actions, while his wife wore an anxious expression. Abruptly, the door swung open, revealing a familiar boy who stepped out, dispelling some of the tension in the air.


The couple, anticipating to encounter a somber Barry, were taken aback to discover the young boy wearing a smile—an unusual sight compared to his usual demeanor.

It was a week ago, they were apprised of Barry's plight and decided to take him under their wing. The boy had been grappling with depression, and in that time, they hadn't witnessed a single smile or laugh until today, elucidating the astonishment etched across their faces.

"Barry... are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Aunt May and Uncle Ben"

Barry offered a warm smile to the couple, attempting to reassure them, but the frowns on their faces persisted, as they remained unconvinced that he was truly fine.

"Barry, there's no need to force yourself to smile. It's okay to be sad"


"Don't bottle up your feelings and let them out"


"If you need someone to talk to, we'll be there for you"

Uncle Ben knelt down and gently smiled, patting Barry's shoulder as he felt his heart warmed by their genuine concern and care.

"I'm really fine, I promise"


Uncle Ben narrowed his eyes, carefully scrutinizing Barry for any signs of deception. After a moment of contemplation, he shook his head and chose to place his trust in the boy.

"I understand... but don't forget, we'll be here when you need us"

Barry responded with a smile and a nod, expressing his gratitude with a heartfelt embrace for both of them. As he dashed out of the apartment, a piece of toasted bread in his mouth while the couple watched him disappear into the distance, a mix of relief and concern lingering in the air.

"He'll be fine, May"

"I hope so..."


Midtown Elementary School...

In the bustling school hallway, a solitary boy drew the attention of passing students, who cast curious glances and observed him intently, making way for his presence.

Naturally, it was Barry who found himself under the scrutinizing gaze of his peers. He discerned a myriad of emotions reflected in their eyes—mockery, disdain, pity, amusement, and curiosity—as he navigated the crowded hallway.

The hushed murmurs and whispers of his peers reached Barry's ears with unmistakable clarity, leaving no room for doubt that they were openly discussing him, their words cutting through the air as if they made no attempt to conceal their conversations at all.

"Is that him?"

"Did you hear? I heard his dad killed his mom"

"Will he become a murderer as well"

"How sad... he doesn't have any parents anymore"

Although frustration surged within Barry, he managed to conceal it beneath a composed exterior. Determined to disregard the audible whispers, he endured the internal turmoil, steadfast in not letting it show on his face.

It wasn't long before he arrived at his classroom and upon entering, a sudden hush enveloped the room, and the majority of his classmates directed their gazes towards Barry, their curiosity palpable in the now still atmosphere.


Sensing the discomfort of the collective gaze, Barry compelled himself to overlook the stares and took a seat at his assigned desk, attempting to divert his attention away from the unsettling scrutiny.

Despite Barry's attempt to normalize the situation, an uneasy quiet persisted in the room, and no one seemed inclined to take the initiative to break the stifling silence.

To Barry's surprise, even Flash Thompson, known for his outspoken nature, remained silent. The absence of the usual mocking or taunting from Flash caught Barry off guard, suggesting that perhaps there was still a trace of conscience within him.

Just as Barry began to feel as though the silence would linger indefinitely, a particular chubby kid entered the room, instantly shattering the oppressive atmosphere.


As Ned entered the classroom, his gaze immediately fixed upon Barry, and he hurriedly approached with a look of concern in his eyes.

"I haven't heard from you in days, dude"


"I heard about what happened... are you okay?"

Hearing Ned's concern for him, Barry couldn't suppress a smile and responded with a nod, reassuring him that he was fine.


Ned reciprocated the nod, but beneath the surface, a lingering worry persisted. He couldn't shake the feeling that Barry must still be grappling with the emotional fallout from recent events, despite Barry's attempts to convey otherwise.

And Barry, having shared years of friendship with Ned, sensed the unspoken concern in his friend's eyes. However, recognizing that his words might be misunderstood, he refrained from commenting, understanding that silence spoke volumes at times.

At that very moment, a tall kid suddenly entered with an ominous demeanor, and upon spotting Barry, a derisive expression crossed his face, forming a mocking look that hung in the air.

"If it isn't the nerdy duo"


Ned, catching sight of the intimidating newcomer, couldn't hide his fear, his expression transforming into one of apprehension.

Barry, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows in a frown, his countenance reflecting a mix of concern and annoyance.

The presence of the imposing figure made an unsettling ripple through the room, leaving an atmosphere of discomfort that extended to several students who now felt uneasy and afraid.

Their unease was entirely justified, given that the intimidating newcomer was none other than Tony Woodward, a genuine bully. In stark contrast to Flash's penchant for mockery, Tony was known for not hesitating to resort to violence.

"Yo, I heard about what happened... too bad for your mom though but I guess your shit of a dad must've hated her a lot"


"Well, I wasn't really surprised..."


"I've always known that your family was a wacko anyway, sooner or later it was bound to happen, right? Hahaha"

Barry shot Tony a hateful glare, his fists clenched so tightly that his nails bit into his skin, causing a few droplets of blood to drip down in a silent display of his simmering anger.

"What!? You got a problem, Parker?"

For the first time, Barry was genuinely angry as he stood up, surprising Ned beside him, and faced Tony without a trace of fear, prompting a visible vein to pop on Tony's forehead in response to the unexpected challenge.

"Oh? Parker got some balls now, huh"

Witnessing Barry's unwavering resolve and continued glare, Tony felt a sting to his pride, intensifying his menacing glare in response, as a silent battle of wills unfolded between the two.

"What, gonna murder me, Parker?"

Barry nearly agreed but forcefully suppressed the words that hovered on the tip of his tongue, recognizing that giving in to the impulse to answer would only escalate his already precarious situation.

In a sudden moment, a cute dark-skinned girl inadvertently passed Tony, and without realizing it, she positioned herself in front of Barry, fixing a stern glare upon Tony.

"Tony, that's enough!"

The unexpected arrival of the girl surprised both Barry and Tony initially, but their astonishment subsided as they recognized her. The brief tension in the air eased as they realized her identity.

It was Iris West, the class president of Barry's classroom.

And speaking about her name, Barry couldn't shake the recollection of the officer he had encountered a week ago. A curious thought lingered in his mind, pondering whether there might be any connection between the two individuals.

"That's right. I think you've already had enough fun, isn't that right, Tony?"

In an unexpected turn, another student walked past Tony and positioned themselves next to Iris. However, this time, a frown creased on Tony's face upon identifying the individual involved.


Harry Osborn, the vice-president of Barry's class and one of the students in this school whom Tony was afraid to mess with.

"Hmph... this isn't over, Parker"

Tony instantly backed down and clicked his tongue in annoyance upon facing Harry and left but not before flashing a glare in Barry's direction.

Once Tony departed, Iris turned her gaze back to Barry, offering him a reassuring nod before proceeding to her own seat, leaving a subtle but supportive connection in her wake.

And regarding Harry, Barry discerned his admiring gaze directed at Iris's departing figure. Immediately recognizing Harry's affection for her, he internally extended a silent wish of luck for him, hoping for his success in matters of the heart.

"Good luck"

"...uh, thanks?"

Perplexed by Barry's cryptic words, Harry initially felt confused, but he quickly brushed it off. In the next moment, he patted Barry's shoulder and fixed him with a serious expression, indicating a desire for a more profound conversation.

"If Tony comes at you, tell me... I'll be there"

Barry nodded appreciatively, a smile playing on his lips as he watched Harry chase after Iris's back. Gratitude swelled within him for the presence of such supportive individuals, and couldn't help but feel fortunate to have good people around him.

Life is like a lemon... it's bitter.

ChronosXxcreators' thoughts