
Chapter 2. A Familiar Event.

The summer sun cast its golden glow upon the log cabin, marking the beginning of a season filled with endless possibilities and unforgettable adventures. As I walked along the familiar path to Pilgrim, a sense of excitement tingled in the air, hinting at the extraordinary summer that awaited me.

Little did I know that fate had something remarkable in store, something that would forever alter the course of my life.

Approaching the school grounds, I noticed a group of students huddled together, their voices animated with anticipation. Curiosity stirred within me, urging me to join their midst and discover the cause of such excitement.

"Have you heard about the new student?" one of them whispered, their eyes gleaming with intrigue.

"A new student? That's so rare!" another exclaimed, clearly captivated by the news.

Rumors and speculations swirled like wildfire, fueling the collective curiosity. Who was this enigmatic transfer student, and what kind of person would they be? And, why does she looks different from us? She looks like Alfonse.

Just as I arrived, our attention was drawn to a girl gracefully stepping through the school grounds. There was a magnetic quality about her, as if she held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Her green hair cascaded down her shoulders, a striking contrast against her fair complexion.

Whispers filled the air, and the students exchanged amazed glances. She was the new student we had all been eagerly awaiting.

Caught in the web of curiosity, I found myself captivated by her presence. There was an inexplicable familiarity, as if our lives were intertwined by an invisible thread of destiny. In that moment, I knew this summer would be unlike any other.

"Hey Alfonse, curious about the new girl?" Miles jumped in front of me and asked me.

"Uhh, no! Why would I be interested to her?!" I hold both of my hands on my back.

Miles eyebrows goes up and down and stares directly to me.

Together, we discovered the joy of chasing fireflies on warm summer nights, their delicate lights guiding us through the darkness. We marveled at the splendor of the starry sky, losing ourselves in conversations about the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it held.

Yet, amidst the carefree days and laughter, there was a bittersweet undercurrent.

However, for now, we treasured every stolen moment, every shared smile, and every word exchanged between us. Time seemed to suspend, captured within the magic of our summer encounter with my friends that I met on my previous adventure.

An unspoken understanding enveloped us, as if we had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary, a secret hidden within the fabric of our shared experience. It defied explanation, surpassing the boundaries of the known world. The future remained uncertain, a vast expanse of possibilities, but we made a silent vow to cling to the memories we had woven together. Each cherished moment became a precious thread, strengthening the bond we had forged.

On that enchanting summer evening, the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a tapestry of colors across the sky. Shades of pink and gold painted the heavens, as if the celestial canvas itself recognized the significance of our impending farewell. We stood by the glistening lakeside, our hearts heavy with the weight of separation. Time seemed to stretch, unwilling to let go of the magic we had discovered.

Yet, amidst the melancholy of goodbyes, a flicker of hope danced in the air, like a star defying the encroaching darkness. We knew deep within that no matter the distance that would soon separate us, the memories we shared possessed an enduring power. They would remain steadfast, resilient against the trials of time. And perhaps, just perhaps, destiny would orchestrate a reunion, weaving our paths together once more in a dazzling tapestry of fate.

With promises etched upon the very core of our beings, we bid each other farewell, our souls brimming with a bittersweet cocktail of emotions. The spirit of that unforgettable summer encounter lingered, an ethereal presence that clung to our every step.

And so, as the final curtain descended upon the opening chapter of our intertwined story, our hearts yearned for the uncharted territories that lay beyond the horizon. The memories we had woven during that transformative summer became indelible imprints upon the tapestry of our souls. They served as a timeless reminder that even the briefest of encounters, like shooting stars streaking across the night sky, possess the power to ignite an everlasting flame within the depths of our hearts.

Strange, I never met this girl, but something about her and seeing her make me nostalgic.

I went home to my log cabin, thing about why is she so familiar despite me not meeting her in the first place.