

As they went outside of Terra's house, they were ready to go to the Level Gate. However, after just a few steps Mono stops, and looks at the ground, infuriated.

"What's wrong, Mono?" Kazuya asked concerningly.

"I just realized something.... we don't have a team name!" Mono exclaimed, infuriatingly.

"That's what you stopped us for..." The other three thought to themselves.

And thus, they stood there, thinking of names. Their suggestions were mixed, and far from anything good. Things like "The Furious Four" or "Team Invisible" came up, which at this point sounded like rip-off movie titles. As they contemplated and argued, they were interrupted by a newspaper falling from thin air.

"Hm? Where? How?" Kazuya asked.

"Ah, this is because of the subscription I pay for, Horizon News. It's run by the king and the lower levels, and provides insight on a lot of the stuff going on down there. It gets transported through small light waves which aren't visible, and can exclusively be attained by those in the lower levels, but I found a place that sells it in the Green Hole, though it is quite expensive...." Terra explained.

"Hm? A black market purchase?" The other three thought to themselves.

They decided to open the newspaper, and what greeted them was the faces of Mono, Kazuya, and Came on the front page. They had now become news for the sky, and have been officially declared "a calamity against everyone who resides in the sky".

"Heh, well would'ja look at that. Our team name stares us in the face." Mono said, with a slight chuckle.

"It appears so." Came said.

Mono proceeds to rip the newspaper in half, and in the process Terra's soul is also cut in half, as she lets out a single tear.

"From this day onwards, we shall be known as: THE CALAMITY!" Mono exclaimed.

And thus, The Calamity was created! With it's four members, it was painted as a group that had one goal; to reek havoc in the sky!

As their journey continued, they proceeded walking towards the gate, making sure they walk within the thicker parts of the fields. They were careful to produce minimal noise, as they walked at a slower pace.

"Are we almost there yet, Terra?" Asked Kazuya.

"We're close." She replied.

A few steps later, they poked their heads out the field to inspect their surroundings. They see a an open area in the shape of a circle, with the gate in its center. Furthermore, surrounding the gate were multiple guards.

"Tsk, shoulda know there'd be guards here." Said Mono

"Came, do you think you can turn us invisible for just a few moments?" Asked Kazuya.

"Having an entire extra person to make invisible would make it difficult, but it's certainly possible." Came replied.

"Alright, please do. Also, Terra. I'd like you to use your future-sight as we walk with Came towards the gate. Just in case." Said Kazuya.

Terra nodded, and Came took hold of Mono and Kazuya. Kazuya held Terra's hand, causing her to also be invisible. They carefully treaded out of the field, going through a blind spot that the guards had left. They eventually reach the gate, which Mono activates. The guards immediately turn back, to see an empty gate open, and shortly close.

They descend to the ground, this time all landing on their feet. As much as Kazuya had wanted to celebrate, however, the situation around them was dire.

"Tsk, they got us!" Said Mono.

They were completely surrounded by Horizon Guards, with no way to escape.

"We should've known it wouldn't be this easy." Said Came.

"Well, hope you three are ready to fight!" Exclaimed Mono.

Quickly, Mono, Came, and Terra activated their abilities. The three of them charged at the guards within their field of view. Kazuya, on the other hand was left with only one tactic. To run. He used the distraction the other three had made to make a run for it, but the remaining guards went after him. They began to fire beams of light, and some were beginning to catch up, as they unsheathed their blades.

"Damn it, what do I do?" Kazuya thought to himself.

No matter what Kazuya thought of, it was to no avail. The only things around him were farmlands, and a few houses, similar to that of the previous level, but on a more residential scale. The fields that surrounded every inch were gone, and the only crops present were that in front of the many houses him.

In a last ditch effort. Kazuya stops in his tracks, holds his breath, and runs towards one of the guards. As he gets closer, he barely dodges one of the slashes, getting a slight cut on his left cheek. He then uses this brief moment to unleash a punch onto the guard. What he expected to be flimsy punch, sent the guard back with incredible strength. He and the other guards stood there in awe, before they too unsheathed their swords. Kazuya then proceeded to continue the fight. He took out two more guards, getting a scratch on his right arm. There was one guard remaining that he had to fight off, but at this point he felt himself get weak, and his breathing started to get heavier. The guard uses his ability to manipulate light, and throws Kazuya off track, caused him to get hit with a major slash in his left arm.

"Shit. Now what?" He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Terra had been able to finish off the guards she was tackling with the help of Came and Mono who had taken out the guards that attacked them.

As they looked towards Kazuya, and noticed his many wounds, they rushed towards him to help him.

In an attempt to save Kazuya's life, Came unleashed a purple glow, followed by a shockwave beneath his feat.

"Dancing volts: form two!" He exclaimed.

As though going at the speed of light itself, Came took out the guard in an instant. However, it wasn't with a light cost, as using this move causes major internal injury when used recklessly, like he just did.

"Came!" Kazuya cried.

"I'll be fine... for now, we need to get you trea-ugh!" Came said in a weak voice, and heavy breathing.

"Quick, follow me. I know someone that'd be able to help us." Said Terra.

As they carried Came on their shoulders, Mono and Kazuya rushed behind Terra towards one of the houses. When they arrived, they were greeted by an old man who had the same goat like features as Terra, except more pronounced. His face was completely goat like, but his anatomy was that of a human. He had a long, white beard that extended down to his stomach, and was wearing a dark blue robe.

"Terra?" Said the old man. "What are you doi-" the man pauses, noticing Came's condition. He tells them to go inside quickly in order for him to check on him. Quickly, the man scours through his messy house, find bottles filled with strange liquids, needles, and bandages.

"Here, take this. It'll nullify most of the pain." Said the old man. He gave Came a navy blue drink that had a slight glow to it. Additionally, he injected a weird orange substance into Came's arm, and wrapped his wounds in bandages.

"Alright. Now all that's left for you is to rest for a few days here. So long as you do that, your wounds will heal." Said the old man.

"Thank you very much." Said Came, still lying down from fatigue.

"As for you, young boy. Let me see your wounds." Said the old man.

As he approaches Kazuya, he notices the blood that had poured from his left arm, and the various other scratches on his body. However, the wounds themselves had already closed up.

"Looks like it'll just need some bandaging. Here, drink this to get rid of the pain." He said, as he handed him the same blue liquid Came drank. In slight disgust, Kazuya drank the liquid, which tasted horrid, but helped with the pain.

Kazuya put up, and sat down on one of the randomly thrown chairs, as he started thinking to himself.

"Whatever happened back there wasn't normal." He said while staring at his right hand. "Why was I able to defeat all those guards? Up until now, I thought that my strength was at complete zero, but I guess otherwise. Though those punches really did a number on me in terms of fatigue. My entire body doesn't want to move..." He thought to himself, as he went into a deep sleep.

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