
Chapter 3

Kozu pov:

I used my ability to find people using their dna by swallowing the blood of the man I had just spared. I was fully prepared to follow him even to the depths of hell and back. Immediately after I swallowed it I began to hear a sound. "Bdm bdm beep bdm beep" I then began walking towards that heartbeat.

'I found you now konoha'

my body began moving like it had a mind of its own but I knew where I would be going. I walked and walked passing through a massive forest.

I looked around and saw no signs of civilization but I kept on moving. ' maybe he isn't in his village and is lying dead in this forest'. I moved and moved following my senses. I couldn't tell where I was going but I trusted myself.

I walked throughout this endless forest till I finally found a cave. I walked through the cave and there it was konoha.

' It's time for a massacre to begin'

"primal breathing third form "

immediately my body began to become faster and stronger and I kept straight into the village known as konoha.

The second I entered I got many different looks from so many people. I saw an old lady coming towards me asking me if I wanted to buy anything but before anyone could react I stabbed her straight through the stomach.

" KONOHA ITS TIME FOR YOUR DEMISE, MY FATHER WANTS YOU GONE" immediately after that I jumped from building to building slicing the head of everyone I saw.

" filthy humans you're too weak" I then picked up a head of some innocent villager and bit the inside of it like what my father does.

Unlike him my body did not react well . The second I tasted it i spit it out. " ugh I knew you guys were disgusting" right as I was about to continue my massacre I heard footsteps behind me.

What greeted me was a group of twenty people breathing heavily like me getting ready to fight.

" Ahh so you're the esteemed ninjas I've heard so much about. Don't disappoint me".

Before I could say anything more I saw them release something in the air. ' that guy did this before and it made people sleep I can't stop breathing because then I'd lose my strength so I just have to make sure my body can tolerate it.' I then take a massive breath removing the smoke before releasing it back into the air. " hah so that's how you deal with it." I jump at the first person I see but he blocks me with his sword I then change forms to my first one and hit the person next to him slicing her neck.

I then feel a pain from my back and see a small dagger there. I finally activate my second form which allows me to sense my entire surroundings and continue the fight.

I begin clashing with swords and weapons all around me but manage to repel most of their attacks. I then jump at the closest squad in front of me and power through their defense before slaughtering them like they were just piles of flesh.

" Weak"

I began to continue my attack of these ninja as clashes were heard throughout the entire village. " Hugh Hugh Hugh" both sides take in deep breaths as we prepare to continue this gruesome battle.

I continue with more and more barrages until there was nothing left of the enemy but blood and guts on the floor." Hah that was more tiring then I thought it would be".

I jump towards the next sector of the building where I find groups of children younger than me. " please don't hurt us we didn't do anything" says one of the young children

" you guys are nothing" I then get my sword and cut her head clean off. " aaagh get away from us you, you DEMON" ' did she just call me a demon. Yeah that's right I'm not like them, I'm not a human I'm a demon. "You're wrong about that little girl this kid is a human like us. And he deserves a punishment" I look towards the direction of the voice and see a tall man with long white hair a sharp jawline and blue eyes. " you're wrong I'm a demon my fathers a demon and so am I now prepare to die."

I then charge at the little boy who called me a demon but just as his head was about to fly it's stopped by a fist.

" You really think I'm gonna let your massacre continue. It ends now". He then ran at me with speed far surpassing everyone else. I pull up my katana in a rush to try and defend myself but the force of his attack pushes me back.

" you're extremely talented it's too bad I have to kill you". There it goes again the same feeling I get whenever I'm next to my father.

A feeling I've never felt with anyone other than my father. I could feel the sweat fall of me and my heart kick up I immediately jumped back into battle but with new strength. ' I can't die now. I can't fail here. I have to get stronger.

I then charge straight at his sword pushing him back and I continue barrage after barrage switching through a variety of breathing forms. He then suddenly begins in hailing deeper making the area around him colder. He strikes back at me with sharper movements slicing three of my fingers. "Agh that hurts" the area near where he cut feels cold. It's too cold. My head begins turning trying to think of all the ways I could beat him but I couldn't think of any.

He slashes against me but I manage to defend it except the force of his attack pushes me down. I use my primal breathing to further increase my strength using my entire power to get back up. I pick up the sword that's on the ground and I slash and slash and slash but with each attack I become weaker while his strength increases.

" DAMNIT I can't lose. I won't lose" immediately afterwords I could feel that my body was beginning to boil. My breathing changed into something deeper more grounded and hot.

This passed onto my sword which began to heat with me. This time I slashed and managed to get through him

I finally managed to knock him down and with this new form I used my other forms to continue and continue to slash him.

Finally the affects of my first form took place and he began to slow down. His movements became wobbly and I took the chance. I activated my third form and with one last attack slashed at all his vital points finally knocking him out for good. I got my sword stabbed it where his heart was and with my full strength I took it out. I then took a bit of his heart but immediately spit it out. " I told you I'm a demon".

I then continued the massacre of the village until the village was dyed red and everyone in it was dead. " FATHER I DID IT. I KILLED EVERYONE" I shouted at the sky hoping my father can hear me even though I knew he couldn't. I then walked out of the cave using my sword as an aid to help me walk and slept.

3rd person pov:

in a large forest filled with many different animals there was a cave and in front of this cave was a young man.

This young man looked red to an outsiders perspective. There was blood all over his body making his pearly white skin appear red. This man was Kozu and he has just completed his mission. Near the young man appeared a man with black hair and red eyes. " so he completed his task. This means he is now ready to become a demon" the man then fed the boy his blood which immediately transformed him.

the young boys eyes became like the man's except with the number zero now engraved into them. His height grew till he looked to be around 18 and the color of his eyes changed into a crimson red. The boys screamed as the blood around his body began to change forms.

With no control over what was happening the blood coming out of his severed fingers burned brightly while some of it froze. The blood coming from his legs began morphing but with no one to control it nothing happened. Finally he had become a true demon and his wounds had been healed.

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