
Somnium Walker

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What is Somnium Walker

Leia o romance Somnium Walker escrito pelo autor Pandahashashin publicado no WebNovel. ...


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hmm still thinking

"HMM STILL THINKING '" is not the name of the novel. I don't have a good name in mind at the moment, but please bear with it for now. I will change it when I find a suitable one. "I'm a beginner writer here, and the story is entirely mine. However, please don't get your hopes up as I won't be updating the story in a particular time interval. I write when I'm in the mood, so please don't expect regular updates. I prefer to publish each chapter as soon as I finish writing it. I won't keep them in drafts and wait until I have enough chapters to publish regularly. Thank you for understanding." "One more thing, my story falls into the Yaoi genre, and I am considering including male pregnancy (mpreg) as a theme. However, please note that it is not guaranteed, as I may decide to change or omit it if I feel it's unnecessary. I have included a tag related to a baby, but please keep in mind that the inclusion of mpreg is subject to change. Thank you for understanding." #transmigration He starts to read the novel...it was an interesting one...    An orphan boy looking for his parents ....goes through multiple adventures falls in love with a mercenary boy which turns out to be the dukes son and finds about his past with the help of his  boyfriend and later takes revenge on the ones who killed his parents...He  married the dukes son and had a child with him ....A happy ending indeed. Evan eventually closes the book and slept on his bed....It was late at night and Evan has fallen in to a deep slumber ...The book began to open itself up and turns on the blank page and wrote  down....

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