
Sorry I meant for this to be a fan-fic

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, the king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time ever writing something so don't hate it to much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might re write this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

The fall

The boy woke up to the stench of trash and the chatter of people.

"Serves that useless brat right, good thing he's not royalty anymore."

"Besides his look that trash is nothing."

"Who knows what magic he would've awakened his hair and eyes don't match any magic type we know."

The nameless boy was tired of listening to these people. But they were right. Nobody knew what magic he would awaken. The element of your magic was shown through your hair color.

Blue was for water.

Red was for fire

Yellow was for light.

Green was for nature.

Brown was for the earth.

Black was for the shadow.

But... the boy had black with purple tips. Usually when there was two different colors in someone's hair they could control two elements. Shadow magic was hated by the people. It was mostly used by the thieves and assasins. But nobody knew what purple was. Purple hair was never mentioned in any of the books. Not even the royal ones.

When the boy thought of this he realized he's been thinking for to long and he needs to leave. The capital is to dangerous for him to live in anymore. Everybody here hates him now.

So with that the boy covers his hair and face with his hood and walked to the gate trying to avoid people's attention.

When the boy finally arrived at the gate the guard said "Pull down your hood."

The boy was hesitant to pull it down, but he had to comply.

When the boy pulled down his hood he said " Just let me through, I don't want any trouble."

The guard was confused before realization appeared on his face, followed by a condescending smirk.

"So the exiled brat decided to leave huh. I guess I lost the bet that you were gonna die before you came here. I think you need to pay me back my lost money brat."

When the guard said that the boys heart dropped. He tried to run away, but it was useless. The guard grabbed his arm and pulled the boy towards him.

"Who said you're allowed to leave. Looks like I gotta teach you a listen." The boy struggled but it was useless while the guard was dragging him out the gate.

--------------(2 hours later)----------------

"And that should teach you your listen brat."

The guard walked back through the gate leaving the boy beaten and covered in his own blood.

The boy silently got up and followed the path for until he passed out from the pain and exhaustion.

---------------------(6 hours later)--------------

When the boy finally woke up all he could feel was pain. The boy could barely open his eyes.

When he finally opened them it was dark. He couldn't see that far away because it was dark.

But the boy knew where he was. He was on a trail leading to a village a little bit past the forest.

So to survive the boy got up and continued walking.

----------(3 hours later)---------

The boy arrived to the entrance of the forest. he decided to rest here until it was day time.

But that's when he heard him.

"well well well, you've seen better days."

The boy recognized the voice. He turned around and there he was. His brother with five other people in black cloaks.

"Brother? What are you doing here? No that's not the right question. The real question is obvious. Why do you want me gone so bad?"

Jae looks surprised for a moment, before chuckling, to laughing, to full maniacal laughter.

"Well what gave it away?"

The exiled prince looked at his brother before saying. " When you think about it it's pretty simple. first. Who would want to be king and make sure that they become it? Of course someone from the royal family. And considering it's only us competing for the throne it was a dead give away. And the most obvious reason why you want to get rid of me is because your here with your underlings probably here to 'finish the job.' am I right?"

Jae looks at him angry that his plan to kill him was found out so easily.

"Well it doesn't matter if you figured out or not you're still dying. Men kill him." And with that order the boy ran. He was ready to run the moment he heard the voice of his brother.

Dodging through trees jumping over roots of trees he boy ran as hard as he could.

While running the inevitable happened. A dagger found its way into his shoulder causing him to trip.

The assasins had him cornered. Behind him was a ravine that he couldn't see the bottom of. And in front of him... was certain death.

"Hey I got an idea. Since he made us run after him why don't we torture him? A slow and painful death." One of the cloaked figures asked... playfully

'These people are insane. Just to kill, but to torture someone. Looks like I only have one choice at a chance to live.' The boy thought. The boy shakily got up. Fighting through the pain and exhaustion.

"Shut it six. We have orders to kill the brat. Let's get this over with so we can get paid already." The cloaked figure in the middle said.

"Awwwww, but I wanted to have fun toying with him." The insane one said.

"Do it to the next target. This one is just to kill. The sooner it is over the better." The middle one said.

While they were arguing the boy turned around... and jumped.

" No way that kid is insane!"

"Awww man I wanted to see his eyes while he dies."

"Well he can't survive that fall let's go."

Those were the words the boy said before he couldn't hear them anymore.

The boy kept falling and falling for what seemed forever before his head hit something.

Before the boy passed out he felt his body submerge in something.


Well that's the second chapter thanks for reading this and have a good day

leave tips for me here please