
Soul Eater: Endo Shohei

A soul from our world transmigrates to the world Soul Eater! Has 2 perks to help him along the way. ____ Hello, I'm writing a soul eater FF! There aren't many on here and the ones that I found are... leave a lot to be desired. I know I'd like to read a ff about it so lets give it a shot. PS: If you know me as an author, you know my update rate is abysmal...sorry to say. This book is indeed a whim at the moment. Leave a comment and let me know if I should at least attempt to continue this book. I need to see if there is an audience. PSS: COVER NOT MINE! Let me know if you own it and would like it removed...Looks dope btw

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10 Chs

Time Passes and New Bonds

Three years had passed since Endo and Ryoku arrived at Death's Kids orphanage in Death City. Under the guidance of Spirit Albarn, they had been training diligently to become powerful meisters. During this time, 2 new addition have joined the Albarn family—Maka Albarn, Marianne's new daughter, and Black Star, a blue-haired boy five months older than Maka.

Endo had grown into a disciplined and focused young boy, impressing Spirit with his determination and natural talent. He dedicated himself to mastering various techniques and honing his combat skills. His progress had made him a loyal Black Star fan who admired Endo's abilities and dreamed of being just as strong.

Ryoku, on the other hand, maintained his happy-go-lucky personality, bringing playful and carefree energy to his training. He showcased remarkable agility and creativity in battle, much to Black Star's annoyance. Black Star believed in being severe and powerful, and he couldn't understand Ryoku's seemingly carefree approach.

While Maka watched their training sessions from a distance, her wide-eyed fascination focused on Endo, whom she saw as her protective big brother. She cheered for him enthusiastically, often imitating his moves as if she were training alongside him. On the other hand, Black Star actively tried to participate in the training he witnessed, much to Spirit's dismay and Marianne's scolding.

Marianne: "Black Star, you're too young to join the training. It's not safe!"

Black Star pouted, his determination evident even at such a young age.

Black Star: "But I want to be strong like Endo! I don't want to be left behind!"

Spirit sighed and looked at Marianne, their eyes exchanging a knowing glance.

Spirit: "Marianne, perhaps we can find a way to involve Black Star more safely. We don't want to suppress his passion for becoming strong."

Marianne nodded, understanding the fiery determination that burned within Black Star. She introduced him to some basic exercises and techniques suitable for his age, making him feel involved and part of the training process.

The bond between the four children and the Albarn family grew stronger as the years passed. They became a true family, supporting and encouraging one another in their pursuit of becoming powerful meisters.

Endo and Ryoku found solace and love within the walls of Death's Kids, and Death City became their home.

One sunny afternoon, as the group finished their training session, they gathered in the backyard of Death's Kids, catching their breath and enjoying the warm breeze. Maka sat beside Endo, clutching a small doll she had brought, while Black Star twirled a wooden sword in his hands, trying to imitate Endo's moves.

Endo looked at Black Star, a small smile playing on his lips.

Endo: "Black Star, you're doing great. Just keep practicing, and you'll become strong too."

Black Star beamed with pride, feeling encouraged by Endo's words. He swung the wooden sword with renewed enthusiasm, determined to prove himself.

Black Star: "I'll become the strongest meister in the world! The world will shout the name Black Star with awe and admiration!"

The Albarn family watched as the two boys continued their training, their laughter filling the air. Marianne's scolding had turned into words of encouragement, and Spirit couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the family blossoming before his eyes.

Spirit: "You've all come a long way. Remember, strength comes from power and the bonds we share. Together, we can overcome any obstacle."

As the sun set, the Albarn family sat together in the backyard, their hearts filled with warmth and love. In Death City, a family had been forged—one that would support each other, protect each other, and face any challenge that came their way. And as they looked ahead to the future, they knew their bonds would only grow stronger, empowering them to become the meisters they aspired to be.