
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Chapter 70: Emperor

Chapter 70: Emperor

(Welcome to volume 4, there was a bit of a time skip since last chapter, you have been warned)

(Note, The poll from last chapter will continue until next wednesday the 30th. So you still have time to cast your votes since im not in a hurry to start on the story. Needing to consolidate the details and then actually get to work a bit before publishing it)

Word count = 2600 on 8/25/2023

"Haiya, it's you two again. This time, Uncle Roger is the all knowing one. I'll treat you to free food at my store if you know what I know and more. Otherwise pay double and eat inferno kimchi" A respectable chef in a populous city challenges 2 merchants who have once again returned to the same city that they previously had a bet at over the rumors.

The merchant who lost last time looks at the chef with a wry smile. "Alright, I'll take some free food. But are you sure you wanna challenge both of us at once?" The other who won last time speaks up in mock anger.

"If he wants to fill our bellies so badly then why are you scaring him away?"

Both merchants easily accept and They get a 4th figure to be the mediator this time around. They ask the first question and both sides write it down this time around.

"What is the event that happened 6 months ago that shocked the continent?"

Both sides provide the answer and both answers are read out loud.

"The king of the Empyrean Kingdom crashed the Spirit Hall grand wedding and made of with the Holy Lady Bibi Dong" "Both sides are correct" They all nod as it is expected as this is outdate news now.

"Second question: What is the name of the hidden clans that had joined these past few months. Must list all 3"

"3?" The first merchant asks in confusion before writing down the three he knows and provides a guess on the last. Naturally his whisper is heard by his teammate who shakes his head 'what ignorance'

The answers are provided and the new judge is confused by one of the cards and tosses it out.

"The names are Slee clan (Blood Rhino clan), Nie clan (Xue Tie's mother clan), and the Wind piercer clan (sky blood hawks)"

"What. The Slee clan had actually joined the Empyrean kingdom? I thought after their fight, they had left and gone into hiding" the first merchant proves his ignorance for all to see and hear.

"Old fool" the other merchant simply states.

"Haiya, this is why Uncle Roger all knowing. I am not friends with fools."

"The third question: What 2 ancient figures had joined the kingdom recently?" The judge simply asks, uncaring for their squabbles. His question incites both sides to write their answers since one of the figures has many names but only 1 is official.

"The answer is the true Blood Mother, the greatest puppeteer since 2 hundred years ago. The other is the Dread Knight, King Nu" "Both correct"

"Final question. What are the major activities that allowed both these figures to become so renown?"

Uncle Roger begins writing with a smile on his face. One that is slightly malicious.

"I give up" the 2nd merchant waves it off as he does not know the answer. The judge still states the news with some shock to his voice.

"The blood mother had manipulated 2 kingdoms long ago to fight against each other until they both perished in a form of self destruction. It was a form of revenge against heaven Dou and Star Luo scavenging the remains of the ancient Mohgwyn empire. As these 2 kingdoms were the subordinates of each newly formed empire respectively. She had inadvertently created the current peace that exists as otherwise it would be Heaven Dou and 5 minor kingdoms versus Star Luo assisted by a kingdom. Granted, the Empyrean kingdom has now risen and shrunk it just 3 minor kingdoms now."

"As for the Dread Knight, He was an ancient enforcer for the Mohgwyn Empire who had fought in the times of chaos and killed a total of 9 titled douluos in one battle. He had originally killed only 7 but the last 2 died from their injuries as he wields the Bloodletting Guile armor martial spirit. No injuries caused by him can be healed without his permission."

The 2 merchants are educated on history as uncle Roger wraps his hands around both their waists.

"Haiya, so easy. My Ex-wife know more than either of you and she spends most of her time burning down my business. So dumb. Now come, you two. Time for Kimchi."

Painfilled screams resound through the city as 2 merchants are escorted to the healers with their faces, mouths and throats burned by the inferno kimchi.

Locals say that the chef responded with "haiya, all talk and no stomach. Aren't merchants supposed to be big and fat from overeating? Why they so weak to kimchi?"

---------------------------------------------------(side story end)

It has been 6 months since Xue Tie kidnapped Bibi Dong from Spirit Hall and unlocked Destined Death. He found that most of his fire techniques had been reinforced by destined death into black flames from Elden Ring. They still cause the bleed effect which is great but now they also affect the lifespan of the struck targets. And unlike the Tarnished who are able to recover from such strange effects. Regular folk will rapidly wither and die even if they are healed.

Xue Tie had the pleasure of testing this out on some small scale criminals to ensure that his theories are correct.

One thing that he was pleasantly surprised about but completely unrelated to his skills. Is that the remnants of the ancient clans that used to serve the Xue Clan in Mohgwyn long ago had come forth and attempted to pledge their allegiance. The Wind piercer clan and Nie clan, welcomed them both with open arms since the wind piercer clan had always been maintaining the hidden empire ruins and even provided the trial grounds that allowed him to reach level 20 at such a young age (chapter 6 and 7).

While the Nie clan is his mothers clan and thus his direct relatives. He has no reason to deny them and provided them duties related to interrogation. They had asked for it themselves, and Xue Tie had no other experts so he thought why not. The Wind clan instead had begun cooperating with his organizations scouting units as elders of the Blood Zone who are partially in charge of the Skull zone.

Of course he isn't dumb to fully have them take over. He started them off slow so that when they showcase their good workmanship, he progressively gave them more influence.

As for the last clan, the Slee clan. They were part of the original traitors of Mohgwyn, they did it to save their own hides after Mohg himself died and then later when the Rakshasa god rose up and had been hunting them down. They turned coat and chose to integrate with the Power clan under the Clear Sky Clan. Which rose up from the ruins of Mohgwyn by colluding and attacking them when they are weak.

Of course Xue Tie does not dislike the clan for their cowardice. That can be redeemable depending on their professions, yet as inheritors of a martial spirit called the Blood Rhino. Known for it's great defenses. That. Is an insult. Not just to Xue Tie but also to his ancestors and the ancestors of the Slee clan itself.

It also doesnt help that one of them isn't even grateful for being granted an audience to return to their roots, in hopes of redeeming their former sins. This annoyance comes in the form of Jing Chu (ill be using Jing to refer to all Slee clan members), he is an 18 year old boy, of the same generation as Xue Tie. This current cultivation is only late Spirit King stage which is impressive for his age as he has the potential to reach Titled Douluo at late 40s to early 50s. This is good as a new titled douluo is better than no titled douluo.

Granted there have been no titled douluos in this clan since they left Mohgwyn. After all, they were no different than refugees in the power clan yet this dumb schmuck somehow thinks he belongs and is grateful to the power clan. What a dumb bumbling idiot. As expected of the host of an animal from earth that has a few of it's subspecies on the verge of extinction (Black, Javan and Sumatran rhinos. I did meh research de la google. White rhinos are dead boyo=sadj).

As it stands, Jing Chu stands up beside his own kneeled relatives who have pleaded to return to serving the Xue Clan like days prior. Xue Tie's reaction to this was to simply state that

"But this is not the old days. They have gone, along with the ruins of the empire you abandoned. Xue and Nie have pursued harmony to reinvigorate past bloodlines which brought about me. The Chi (wind piercer clan) have ensured our legacy was untouched by outsiders while supplying my family and as a result had an influence in my creation as well. Your clan is the only one who has only sought to save its own skin."

His words cause a young boy who, with how buff he looks, appears no different than a middle aged man with both the boring colors and muscle headed appearance. He stands up and points at Xue Tie and states. "I won't stand by …" He is cut off by Xue Tie

"Then sit"

"Or kneel like the rest of your relatives who seek to gain my favor and return to their former glory"

"Former glory? Mohgwyn slaughtered people for minor events and resources. You are nothing more than a dictator. Prancing around, playing as king."

"Jing Chu, kneel. Now." One of the elders tries to drag the boy down but is unable as their strength is even.

Xue Tie simply observes this and rises from his seat. He approaches the group in silence , walking past Jing Chu for a moment before turning to look at him and plainly states

"Your correct" his words cause a wave of nervousness to seep into the bodies of the Jing clan members.

"Mohg was a dictator, as am I. He slaughtered people but it was to control this" he lifts his hand which becomes coated in black flame.

All in attendance grow sweat as they look at the flame. Even Jing Chu grows goosebumps over what he would feel like it he was to come into contact with it.

"This….is death. Pure and unadulterated. The original king of Mohgwyn could only control slivers of it and was nearly deemed unbeatable. Yet I have a much higher compatibility with it. As for prancing around as king? Don't worry, Ill be emperor soon enough. But where you stand by that point is up to you. The words of a slave of a slave that belongs to the Clear Sky clan has little worth to me. Which is why i shall provide you all an opportunity to show your worth."

"You may leave for now, unless you wish to become branded like Qian Xunji before you by this hand." he waves his hand around before clenches as he dismisses destined death and returns to his throne.

They do so out of fear, Jing Chu appears nearly paralyzed from fear as he is brought away by the elders and his family.

Xue Tie simply shakes his head as he looks around for a moment and gets comfortable before saying with an inquisitorial phrasing. "You may come out. I hope you have been enjoying the show. I know you have been around since the war."

An ink dot on the floor expands and from it a figure rises. This figure has a busty seductive gait. With her another figure garbed in thick black armor with a sheathed sword appeared. Both kneel down as the woman speaks.

" Greetings my lord. You truly hold the prestige that belonged to the Ancient Mohgwyn high. This devil, the Blood mother, kneels to you."

"Greetings my lord, May your strength ever continue to rise, This devil, The dread knight, kneels to you"

They both give their introductions and take on a lower approach as would be subordinates.

"I assume you both have found me satisfactory? Then why not show your real selves to me" He waves his hand and a black flame shoots out. It moves through them both but they hold steady. The shadows around the woman break apart to reveal an aged lady in her late 50s dressed in a simple black gown.

The helmet of the man snaps apart and then turns into dust as a thick-gray-bearded man is shown. He looks a bit older than the Blood Mother but his bearing is better as he remains stoic to all circumstances. Some might assume he lacks emotions which is a vast misconception due to his upbringing.

The blood mother speaks first. "This one is Xue Yin, adopted daughter of the great lord Mohg. I had ensured that the 3 clans of Xue, Nie and Chi survived when Jing betrayed and Mohgwyn fell. I diverted their attention to the useless treasures of ancient Mohgwyn to ensure their survival, then watched over them whenever they were fatally threatened." Xue Yin states with a solemn expression that depicts the harsh work she has had to manage.

The dread knight speaks next "This one is Xue Moon, adopted son of the Great Lord Mohg. I was his right hand, executioner and loyal confidant. I was there when he fell, unable to stop the Shura gods blade as it cleaved through him and his mistress. When Mohgwyn fell, I slayed the top combatants of various clans who wished to subjugate the subsidiary clans. I was called King Yu because it was believed I would be heir but I disliked such a position. I am unfit to lead but fit to fight"

He says with a slight monotone voice except when he mentions the shura god. A killing intent spreads through the throne room but Xue Tie pays it no mind, in fact he smiles.

"It is a pleasure to meet my ancestors in the flesh. Come, let us get to work as I have been preparing something delicious. Your assistance will be invaluable." he says as he brings out a table with a continent map on it. A border region to Empyrean is circled with pathways and other various notes written down on it. As for who this border region belongs to…

Star Luo


Just in case some of yall aren't sure how some people like the 2 'devils' could live so long. Here is a few quotes I found when I looked how long a titled douluo can live

"If sea spirit masters are humans as well, then can humans live up to a thousand years, senior?" Tang San asked.

Bo Saixi smiled, "Call me Great Priestess. Ordinary humans can't live that long of course, but when people's strength reach past Titled Douluo stage, they can have around 300 years of lifespan. After that, every level adds another hundred years. In other words, at my level, one can live for up to a thousand years...."

Chapter 252 Douluo Dalu Novel