
Speeding Through Shadows: A Flash of Rebirth

this is a fandic about a normal guy from earth getting reincarnated into the flash wc TV show as a 19 year old who looks only similar to his old self.

Charlotte_Mage · TV
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Fruitful day

It had been three days since the completion of the cyber security app, and the response from users was overwhelming. The standout feature, revealing every app tracking or selling user information and its location, resonated with privacy advocates. Soon, emails flooded my inbox, with companies desperately requesting the removal of this intrusive feature. Rather than complying, I decided to post about it on my official cyber security Twitter account.

The move sparked a surge of attention. Users praised the transparency, while companies criticised the potential impact on their lucrative practices. It became a digital battleground, and I found myself in the midst of a virtual crusade.

As my online presence grew, so did the popularity of my app as people were seeing it as a way to feel in control of their online presence. I decided now that i would now try to fulfil a certain dream i had even to this day which would be, being able to just pick up random brocken tech and their being able to immediately fix it or even improve or make something entirely different from it and with that thought in mind i decided to delve into the intricacies of robotics, circuitry, and engineering. These were the building blocks of the technological landscape, and acquiring expertise in these areas could open up new possibilities.

The next few days were a blend of online courses, practical experiments, and late-night readings. Concepts that once seemed alien slowly morphed into a comprehensible language. With each passing lesson, I felt a surge of accomplishment.

[Ding! Robotics Lv1, Circuitry Lv1, Engineering Lv1 acquired]

The newfound skills added a layer of depth to my understanding of technology. It was time to put theory into practice. A trip to the local junkyard, a treasure trove of discarded electronic relics, awaited me.

As i was pursuing through the junk yard i spotted many old and broken things and i saw something that caught my eyes it was a 1973 black dodge challenger that seemed to be wasting away with missing tires and a burnt hood as well as no seats or anything but i think when i get so more money i'm coming back for this baby. After telling the owner of the junkyard to keep it for me when I have enough money for it.

Going back to the junkyard the air in the was thick with nostalgia and the scent of ageing metal. I scavenged through piles of forgotten gadgets, collecting a motley assortment of old PC parts and a box filled with abandoned phones. It was a digital graveyard, and I aimed to resurrect these discarded remnants.

Once back home, I meticulously examined each component. My goal was to breathe life into the discarded phones, transforming them into a cohesive unit. As I began the delicate process of assembling a functional device, my skills responded to the hands-on experience.

A very interesting thing I had discovered was that when actually using the skill I had the levelling speed would almost triple from hands-on experience.

[Ding! Robotics Lv2 -> Lv3, Circuitry Lv2 -> Lv3, Engineering Lv2 -> Lv3]

The devices, once condemned to oblivion, hummed with new life. Inspired by their revival, I envisioned a practical application for these repurposed gadgets. A rudimentary camera system for my apartment emerged as the initial concept.

Drawing on my programming expertise, I linked the phone cameras to a makeshift circuit board. The subtle dance of wires took shape under my careful hands. The next step was to code what I wanted the circuit board to do as well as to develop an app that allowed remote access to the cameras and incorporated a basic motion detection system.

The coding process flowed smoothly, each line of code a brushstroke on the canvas of my digital creation. The initial version of the app materialised, and as I completed the project, a sense of accomplishment surged through me.

[Ding! Programming Lv5 -> Lv6]

Satisfied with the progress, I installed the cameras strategically within my apartment. Testing the system revealed a seamless integration of hardware and software. The cameras transmitted live feeds to my phone, and the motion detection system functioned flawlessly.

A thought sparked in my mind. I was very proud of what I had managed to accomplish on this day since this had been a dream of mine for the longest of times and I was just getting started.

My next step was to try something that had me on the edge for a while now as it could be a game changer in this early stage of my life here. Drawing on my lightning manipulation, I looked into my self trying to grasp at something harnessing my bio-electricity i managed to make it dance through my fingers different from before as this electric surge came from myself and not a socket or anything, it was mine and with it i wanted to achieve amazing things through it. With my Lightning control up to Lv5 I sent my bio-electric current throughout my body building as much as i could before i decisively started using Dark matter manipulation to fuse my body with my bio electricity and as i did so i felt a surge of power flowing through me.

[Ding! Bioelectric Enhancement Lv1 acquired, Lightning Resistance Lv1 acquired]

The experiment was a success and it felt exhilarating, and for a brief moment, I felt a surge of speed. Eager to explore this newfound power, I attempted a sprint across the apartment. However, my excitement got the better of me, and I collided with the closet, stumbling and causing a feeling of numbness to flow through my knee.

The mishap, however, led to an unexpected discovery. As I applied my bio-electric enhancement to the injured knee, a rapid healing process unfolded.

[Ding! Quick Healing Lv1 acquired]

The experience granted me a new skill—quick healing.

Intrigued by the potential of this ability, I contemplated its applications. It was a fragment of the Flash's speed healing, but with practice, it could prove to be very helpful.

With that out of the way I realised the effects of my new enhancement skill although very powerful it has limitations unlike the flashes as he draws power from the speed force. As this primarily uses the energy produced by my body i have limited uses to this ability as my body doesn't have the necessary energy to produce endless bio electricity and another limitation would be i don't have the inherent resistance to my own lightning and i also imaging i dont have the necessary resistance for air resistance but i should be able to get a skill like that when i run properly like my newly acquired lightning resistance skill. And another thing i'm incredibly hungry as it would seem that my calories were burnt away as well so i'm going to need to eat a lot more than before. At least I don't have to worry about my weight.

Another Thing is that i know that the speed force is made of a cosmic energy with the concepts of movement and velocity as well has positive tachyons and dark matter mixed in there and i only have the dark matter part and my skills are making a big clutch as it partial does what the speed force would do but without the concepts of movement and velocity i doubt i would be able to run as fast as Barry and i estimate that i could go at 500 miles an hour the most unless i get another skill to substitute my lack of bioelectricity and that's pushing it as the energy i would produce would start to burn me but when the resistance is raised then i could keep it consistent. And I don't think I will be travelling in time anytime soon without the concept of movement or at least a space related skill.

Even with all the limitations I was still filled With excitement coursing through my veins, I decided to celebrate my newfound skills with a hearty meal as I needed to get a massive calorie intake so that I would be able to run that fast in the future plus I was mega hungry.

With my newfound speed I had the idea of going to a casino as it would be a good way for me to get some more funds and with my abilities I was sure to get a good outcome. With my remaining funds, I decided to venture into the nightlife of Central City.

The night beckoned, filled with the promise of excitement. I found myself drawn to the luminous charm of the city's casinos, eager to explore the synergy of my newfound skills. The journey was as thrilling as my experiments with technology.

As I ran through the city streets, my senses heightened by the whirring breeze, I marvelled at the faint lightning trails that traced my accelerated path. It was a visual spectacle—a dance of violet and cyan behind me, marking my presence in the night.

I ran straight past the casino and just continued running. The feeling of running was exhilarating. It was amazing as i didnt even feel tired zooming around a few buildings feeling like I was travelling 300 miles an hour.

[Ding! Running Lv1, Air Resistance Lv1 acquired]

[Ding! Running Lv1 -> Lv2 -> Lv3 -> Lv4 -> Lv5]

[Ding! Air Resistance Lv1 -> Lv2 -> Lv3]

With my skills relating to running and resistance levelling up I found myself being able to run faster and with better posture even without my newfound speed I would be able to run so much faster thanks to my running skill and with less air resistance I could go even faster.

After running for another few minutes I arrived at the first casino with a blend of anticipation and confidence, I converted my remaining funds which was about 20000 dollars into chips. My target—a slot machine that promised a chance at luck. The first pull yielded no jackpot, but instead, a new skill surfaced.

[Ding! Gambling Lv1 acquired]

The subtle nuances of games of chance unfolded in my mind. The Gambling skill granted me an understanding of the intricacies of various casino games. I decided to explore further, heading to tables where seasoned players engaged in strategic battles.

Before anything i decided to use my bioelectric enhancements on my mind. 

[Ding! Accelerated thinking Lv1 acquired]

With my newfound enhanced perception and accelerated cognitive abilities, I navigated the games with finesse. The world of blackjack, poker, and roulette became a canvas for my tactical manoeuvres. Wins and losses became part of a strategic dance, my Gambling skill levelling up with each twist and turn.

[Ding! Gambling Lv1 -> Lv2]

My presence at the tables became a blend of skill and luck. Fellow gamblers observed, some with admiration, others with suspicion. My bankroll swelled, mirroring the growth of my Gambling skill. The evening wore on, punctuated by victories and the occasional calculated loss.

Flush with a substantial sum of money, a whole 70000 dollars, I decided to test my luck at other casinos scattered across the city. Each establishment presented a unique challenge, and my expertise in gambling continued to evolve.

At the second casino, I encountered stiffer competition, but my honed skills allowed me to amass a considerable fortune. The exhilaration of the chase, the thrill of the cards, and the palpable tension at the tables became my companions.

[Ding! Gambling Lv2 -> Lv3]

With my Gambling skill now at a heightened level, the games seemed to unfold predictably before my eyes. However, I was mindful not to draw too much attention to my uncanny success. As I headed to the third casino with 260000 dollars.

The stakes were higher, the bets more intense, but my skills were sharper. The third casino witnessed a triumph, a considerable win that sent shockwaves through the establishment. The moment was sweet, a culmination of strategy and fate.

[Ding! Gambling Lv3 -> Lv4]

At the peak of my Gambling skill, I decided to test my limits further with my newfound assets ending up being 1300000 dollars. The fourth casino beckoned, a realm of high-stakes games and seasoned players. As I engaged in the intricate dance of chance, I pushed the boundaries of my expertise.

[Ding! Gambling Lv4 -> Lv5]

The journey through the casinos had transformed me. From a cautious player to a strategic master, I navigated the world of gambling with a newfound confidence. The money accumulated, quietly deposited into various accounts to avoid raising suspicions.

The night reached its zenith, but my hunger for excitement remained unsated. Deciding to indulge in one final game of chance, I entered the last casino. The high-stakes tables were intimidating, yet my Gambling skill, now honed to a masters level of skill, emboldened me.

The casino became a canvas for my calculated moves. The intensity of the games reached its pinnacle, with every roll of the dice and flip of the cards echoing the mastery I had achieved.

Flushed with success, I exited the casino with haste as I could see security making its way towards me, basking in the glow of my winnings. I had made a grand total of 5.6 million Dollars. The night air felt electric, charged with the remnants of the thrill I had experienced. It was a journey that transcended mere monetary gains—a testament to the synergy of my skills and the possibilities that lay ahead.

The night air rushed past me as I sped my way back to my humble apartment, the city vibrant with energy. My heart raced, fueled by the intoxicating mix of adrenaline and triumph. The sensation of speed, the wind roaring in my ears, it all blended into a symphony of exhilaration. The grin on my face seemed permanently etched as I pushed myself further, convinced that I was breaking my own speed limits. A cascade of violet and cyan lightning trailed behind me, a testament to my newfound capabilities.

320 mph 350 mph 370 mph 420 mph 470 mph.

Excitement coursed through my veins as I raced home breaking my limits as my running skill increases in level. However I noticed my energy running out, the city lights blurring into a kaleidoscope of colours. My mind whirled with visions of endless possibilities, fueled by the intoxicating thrill of victory. The pulsating energy of Central City resonated with my own, creating a symbiotic dance of speed and elation.

With each stride, I felt an indescribable connection to the city, as if the very essence of my being resonated with the urban heartbeat. The world around me was a blur, and I revelled in the intoxicating blend of my newfound speed and the vibrant cityscape.

And then, unexpectedly, a shadow materialised beside me and then I saw orange and heard a voice "Yo, could you stop for a moment?" Startled, I jerked to the side, my senses on high alert. But in that split second of distraction, my foot found an unseen pothole.

The world spun as I tumbled through the air like a ragdoll. An instinctual fear gripped me as the ground rushed up to meet me. Pain erupted through every fibre of my being as I collided with the unforgiving pavement.

In that chaotic moment, my mind oscillated between consciousness and the void. Darkness closed in, an abyss that swallowed both the city's glow and the fading echoes of my triumph. The world slipped away, leaving only the memory of my speed and winnings and a whole lot of pain.

Then I blacked out.