
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Viper's Trap

Viper's fingers snapped with a crisp, commanding click that echoed in the dimly lit room. Like dark phantoms, his lackeys emerged from the shadows and encircled Kai. The air thickened with tension as Kai felt every exit close off, her instincts screaming at the entrapment. Viper leaned forward, the sneer on his face underlit by the neon glow of the signage outside, casting him as a predator toying with its prey.

"Looks like you're short, sweetheart," Viper hissed, his eyes traveling over Kai with an insinuating glint. "But I'm sure we can... negotiate the difference."

Kai's jaw clenched, her hand stealthily finding the hilt of her knife strapped to her thigh. She was not some currency to be bartered, and she'd spill blood before she let them touch her.

"Try it, and you'll pull back a stump," Kai growled, ready to spring into a lethal dance.

The standoff teetered on the knife edge of violence when Seov entered, his presence slicing through the tension like a vibroblade. Towering and broad-shouldered, he moved with a confidence that belied the chaos of the underground market. His lion-like eyes surveyed the scene, exuding a calm authority that demanded attention without a word spoken. His business suit seemed out of place amid the filth, but it was a silent testament to his power—the boss of Neon Shadows stood above the grime of his empire.

"Viper," Seov's voice rumbled, deep and unshaken, "you seem to forget your manners."

Viper's gang instantly recoiled, their bravado withering under Seov's gaze. Kai watched as the theriogen stepped forward, placing himself between her and the encroaching circle of thugs. He offered Kai a nod—a subtle yet potent gesture of acknowledgment in a world where respect was a rare commodity.

"Miss Kai," Seov addressed her directly, appraising the gear she had acquired from the black market. "Your efforts are noted and appreciated."

With deft fingers, Seov extracted a bag from his suit pocket. "The agreed sum of 1000 star coins with an additional bonus of 500," Seov stated in a soft voice with a smile. A small fortune materialized in her hands.

"Consider this extra for the... inconvenience," Seov said, hinting at the disdain for Viper's attempt at extortion.

"Thank you," Kai replied, the weight of the coins both a relief and a burden. Respect from Seov meant she could breathe easier—until the next job, at least.

"Let's go, Viper." Seov's command was non-negotiable, and with a final glare at Kai that promised retribution, Viper followed Seov out like a chastised cur trailing behind its master.

As the duo disappeared into the labyrinth of Neon Shadows, Kai flexed her fingers around the knife handle, feeling the lingering echo of adrenaline. Today had been close—a little too close for comfort.

Kai's boots scraped against the worn cobblestones as she emerged from the dank underbelly of Neon Shadows, her breath casting fog into the chill night air. The sense of confinement clung to her like the alleyway grime, an oppressive reminder of the cage she had just narrowly escaped. Her stride was brisk, fueled by the adrenaline that still coursed through her veins, a tumultuous tide ebbing away from the shores of danger but not quite at peace.

A block away from the subterranean den of vipers, Kai halted. Her chest heaved with suppressed rage, a growl rising unbidden from her throat. She lashed out at the nearest brick wall with a sudden, violent motion. Her knuckles connected with a solid thud, and a shower of dust and debris fell to the ground as the wall crumbled slightly under the force of her blow.

Panting, Kai drew back, her eyes catching a glimpse of her own reflection in a shard of glass discarded amidst the city's detritus. In the moonlight's pale glow, her skin tone glinted like burnished bronze, a stark contrast to the dark bob that framed her face. Her brown eyes—usually so fierce and unwavering—now held a tempest of raw emotion that frightened even her.

She locked eyes with her mirrored image, searching for the calm that seemed as elusive as the clean air above the smog line of New Cascadia. But as she stared, something within those depths began to shift. Her pupils dilated, and a viridescent shimmer flickered to life, casting an otherworldly glow against the glass.

"Easy," she whispered to herself, a mantra to quell the storm brewing beneath the surface. Her breathing slowed, deliberate and measured, while the green flare in her eyes pulsed like a creature stirring in the depths of a forbidden forest. Whatever lay hidden behind that emerald radiance, it was clear that it demanded restraint—a beast of her own making or perhaps her salvation, tethered tenuously by will alone.

Kai closed her eyes for a moment, steadying her heartbeat against the silent backdrop of the night. When she opened them again, the green had receded, retreating back into whatever secret chamber of her soul it occupied. A thin line of sweat traced the curve of her brow, a testament to the exertion of keeping her inner demons at bay.

With one last look at the fractured reflection, Kai turned her back on the image of her conflict and continued down the street, her silhouette swallowed by the city's labyrinthine sprawl. The weight of star coins in her pocket felt heavier now, a burden of survival that came with strings she dared not pull.

Kai's shadow darted through the neon-splattered streets of New Cascadia, her movements erratic and watchful. She glanced over her shoulder, eyes scanning the throngs of people for a sign of pursuit. Every shadow seemed to whisper of Viper's reach, every face a potential threat. Her heart hammered against her ribs as she doubled back once more, taking a sharp turn down an alley that twisted like the belly of a metal snake.

The city gave way to its fringes, where the buildings bore the weight of years unkind. Here, a structure stood hunched among its fellows, its facade emblazoned with the peeling letters of "Cosmic Unity Church." The place was a relic of faith in a world that had long since turned its gaze from the stars to the harsh reality of survival. Kai pushed open the door, its hinges protesting with a screech that echoed into the cavernous space within.

A series of rough and ragged coughs cut through the silence, pulling Kai forward. Her boots crunched on debris as she navigated between pews overtaken by time and neglect. The coughs grew louder, guiding her steps until she found the source.

"Mom?" Kai's voice was a blend of concern and reverence as she approached the woman who had given her life beyond blood—a Chimeric figure wrapped in blankets, nestled within a nest of lights.

Patchwork feathers, black as the void between stars, adorned her skin in stark contrast to the pale, weathered fabric beneath. Wide and knowing, Grey irises shifted toward Kai from a face that blurred human softness with the angularity of a crow.

"Kai, my child," the woman croaked, her voice as frayed as the edges of her makeshift bed.

The air was heavy with the scent of antiseptics and sickness. A tableau of discarded needles and empty bags labeled Ultimgem-B007 strewn about. These were gifts from Neon Shadows, meant to ease pain yet serve as chains all the same. Kai's hands trembled as she knelt beside the woman, the fear in her eyes mirroring the desperation of the scene before her.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Kai asked, striving to steady her voice despite the swell of emotions threatening to break her composure.

"Better, now that you're here," her mother replied with a laborious smile, reaching out with a hand that bore flesh and feather.

Kai clasped the offered hand, the touch grounding her, reminding her why she fought and endured the indignities and dangers of her life. It was for this—this fragile, fierce connection that no DNA could define. And in that moment, amidst the dim glow of artificial light and the remnants of charity laced with control, Kai felt her resolve harden.

"Rest, Mom. I've got you," she whispered, the words a vow as much as comfort. Her eyes, locked with her mother's grey gaze, held no trace of green now, only the steadfast brown of earth and home.


19 Days to Calamity

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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