
Sold to the Mafia Boss

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe love can grow with time? Do you believe hatred can turn into love? Well, Regina Quinn does not understand the concept of love at all. She is an orphan who chose her family (grandmother and kid sisters) over the luxuries of life. Her sole objective was to provide for her family, even if it meant having numerous side jobs and working night shifts. Night shifts, best reason to get kidnapped. Worst of all sold to some Mafia boss who seems to value her a lot. Could his attention have anything to do with her appearance?she has no idea. She doesn't even find herself pretty. So she believes this is love at first sight for her new master. Description;Long white hair, crystal blue eyes,thin pink lips, smooth skin and long lashes. How about Lexus grey, our male lead?,a 21year old beautiful narcissist, whose life is just a competition against his brothers. Does he believe in true love at all?not sure.He sees women as tools and doesn't want any attachments,so why would he want to get married to this complete stranger? Description;Jet black hairs, bright purple eyes, firm pink lips, a masculine jawline, well carved eye brows and long lashes. The first 3chapters are Regina's pov,the next 3 are Lexus'. The rest are general Also all events or places in this story are fictitious, if there are any resemblances to reality, then it's a coincidence.One last thing, my English is not the best but I'm learning. Special thanks to Okoski for my cover page.Love you!

FANSS · Urbano
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18 Chs

Early morning escape

Regina was already getting sick of Lexus' questions.'What's your favorite dish?','what's your favorite color?', 'Who's your favorite celebrity', 'which movie genre do you prefer?'he asked.

If it had been anyone else who wasn't her master whom she was trying to please, she wouldn't have answered this many questions. She will have stopped a while ago.

They literally spent the whole day together. The had breakfast and lunch in the garden and even while eating he spent all his time watching her every move. She was getting so uncomfortable, she disliked being watched while eating.

He spent hours asking her questions but not once did he tell about himself. The next day was exactly like the previous one. he treated her like a laboratory rat under observation, asking her questions and watching her every move.

On the third day, she was no longer interested in pleasing her master. She was interested in keeping her sanity. If she had to cancel her plan just for that then she would, she'll think of some other plan later.

She had to hide for at least a couple of hours. Where was she planning to hide? she had no idea. The mansion was easy to search, there weren't any stuffy rooms. She had no other choice than to hide in the backyard, obvious, but her hiding place wasn't.

She put on a green beanie, a green t-shirt and brown pants. She snuck to the backyard and climbed in an apple tree. She went as high as she could and stayed up there.


"She likes chocolate, milk but doesn't like honey. She prefers pancake over waffles. She likes fighting sports, that explains why the slave traders drugged her. She takes 10seconds to masticate food before swallowing. Umm that wasn't important. I think I know enough about her, today we'll do something else. "Lexus thought as he laid in bed. He took out his phone and informed his mother on the exact date of his visit which was in two days.

He tidied up and left his room, he walked to Regina's room and knocked on the door. No response, he knocked again and still no response, he opened the room and to his surprise she wasn't there."She's already up this early?" he asked himself. Obviously, he went to the garden. He didn't find her there, he checked in the orchard but didn't find her there either.

He called Mme Laura and asked her about Regina's whereabouts but she too had no idea. He called Alex, he too hadn't seen her. They searched for her all over the mansion but still couldn't find her.

Lexus was getting pissed off,

"Have you found her?"he asked, his pupils darkening as he taps his left foot on the tiled floor.

"No, sir"Alex kept his face off his master's as he spoke. Lexus' aura turned ice cold.

"And you're standing here, go look for her!" he barked. He knew they had already searched the whole mansion, they had been searching for 4hours but still hadn't found her. He just didn't want to believe she had escaped. It was impossible, she couldn't have left the mansion. The gate had been closed and no one had heard her leave the main door.

"What if she climbed the garden's fence and escaped from there?"he asked himself. He walked to the garden and looked at the fence. It didn't look scaleable even to him. He looked around the garden again but didn't find. He checked the orchard but still didn't find her. He occasionally heard rustling in the trees, apples fell unto the ground and birds chirped noisily.

"Are they having some sort of fight up there?"he asked before looking upward. CRASH!


It had been 4 hours since Regina climbed the tree and damn she was hungry. Her body ached and her muscles cramped, she had to move occasionally causing the tree's leaves to rustle and fall off.

Worst of all Alex, Mme Laura and Lexus kept walking around in the garden. She wasn't going to stay up there forever but she didn't want to reveal her hideout.

Then Lexus made up his mind to stay in the garden, he refused to leave. She thought she could bear the cramps a little longer but then the birds decided she wasn't welcome on their tree anymore.

CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!they seemed to be really mad now a few tried to poke her with their needle like beaks. They became noisier with every second, she looked down, unfortunately Lexus stood just below. She was stuck.

Not for long though, a bird poked her causing her to slip from her perch and fall. "Like seriously?"she thought as she fell. Fortunately and unbelievably, she landed in Lexus' arms.

She didn't even know what to say. Just from the look on his face she could have guessed he wasn't really happy she was in his arms but she could also see some kind of relief. He stared at her for some more time.

"Uh, g-good morning!"she tried for a smile. He just stared at her blankly, his pupils dark. She was getting scared. What was he going to do to her?she didn't know. She had no idea of how worried he was but she tried to assimilate his emotions.

Finally, he spoke,

"What were you doing up there?"he said his tone very odd. What was she going to say? trying to run away from him?she couldn't, she was scared.

"W-watching t-the birds"she stuttered. He gave her a look of suspicion.

"For 4 hours?"he asked.

"They were really interesting"

"You don't have any equipment and why are you dressed like that?"he asked again.

"I was close enough so I didn't need any equipment. For the clothes, I didn't want the birds(and the humans too) to notice me"

"Ok, I thought you were trying to run away from me but I know you wouldn't do that, right?"he asked in a tone full of malice. She nodded immediately. "Ok, today it's your turn to ask me questions. Ask me anything you want to know about me"he added his eyes brightening

"Uh...ok"she said.

_A beautiful couple of liers_

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