
Her Arrival

A beautiful black haired lady strolled the airport, onlookers couldn't help but stare at her memorized by her beauty but the girl steps didn't falter despite the stares on her instead she continue to wake like a fashion model

"isn't that Eun sook the famous pianist player" an onlookers said

" I heard her father was arrested for murder" another said making everyone who had heard turn to look at her in distain but the girl didn't falter instead her black eyes burned with determination, she was going to prove her father's innocence

she stepped out of the airport to see Butler Byeong cheol waving at her to get her attention, she walked up to him with a gentle smile on her gorgeous face

butler Byeong cheol had been serving in her family for years, he felt like a father figure to her

"butler Byeong cheol" she greeted bowing her head slightly to show her respect

"welcome back young miss" butler Byeong cheol was happy seeing she had grown up well, she smiled and soon there were off to the main mansion

* * * * * *

it was evening when they arrive and all the servants lined up to greet them, she highlighted out of the car to see uncle Lee Park and Lee Ga Hee waiting at the front entrance, the moment Ga Hee saw her She ran to give her a hug ditching her lady like behaviour

"Eun sook I missed you so much" she hugged her as if Eun sook was going to disappear any minute now if she let go ,it has been four years since they had last seen each other and she missed having a big sister around

"Gu mee I can't breathe you're hugging me to tightly" Eun sook complain even though she had missed Gu mee so much

" Gu mee let her rest first she's probably exhausted" Uncle Lee Park said with a smile plastered on his face, he was happy to see her back after so long,how long has it been he couldn't remember old age must have really gotten to him

" I'm sorry I just got too excited" saying that she let go of Eun sook looking like a dejected puppy

soon the whole family headed upstairs while the servant carry her luggages inside,soon after Eun sook had refreshed up the family gathered for dinner

Eun sook had been famished for a while now as soon as she saw the delicious food on the table she starting drooling. her eyes lit up at the sight of so many enticing dished that she hadn't seen in a long time

" which dishes do you like ?,I will get them for you" uncle Lee Park Asked

" I would like some fried chicken" she had never been one to shy when it came to food

" eating too much fried chicken isn't good for you make sure to eat in moderate" uncle Lee Park advised with a friendly smile on his face

Eun sook licking her lips "I will only have one drumstick" ever since she had travel she didn't have access to home cooked meals

"dad you seem to forget all about me now that Eun sook is here" Ga Hee complained like a spolit child saying that she pouted her lips and pretended to be angry

" HAAA my beautiful daughter forgive me" saying that he placed a drumstick on her plate, seeing this Gu mee smile she was glad that there were all back together after so many years and soon the family retired to bed awaiting a beautiful tomorrow

i wish to express my utmost gratitude to you and I hope you stay with me till the end of this novel, thanks once again

Izogie_Beverlyncreators' thoughts
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