
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Chapter 61: Downfall of Balak Kingdom (2)

Chapter 61: Downfall of Balak Kingdom 2

Word count = 1740 on 8/8/2023

B.O.B, otherwise known as Breaker of Buildings. Was a rudimentary prototype for what the future calls Spirit Guidance Weapons. It looks like a series of half pipes that can be connected to appear like a Cannon from an iconic pirate movie.

Xue Tie actually had no idea that Bob would exist for another 10 or more years since it did take the main story 10 thousand years to make the early stage prototypes. This explains Xue Ties' surprise when the scientists he had working on fridges and other storage technologies inspired the techies he had working on the cannon that they were able to figure out the spirit battery pack and then modify that for a cannon.

The saddest aspect of the cannon is that it's too volatile and breaks apart after every use. Which is where the 2nd version came in. They modified the energy pack to lose energy faster which means it can't hold prepared shots and has to be done on the spot. But the power which was already destructive and self-destructive, become better and more concentrated.

As such, when Xue Tie says for the enemy general Tie Xue to meet Bob. Multiple parts are taken out after being slotted together. The cannon is ready and charging up. The enemy is murmuring amongst themselves as they see the rising energy signature.

Spirit elder, spirit king, spirit emperor, and then it stops just at the lower end of the spirit Saint. And this was charged up by 200 spirit elders combining their energy.

While he is waiting and watching the assembly and preparation. Xue Tie hums to himself a pirate theme song since this is the closest he has gotten to true freedom and explosions.

"Fir….." BOOOOM. Xue Tie is in the middle of giving the command when the cannon is ignited quickly by the Spirit engineer who is manning the cannon and shoots out the battery itself to be used as the projectile as concentrating energy to be beam-like or akin to energy blasts is still far away. Have to start somewhere since he doesn't have gunpowder available to make guns.

The soldiers who charged the cannon had long retreated as the ear-piercing shriek and boom collided with the wall. Sending a hundred Balak Spirit masters off the wall. Most of them got ripped apart by the force of the collision and remnant spirit power. Xue Tie rubs his ears from being so close and not covering his ears because he thought he could handle it. He was wrong.

Shaking off the disorientation from the sound. He yells out "Charge. Take them down. " a few hundred more spirit masters that followed him here rushed forward. Hundreds of types of beasts and spirit tool users charge forth and begin engaging the still-shocked enemy. The enemy had troops that were further away from the wall and thus less affected. They took up the Frontline of the now shattered wall.

Xue Tie slaps away the brick of stone that came falling on top of him as he looks at the cannon. It has cracked, shattered, and bent in all directions. Causing it to have a sort of flower-like design with just the hole in the middle.

He begins taking a few steps forward.

"Oh general….where are you?" He questions as the dust and smoke had provided a smoke screen for the enemy to hide behind.

Xue Tie summons his trident and he produces a hard wave with it that knocks all the dust away through sheer wind force. He aimed it to the upper level so his people are unaffected.

This reveals the dust-covered face of the general who is taking in the combat situation with a surprised expression. He wipes off the dust and looks at Xue Tie. He summons his martial spirit which is a dragon-looking armor that has a sword attached to the gauntlet (A bit like Melania, blade of Miquella from Elden ring but a shorter sword than it)

"Oh, you're approaching me?" Xue Tie asks with a teasing tone at the general who has jumped over the wall and towards him.

"I can't kill you for your sins without getting closer." The general responds, not knowing that he was so close to the perfect line.

"My sins? Against this puppet kingdom that is no more than a glorified wall against an enemy that Heaven Dou can only choose to run away from? If I have sinned when how deep are sins of your masters?" Xue Tie can only continue to provoke the general more as the trident and sword are met in between them


A sharp metallic sound is heard (oh no, my trusty metal pipe) as the sword and trident collide. In the first test of strength. Xue Tie is found to only be slightly disadvantaged.

This only causes the expression on the general's face to grow worse as he is a true and proper titled douluo who has met and faced other titled douluo in combat and won. The general uses his first spirit ring to produce a slash of draconian light towards Xue Tie who simply tanks it head-on.

'Hmm, ow. That's doable' he thinks to himself as he tests his own defenses and estimates it against his own limits.

"Tres', he states as he holds no desire to have a drawn out fight when reinforcement from Heaven Dou could still come even if they say they won't.

A red ring encircles the generals 9 rings but this isn't a spirit ring. But a lock as Xue Tie uses his 2nd armors spirit skill to throw bloodflame at the general. He is forced to use his 1st spirit skill again to blast it away but this is just a smokescreen for Xue Tie to manifest his external skull bone and charge up a laser at the general.

Tie Xue (the general) is forced to use his 3rd skill to defend himself as well as counter attack by summoning apparitions of his own sword to slash apart the beam head on while the rest charge at Xue Tie who simply knocks them away with his spear. His physical strength allows him to do that.

If it was the full skill he might have had to use a skill himself to block it but most is already being used to block his own attack.

"Duo" Xue Tie proclaims as a 2nd bloody ring hovers around the general. Tie Xue uses his 7th skill to summon a giant suit of armor and then a 6th skill to create a giant sword clone and give that to the left hand of the armor spirit.

Xue Tie activates his 6th ring from his armor to buff himself, his 2nd trident ring and then his 5th armor ring to engulf his spear in fire and then cause an evanescence tornado to be conjured under the Augmentation of the trident's fire. He then launches the tornado against the giant armor that has begun to slash at Xue Tie with both giant swords.

(General Radahn but he has no horse)

The tornado is quickly shattered. Xue Tie releases multiple fire breaths and beams from his spirit bone before committing to the next step.

An intense killing intent spreads out across the battlefield. It suppresses the Balak Kingdoms troops while the Empyreans are left alone. The general is also weakened under the intense killing intent that surpasses the Death god's domain.

The true form of the Death gods domain, otherwise known as the Bloodtide domain or the Blood Gods domain has been unleashed upon the battlefield by Xue Tie. The 4th ring on the trident is then activated which causes a ringing sound to be emitted that forces the general who is hidden behind his martial spirit avatar to cough up blood.

Tiger Roar depicting Death is the name of the 4th ring from Xue Tie's trident that he got from the 150k year old beast in the volcanic region. It's essentially a dual usage skill. One is the debuff ability of 15% while the other is a prototype nihil effect under the same amount. It has a cheaper energy cost than the original nihil but gets the same boost to power from the blood trace ring. Which means 15% times 150% is 22.5% power. Much weaker than the original nihil under the same effect but when you take both damage and are weakened, it's no different than a 45% weakening effect.

The ring originally only debuffed but after being absorbed, the corruption of the trident caused a mutation that allowed it to gain the nihil effect….somehow. It might have been something to do with his own bloodline but he was fairly tired at the time so he didn't notice.



I am not doing a bull release because I only have this chapter and the next one ready and I consider 3 to be enough but im a bit of a slump on how to finish the next chapter and am only halfway done at this moment.

Up to chapter 15 on editing volume 1 so we only have about another week of me uploading new chapters every 2 days. I may even just stick with that schedule as it affords me more time to clearly think out my story and whatnot.

On the downside, on SUNDAY. Webnovel thought it was smart to delete the story creation method on its own app…..funni (insert Pewdiepie saying, "it's evolving, but backwards)

This means I can no longer see new comments, powerstone updates or if anymore people actually get into my book(s) (I overthink alot and thus have plenty of other fanfics and even 2 original novel ideas that I can go for) or anything else unless it's a reply to my own comments as that falls under my profile stuff. I have no clue where any of that is stored on this dumb inkstone page. So ill begin a sort of chat at the every chapters labeled "Party Chat" in case anyone wants me to actually see what they have to say through web novel.

Yall can just reply to my own comment in party chat and then ill see it. On the other hand, Thank you for your continued patronage in my book.

So yea Party chat time