
Shisui in another world

Autor: Mizuchi_7
Contínuo · 63.8K Modos de exibição
  • 3 Chs
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What is Shisui in another world

Leia o romance Shisui in another world escrito pelo autor Mizuchi_7 publicado no WebNovel. Ever wonder why shisui's body was never found? Well this fanfic can help you with that lol. And this is my first novel so don't expect on how you wanted this to become and expect some mistakes or spel...


Ever wonder why shisui's body was never found? Well this fanfic can help you with that lol. And this is my first novel so don't expect on how you wanted this to become and expect some mistakes or spelling corrections so hope you enjoy reading this damn novel. Ok.

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Great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great


Keep up the great work and don't stop writing. Just don't listen to the haters nor should you reply back to them cause it'll just start some beef on the reviews so just don't listen to them ok. And just continue writing I love this work of yours and I hope to read more of it! 👍😏 since I love fanfics of the uchiha clan I'm happy this one is also a fanfic! # added to the library!


Gotta rate myself a 5 star lol being too greedy now aren't I? But who cares! It's my fanfic I can do what I want with it you can go make your own if you feel like it lol. Anyway peace out!


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General Audiencesmature rating