
Why are pigs falling from the sky???

"So yeah I'm really confused now Johnny"

"I don't know what you're so confused about it's very clear what I'm trynna say dude"

"really?? Cus it kinda fuckin seems like you're trynna say the world's ending because of a pig and that just doesn't sound right"

"well there you go mark ok so you understand the situation perfectly, great that's great"

"..... John this is why Madeline broke up with you"

"wow that's fuckin rude and no she didn't even break up with me she just assumed I was dead after I'd gone missin for so long and moved on"

"yeah fuck her anyways you were ONLY missing for three years right?? Cmon dude seriously?? You still haven't told us where you were this whole time "

"sure I did I was stuck under ice after I went snowboarding that one time anyways just listen bro I'm here to save yo ass now quit your yappin and come the fuck on I gotta pig-proof bunker I've been dyin to finally check out"

Mark looked at his childhood and longtime friend, Johnathan Hunt, and thought to himself

'yep the psychologists were completely wrong he did go crazy after all.... Poor guy I'm sorry I wasn't there for you man'

Mark couldn't help but clasp his friend's shoulder and say with the most sincere smile he could muster

"it's ok man we're gonna get through this, YOU'RE gonna get through this you hear me?? You're Johnathan FUCKIN Hunt and I love you man"

Of course mark didn't believe his friend's words about him being stuck under ice this whole time but didn't push him too far

'could he have been involved with the mafia or sumthin??'

Johnny couldn't help but blink a few times and worrily say

"Mark are you under the influence of Marijuana??"


Due to mark's outburst everyone in the Cafe they were at were now giving them wierd looks

"nice Goin psycho way to keep a cool head"

"alright man Ive gotta go pack up and get ready to visit the family over the holidays so if you don't mind please"

Mark stood up, done with Johnathan's psychotic episode

"I'm not joking man....hahhh ok look In about 47 minutes, one of greed's depraved subjects will desend upon new York and Hundreds of thousands will die"

Johnathan knew he had to convince his friend of the reality of their future 'the sooner he faces the truth the greater his chances of surviving in the future... Arghh goddammit ... if only that bastard had an ounce of patience and didn't plan to invade as soon as magiks permeated the sorroundings I would have tore out his trachea and stabbed his heart with it"

Unaware of Johnathan's murderous thoughts about the pig, Mark hearing the unfamiliar cold tone in his friend's tone was quite shaken 'he's taking this joke too far'

"hey dude, this isn't funny anymo-"

And the world shook

"it's an earthquake.. shit.. John get under the table quick"

"n-no FUCK why would he be so reckless what is he searching for!?"

Johnathan looked at his friend hiding under the table and dragged him out, he gave him a harsh slap to make sure his next words went through clearly

"LOOK OUTSIDE IDIOT THIS ISNT A GODDAMN EARTHQUAKE...shit shit FUCK... he has invaded earlier than they had initially planned for some reason... Hmm something must have caught greed's eye"

Johnathan cursed their fate

'just what is there in this planet for him to become so impatient so as to risk his forces being annihilated by the invasion of magiks into this realm??... It's not like his siblings have eyes on this planet yet'

His heart shuddered in fear at that thought

"no... Have THEY really set their sights on this planet as well"

In his anxiousness, Johnathan had said that last part aloud and the terror he was experiencing was shown clearly on his face and as Mark looked at his friend... He simply couldn't ignore his nonsensical words anymore

Mark slowly looked outside but it seemed the Cafe they were sitting at had a sort of exotic glass pane which could turn completely red because he clearly remembered that the Glass was clear when they first came

And so as the building and the ground beneath him trembled periodically he shakely walked to the small door of the Cafe and opened it

Mark's mind could not fathom what he saw as he did

Mayhem. Shrieks. Blood. Flesh. Bone.


'NIGHTMARE?? IS THIS A NIGHTMARE?? PLEASE please be a nightmare'

But alas it was the waking world... what he saw infront of him was the real world

The disfigured fleshy body.. Corpse? of pigs littered the streets and