
Who am I

Huh, I moan as I look around the white room I look up But turn away forcefully as the light burns my eyes. suddenly a voice boomed out from my room "Subject [ REDACTED ] of the Soldier observation and Science Program or S.O.S". What I moaned once again The voice once again boomed "Subject What is your name"? As I thought to my self its.... it's's Why Can't I remember I Question my self what is my name Once again the voice asked:: "SUBJECT ANSWER OR BE terminated." What is MY name I asked once again but then the voice sounded out again "Subject You have 30 seconds to replace or be TERMINATED." Then a timer appeared in front of me saying 30.....29 and so on counting down As I think who Am I once again NOTHING appears in my mind. "Subject You HAVE 10 seconds left to TERMINATION" once again the voice boomed out As I frantically tried to find my name in my mind NOTHING 3...I hear the voice again....2....1.....0 All of a sudden A bunch of saws and claws appeared the mysterious Voice "Subject has failed the test GET RID OF IT" the Voice once again boomed "Subject TERMINATION underway sir!" NO.....NOOOOO I screamed in agony as the saws cut open my body and the claws started pulling on my organs Once again A voice appeared "Subject unwilling organ donation underway." I feel my body get hot as My mind fades away like I was Never there its like ice cream in a room As I melted away just like.....Liquid.

-prologue over

So KEEP reading under the authority of Dr [DATA EXPUNGED] in.....RECOVERED Archive of S.O.S

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