5 Turning Over A New Leaf

After the procedure, I went back to school and work as per normal after 2 days of rest.

Home is filled with nagging and lectures every minute every day from mom and dad was giving me the cold shoulder.

I stopped meeting men, I stopped my mIRC, I stopped my gatherings.

Then my exam results and a letter from the school came. As expected, I failed my sup exam and the letter I received fron school was to inform me that I am unable to continue my studies due to my poor results.

I was stunned but calm. I kind of expected it but it still s**ks.

Oh well, what can I do. I just have to put one foot forward and walk the path that is left open to me.

I no longer had one night stands, just normal relationships that lasted either 3,5 or 7 months.

In those relationships, I was controlled by my partners. I had my ego smacked away,my head stepped on, my heart and bones broken,my sincerity and hope smashed again and again.

I was lied to,cheated on,left hanging more times than I can count. But yet, I always remained faithful to my partners every time. They wanted to be my priority, I let them be. They want me to listen to them, I did. They told me to quit this job or work that job, I complied. They don't want me to meet my friends, I explained to my friends before leaving them.Some understood and stayed,some threw me away....

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