

Ever since that girl's disappearance from the extremely fancy Black-Crescent Castle which was situated between the either side of flowing valleys, some dark and twisted things were happening inside it :

1. At exactly the midnight hour (12 am strict), tolling bell chimed regularly on it's own, loud enough to be heard by the people living nearby. (Some people's belief was it was the way of Castle screaming to bring back the beloved soul who just left.)

2. At exactly the noon hour (12 pm strict) a melody was to be heard all over the town which was then considered as The Harmony Hour. (People of Amsterdam were so fond of it, it wasn't considered to be unusual or paranormal.)

3. More peculiar things had been evident by the residents of the area recently. (Such as twirling of all eight horses of the carousel just outside the fence, by itself)

4. The Castle had remained empty ever since the only girl's soul left it on it's own. UNTIL NOW.

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