
About the World


The world of Ygstradia is composed of four continents: Greisia, Anzifra, Zerasif, and Dismeriva. There exists a total of 72 recognized nations of varying levels of military prowess, technological level, and economic power. Each nation hosts an unique culture with different humanoid races inhabiting them.

Global Population: 6.84 Billion

Population Demographics:

Humans: 73%

Elves: 4%

Dwarves: 20%

Other: 3%

Humans: The most abundant of all humanoid creatures, humans can be found on almost every corner of the world. They have in average a Mana compatibility lower than Elves but higher than Dwarves. Their physical strength is nothing special on the more average side.

Life Span: As for life span, humans have the shortest of all major races with the average life span being 104.7 years.

Average Height (Varies by nation and race):

Male - 176 cm

Female - 163 cm

Elves: Elves are typically more isolationist due to their high compatibility with Mana. They have raw physical strength typically on par with humans. However, with the boost of their natural Mana compatibility, they can overpower humans if they desire to. Elves are often thought to be a group of elegant and fair people, with the average elf being considered extremely attractive in appearance to members of other races.

Life Span: The elves have the longest life span of all humanoid races, with an almost near immortal existence. The oldest elf is currently 1344 years old.

Average Height (Varies by nation and race):

Male - 182 cm

Female - 165 cm

Dwarves: Dwarves, unlike elves, are not as isolationist and their interactions with humans have also been countless times in history. If not for their strong, stumpy bodies, they can almost be considered humans. Dwarves' hold a Mana compatibility subpar to humans, but that does not mean the dwarves do not have powerful Casters.

Life Span: Dwarves also have a finite life span of up to 146 years.

Average Height (Varies by nation and race):

Male - 141 cm

Female - 135 cm

Other: There are also other intelligent humanoid races in the world such as nymphs, but they are few in numbers.

Creatures/Monsters: There exists two types of fauna in Ygstradia: normal creatures and monsters. Normal creatures are the fauna that do not posses any synchronization with Mana or carry Mana Gems as their heart. They are often harmless. Monsters however, are creatures that do posses synchronizations with Mana and have Mana Gems as their heart. Due to this, they are often larger than normal creatures and pose a greater threat to civilizations.


Palisia, Vilheim:

Population: 20 million

Area Size: 3405 km²

Population Density: 5874 per km²

About: A large urban metropolis characterized by its sprawling urban landscape and its tall skyscrapers. Due to its location by the ocean, Palisia is a prosperous city with bustling activity. It is a major internationalized city with food and other items from other locations in the world.

Transportation Systems: Many civilians of Palisia own cars, which they drive on the roads and highways of the city. However, the main transportation that civilians use are the public transport systems, which are the trains and buses. There are many train and bus stations, but the train stations are often bigger and busier due to their high usage rate by the population.

Trains: Due to the high population density of Palisia, land is scarce and is valued. The architects of the city designed the railways in a way that they take up as less space as possible. This is the reason why the majority of railroad lines are either elevated above ground or underground. Train ticket prices are regulated by the government due to the state ownership of the rails, which keeps the price cheap. For example, going for the far end of Nocsinis to the far end of Morian costs about 40 Vil. (See map for the distance)

Buses: Although not as widely used as the trains, the buses are a major transportation device for short distance travel. Due to the fact that the buses have to comply with the general traffic of the city, it isn't often on time exactly, but one can expect about a five minute margin of error. Buses are also owned by the government, which controls the prices. Due to the fact that buses are for short distance travels, its price is low at 15 Vil, no matter which station you get off at.

Taxi: The taxi system in Palisia is quite convenient. Not only do they pick up customers while driving around the city, if one does not see an empty taxi, which is quite common in Palisia, one can use the official taxi app to call a taxi to your location. Since the taxi company is partially owned by the government, the fixed rate is quite low, at only 50 Vil for the first two km and each km from that on is 20 Vil. And if one uses the taxi service during any times after 11:00 PM and before 5:00 AM, the starting fee will be 80 Vil for the first two km and each km from that on will be 40 Vil.

Currency: In Vilheim, the currency unit is Vil.

10 Vil = 1 USD

And as for prices of objects in Palisia, a new smartphone is about 7000 Vil.

Palisia is a cashless society, meaning that its residents use virtual currency. The government controls the banking system and partners with all smartphone companies. This allows the government to guarantee the usage of virtual wallets. In all places in the city, such as vending machines, stores, restaurants, and on the public transit, there exists a scanner that one can just hover their phone over to pay.

Economy: The city houses a bustling economy with low unemployment rate due to government programs that hire those that are less fortunate to do public service jobs such as cleaning the city streets. The city also is a majority middle class society, with the medium salary of Palisians being about 800000 Vil annually, meaning 50% of all Palisians earn less, and 50% earn more.

There also exists a variety of jobs in Palisia due to its highly modern society. Technological jobs are on the rise as the government pushes for innovation, granting a boom of Mana Architects and Mana Machinery Designers.

Education: The empire of Vilheim requires its residents to complete at least high school. However, after finishing high school people can choose whether or not they would like to pursue a higher education at a university. Palisia has a large number of schools and universities, both public and private. From kindergarten to middle school, students attend their nearest school. However, for high schools and universities, students would have to apply and pass a test.

Marriage: In Vilheim, the legal age for marriage is 16 years old, meaning that a 16 year old can marry anyone they would like no matter the age. However, it's not that common for people to marry that young.

In addition, the age of consent in Vilheim is also 16 years old, but it is not enforced strictly as the act of sex is often done in privacy.

Government: The government of Vilheim is a monarchy, with the absolute power belonging to the Emperor. The system of the government is such that local residents elect representatives to the Emperor's Council, and they bring issues to the Emperor and the Council. Smaller problems are handled by the Council with minimum Emperor intervention, but major problems such as tax rates and war declarations are controlled by the Emperor.

The nation of Vilheim is split into provinces, each with their own major city known as the Capital. The provinces have their own small local government with a governor appointed by the Emperor. Small problems are taken care of by the local government, and major issues are decided on by the Emperor.


Caster and Caster Rank Explanation

A Caster is an individual who is born with the gift of commanding the Mana in the world as well as enhanced physical capabilities. They are valuable combat assets and are extremely rare.

Caster Rank is a scaled estimate of a Caster's powers and combat prowess. They are ranked from D-A with anything above an A being considered Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Caster Ranks:

D - This class corresponds usually to students in Academies, usually Third years and below.

C - This class corresponds usually to students in Academies in their Forth year and on as well as graduates who has yet to prove that they are rank B. Ranks C and B makes up the majority of the Caster population.

B - This class corresponds typically to Academy graduates who have proven their prowess and value in missions. Ranks C and B makes up the majority of the Caster population.

A - This class corresponds to extraordinary Casters who are powerful or extremely valuable. The power gap between Rank B and Rank A is extraordinary. Even in Rank A's, there exists power differences between individuals as well, with the more powerful Rank A's able to completely destroy lesser Rank A's.

S - This class corresponds to the special few that have demonstrated that they are weapons of mass destruction. These few individuals are typically the aces of nations as having them deters military aggression from foreign nations.

SS and SSS - These classes are granted to individuals who can change the tide of a war just by their existence. They are considered the ultimate weapons of mass destruction.

The Academy:

Academies exists throughout Vilheim as well as other nations as a method to train young, raw Casters into Casters that can hold their own and contribute to their nation. In Vilheim and many other nations, the Professors at Academies are usually top Casters themselves. Often times, these Professors are required to leave the Academy to carry out missions.


There are six different grades in the academy: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6.

Students are expected to attend for all six years unless given special permission to graduate early or if they are KIA or MIA.

Students at the Academy are also expected to contribute in someway. For First years to Third years, they are usually expected to perform small routing missions under supervision of upperclassmen. As for the upperclassmen (Fourth years and up), they are expected to participate in more dangerous missions, although the danger level is still lesser than graduates.

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