

The P.E.T.A.L project experiment, which stands for Purge Expert Team Alignment: Lethal, was what they yelled about. They're combatants who don't give up lightly. This is the point at which a human being is detached from his or her body, conscience, life, and logical brain. Two to four humans can be formed from a single human. However, there are times when a P.E.T.A.L can only be separated in two, and they kill each other while knowing they are the same person. The greater the P.E.T.A.L., the more divided it is, but the more physically and mentally unstable it becomes. When divided into more than four They are classified into physical, mental, logical brain, creative brain, life, and conscience. The lengthy World War 3 resulted in a significant decline in the number of human births, prompting the creation of this project. People died from infectious diseases, war-related deaths, mental disorders, and other causes as a result of conflict. As a result, Project P.E.T.A.L was born, allowing humans to be divided into four or more groups without losing their memories and allowing them to be 'tamed' by the controller. As if he were a hunting hound on a long leash. If they don't, the chain will kill them instantaneously. The body, soul, heart, and brain can all be separated from one another. Humans can be separated by merging scientific and supernatural sciences, however once separated, humans who are utilized as subjects can no longer be called human. This is to escape society's constant war. "P.ET.A.L is now officially not human." Finally, separated individuals are known as Petals because they are unable to die quickly. They're used as troop helpers, shooting targets, assassins, and a variety of other things. The Petals will continue the battle.

GoldenSuccubus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


The presence of boiling black tea implies that the tea is still hot. Someone sat with the owner of the ceramic cup. A woman stood upright behind a chair, her hair tied in a bun. Her hand remained firmly gripped on her sword, as though the adversary was about to attack the princess in front of her.

"Lee, do you remember?" inquired the woman, who sat with a little smile on her face, her soothing voice commanding the hearts of others. She inquired of the gentleman who stood behind her.

"What are you talking about, Seo? " she spoke clearly,

"You do know everything I recall would be fuzzy if it wasn't about you..."

''Oh my! you flirting me? Hahaha, but do you remember?''

'' Before we can be like this, can we stand up to a massive organization, a crooked government that is murdering so many people and doing other things?" Seo continue.

"Which part?" Lee asked, recalling something from the past. The room was just five by four meters in the faint light of the room. Outside, it was already dark, and the silence had grown unnerving. This could be why Seo inquired about the past.

"When we were weak and a little stupid together"

"Ah...that time"

Chemical warfare reaches its pinnacle in the year 2032. Nearly half of the human population died as a result of their own mistakes. "This is better than the previous one," some people comment. Human overcrowding is killing the ecosystem.'

However, the effect is not limited to humans; most animals become stronger as their numbers grow and become more hostile. Human science advanced greatly in that year, but as science advanced, war sprang out.

"God is going to be furious!"

"You just annihilated the god's work!"

The P.E.T.A.L project experiment, which stands for Purge Expert Team Alignment: Lethal, was what they yelled about. They're combatants who don't give up lightly. This is the point at which a human being is detached from his or her body, conscience, life, and logical brain. Two to four humans can be formed from a single human. However, there are times when a P.E.T.A.L can only be separated in two, and they kill each other while knowing they are the same person.

The greater the P.E.T.A.L., the more divided it is, but the more physically and mentally unstable it becomes. When divided into more than four They are classified into physical, mental, logical brain, creative brain, life, and conscience.

The lengthy World War 3 resulted in a significant decline in the number of human births, prompting the creation of this project. People died from infectious diseases, war-related deaths, mental disorders, and other causes as a result of conflict.

As a result, Project P.E.T.A.L was born, allowing humans to be divided into four or more groups without losing their memories and allowing them to be 'tamed' by the controller. As if he were a hunting hound on a long leash. If they don't, the chain will kill them instantaneously. The body, soul, heart, and brain can all be separated from one another. Humans can be separated by merging scientific and supernatural sciences, however once separated, humans who are utilized as subjects can no longer be called human.

This is to escape society's constant war. "P.ET.A.L is now officially not human."

Finally, separated individuals are known as Petals because they are unable to die quickly. They're used as troop helpers, shooting targets, assassins, and a variety of other things.

The Petals will continue the battle.

This time, who are the individuals that will watch the show?

sorry i just realise the error

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