
Sparkle Mystery

A detective must resolve the theft of her inheritance from her grandmother.

Texasjane · Fantasia
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9 Chs

Sparkle Mystery; Chapter 5; Down The Drain

"Molly, look what I got. Come see Honey."

"Where did you get that? I ain't never saw nothin' like that my whole life. Is it pink? Yes, I think it is a diamond. I bet that is why they were having me poop scoop that yard. They were looking for this ring."

"You think I should try it on?" Molly looks at the special sparkle. She slips it on her finger. AWE, What? Molly screams.

"I am so sorry to startle you dear, but I don't have time to do this easy. You gotta…"

Molly pulls the ring off her finger and throws it to the ground. The ring goes down the hill and into a storm drain at the end of the cross street.

"Molly, what have you done? That belongs to the police. I got my report on how we ended up with it right here. We gotta turn it in with the ring. We gotta get it out of there."

"There is something in that ring. The air turned all pink. I could feel a presence with me. That ring is haunted."

"Haunted or no, we gotta get help getting it back. I am calling the police."

"I think you should call the ghostbusters or someone like that. That is one spooky ring."

"Molly don't be daft. Get on the horn and call up that engineer with the city drain system. He will know how to get that ring out of there. I ain't going down for this. "Be a good girl and keep your cool. You don't have to ever put it back on again. Just help me get it out of that storm drain."

"Okay, chief. I will be here. I am going to see if I can spot it from the top of the opening. I will have the engineer from the parks department here by the time you get here."

"I can see it. It is laying just atop that drainpipe over there on the third ledge from the corner. See it? Nothing we got can reach that far. You got a fishing line? I bet we could get a fish line with a hook to it and just lift it off the ledge and reel it in."

"You must live in an enchanted world."

"That I do, chief, that I do. My wife Molly is half the reason and me trying to woo her a little every day is the other half. You ever been married, Chief."

"Nah. I came close once, but I can't seem to find one that will last through the first ruckus. A marriage that is too quiet is not a marriage it is an endurance contest. I want to participate. Here are the fishing poles. I sure hope this works."

"It took us hours. Even the engineer had a go at it. I am sure the city has a new project to present to the city council. Getting removable cover grids for all the storm drains. If we could have taken that grid off, we would have gotten to the ring faster."

"We got it now. I am taking this pink thing straight to the evidence room, where it belongs."

"Doctor, I am fine. I am tired that is all. I have been very busy working on a case and "

"Janie, I have been reading your profile. It seems you think that your grandmother is somehow trapped inside a ring she left you for your inheritance. Is that the jest of what all this is about? You are so overcome with the grief you have temporarily lost touch with reality. I think you need some complete rest. I am going to suggest to the chief that you be allowed to do just that. You will eventually realize that your mind is very strong. Strong enough to manufacture the delusion facing you now."

"Please do not do that to me. I will go bonkers waiting to go back to work. I promise that I will not say another word to anyone about that ring. If I stop myself from entertaining the illusion, then it will eventually go away. So, come one…. give a gal a break. Please."

"Bruce, I did not know you were here yet. The doctor has said he will let me go back to work. I was just going to leave it on your desk."

"Janie, you were going to sneak it out and read it. You come inside and wait for me…I mean for you to wait."

There he goes. Issue orders and bark at everyone. I wonder what he would look like with a mustache. Oh so, not bad at all. That baby face of his would look better with a mustache on it. Best put my fingers down. They are likely to think I am having a new delusion.

"Janie, you gotta get to your house. Your mother needs you now. I will drive you.:

"Bruce, that will not be necessary. I can take care of my own family, thank you very much. I…"

"You can take Ruddy with you."

"Okay, but do I have to have both of you? Just so you know. Your grandmother's ring is back in the evidence lock-up. It is best to leave it there until after the trial. That way …"

"I get it, Bruce."

"Janie, at least call me chief when we are around other officers. A little respect is all I ask."

"Momma, I got the word you need me to come home. What is going on? I am headed for my car now. I will be there in fifteen minutes."

"The cousins… But why? I will call Jackie and meet him there. You just stay calm.