
Im in love with a monster.

F/C Favorite Color

S/C Skin Color

B/S Brother / Sister

Y/N Your Name

H/C Hair Color

This One is About Walten Just so you know!!

All Of your friends are monsters Tommie,Dannie,Lola and Penny.

Tommie Went insane and Hung Penny

Lola Was alive but Very bony and thin with her eyes clawed out and Dannie had a chainsaw and lost his head.

Even Though You Were One of them you did not loose your sanity or go insane like the others You still had your feelings.

You heard Footsteps From

behind the bush you were hiding in when the light hit your face you threw a rock at the mysterious white figure looking at you.

You heard a soft gentile Voice Say "OW!".

You Went To go help him up And be nice to him before he woke up cause that was a really hard hit.

A Few Hours later he woke up with an ADORABLE face looking at you!!

He asked how he got hit and all those shenanigans He asked Your name and you said "My name is Y/N " He said it was a really pretty name Of course you started to blush alot and he could tell. Eventually he told you his name too "My Name is Walten" He said

(Y/N's Mind) okie should i ask what he's Doing here or just leave him here.

You asked him what he was doing and he told you. He also asked if you could help him get to the satellite station

Hii Thats all i can write 4 now see ya in the next chapter!!