
New Beginning

Blood dripped into she eyes, spreading and painting her eyeballs red. In between the mountains of corpses, she appeared to be enjoying the sight. With a smile on her face, she slashed one more enemy's throat.

It was war. A time when nobody could not be called a criminal for killing fellow humans. In this time, too many actions are occurring and you might not know who attacks you. With a trust, the spear passed through her heart and out of her chest. Blood accumulated in her mouth. Turning around, she saw the Lieutenant general of the enemy kingdom. She knows that she was a pest with her tricks but isn't the brutality too much?

Either way, she smiled and gripped her sword. Pushing closer, the spear went deeper but she ignored it. With a jump, she caught up to the general who backed away and slashed his throat. With her sword raised high, she fell forward.

In an instant, the scenery in front of her eyes changed into darkness but human figures could be seen. They gave off white cloudy lights, forming into figures. When she glanced around, her eyes immediately looked down as she gets up in a fighting stance. "Who are you!?" She yelled.

"Brigade General Lastin, your soldier, reporting." Brigadier General Lastin looked up. She remember the voice as one of her annoying soldier's. The moment she moved her eyes up, she backed away and looked back down again. Then, she noticed her naked appearance. Her legs weakened and fell down on the endless darkness and covered her parts. "Avert your eyes!"

Upon uttering her command, a few men made dirty remarks. She shot her eyes to glare at them, glaring directly at their faces. "Who dares," That was when she realized that the Lieutenant who had just killed her was standing beside her. Looking at her in the eyes. "Perverted, disrespectful, infidel." A few more curses were uttered but was drowned by the lieutenant colonel's roars.

"Men, turn around!" It was like thunder amidst the whispers. Some men did not follow while others did. "Trivania's soldiers, protect your lady's dignity."

The owner of the annoying voice finally realized and stood in front of the Brigade General. A few more began closing in on her and surround her, their asses towards her. It was a meat wall.

Lady Lastin asked her men, "Where is our whereabouts?"

A soldier replied, "General! We appear to be in the afterlife."

Another of her Major's and captains refuted. Later on, there were debates running off but for an unknown reason, there was a flash and her surroundings turned completely dark. Pitch black.

When Lastin opened her eyes, a child's face filled with amusement was looking down at her. Her brows furrowed and glanced at the other person. Blonde hair and green eyes, it was a lovely woman's face. She appear to be smiling at the scene occurring. Lady Lastin decided to ask where she is but no words came out of her mouth. "Aww...she's so cute." A person voiced out. It was a maid.

In this strange place, Lastin is confused. They seem harmless so she wasn't concerned in the beginning but it being careful in never a sin. Lastin tried to sit up but her body was too heavy. A few more seconds of thinking and she has reached a conclusion. Her reflection is clear in her brother's blue eyes. A baby in a crib.

Unexpectedly, Lastin is calm and blank.

"Laura is dozing off again, but she just woke up, mom."


Squats, Running, legs stretch. With beads of salty crystals on her forehead, she ran five laps around their mansion. It isn't comparable to what she had done when she was younger but Laura has to lessen her exercises as to not look bulky and tough. In a world where females are seen as comparably less than men, women's armors are their face and words.

Since young, she has always had a ginormous stamina and fondness of swords and spears. When she was 5 years old, her parents didn't pay it any mind. Thinking that it will disappear but they thought wrong. Laura was ten and practiced with a few soldiers, watching and joining in on their exercises. That's when her parents became extremely worried. She was not taking her classes seriously and only knows how to fight. She was banned from leaving her room for a month when she didn't comply to lessen her practice. At that time, her body was very fit with visible muscles on her arms and legs. Not very feminine.

After much talks and confinement, her body turned increasingly soft and no bulky muscles could be seen.

A maid came forward and handed her a towel. Laura took it and drank the water prepared in a cup. Today, she has a tea party scheduled in her own residence, upon the wishes of her friends. The lady took a bath and changed into her dress, ready to welcome her guests in the garden. Today, she invited only two. Victoria and Patrice. Her very close friends. Patrice is unfortunately arranged to her brother, Aldwin.

These two are the ones that support her with her dreams. Her passion and hobby. In some cases, they will add their own ideas but in Laura's heart, they will never judge her. During their visit, she showed them around and introduced her battle instruments.

"If you're so fond of these, why don't you become a knight. It isn't the first time for a woman to become one." Victoria proposed but was answered by Patrice. With a roll of her eyes, she explained, "Have you not been listening to the conversations we've had of this? Her parents won't let her."

"Yes, I've suffered more than three caging because of this." Laura added. Laura threw a wooden sword at Victoria. "Let's practice?"

Victoria's expression darkened, she messed up. "I'll be taking you to court if there's even a scratch on me."

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