
Shinobi Prince (Naruto FanFic)

A guy reincarnated as the son of the Fire Daimyo.

RC_Soft · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


"Asuma, can you tell me stories about Tenshin-sama?" Hiruzen asked Asuma in a low voice.

Asuma just tucked in Tenshin in his bed after they had their dinner and have the Hokage check his seal for a bit for tomorrow's plan of fixing the seal.

"I'll be with you in a bit." Asuma replied back as he checked Tenshin thoroughly with his tendency to pretend sleeping and training throughout the night later on. They can't have him using chakra the whole night for tomorrow as his father had instructed.

Observing his deep breaths for a couple of minutes and confirming Tenshin in deep sleep he followed after his father and close the door quietly. Asuma nodded at Hiruzen and followed after him as they went towards his study quitely.

"So, tell me about how that 'thing' happened to be seal inside the young lord." Upon arriving at their study, the father and son both took out their own smokes as they inhaled from their own pipe and cigarette.

"*huff* It's a long story…" Asuma release a mouthful of smoke while looking at the moon in the window. He narrated everything that had happened starting with Kazuma's planned rebellion proposal until the part where they rescued Tenshin a little bit late and the Kyuubi's chakra already sealed inside him.

"Hmm, the guardians had done that just for the young lord?" Hiruzen inhaled from his pipe while impressed about their undying loyalty towards the young lord. "Is he that talented that drove Kazuma and the others on their twisted plans?"

"Heh, you have no idea how talented Tenshin-sama is." Asuma put the light out of his cigarrete in the ashtray while stating proudly about Tenshin's talent.

Hiruzen wouldn't mistake the look on his son's face at the moment. He had seen that numerous times in the Fire Daimyo's face whenever he boasted about his son's talent at him. He couldn't help but smile at his son's favoritism with his young lord.

"Hahaha, look's like even the Daimyo can't have his son hidden anymore at this point." Hiruzen laughed as he thought to himself as he imagined the look at the Daimyo's face when he refused to have Jiraiya help him and instead sending Tenshin here in Konoha so that he can see finally him himself after years of the Daimyo refusing the bring his son on his visits in Konoha.

"So, Otou-san. How is the seal, can you handle it without Jiraiya-sama's help?" Asuma asked Hiruzen and noticed how hopeful he is that he even addressed him as his father.

"…The thing sealed inside Tenshin-sama is not a real Bijuu, but only a part of it's residual chakra. Such types of chakra can't ever be stabilized if the user ever use it in any case. The seal just won't work the same way as a jinjuriki's seal that have a real Bijuu inside them." Hiruzen explained the matter to Asuma seriously as the latter's face darkened a little bit.

'If only Kazuma didn't do this – no, if only we were not careless or late, Tenshin-sama might still not need such unstable thing inside him.' Asuma thought while clinching his fist feeling frustrated to himself.

"I'll need to call back Jiraiya as soon as possible. Tomorrow I'll reinforce the seal so that the young lord can learn some simple jutsus like he wanted." Seeing the frustrated look at his son's face he made this thing a priority and decided to bring here Jiraiya.

"To bad old man. He only needs to learn Shunshin and he'll have officially mastered all elementary jutsu needed for an academy student to graduate." Asuma chuckled for a bit and had a chill when he remembered how Tenshin mastered two jutsus he taught him in under two hours.

Hiruzen eye's widened and remembered that Tenshin was using a Henge when they first meet earlier this day. "Hahaha, is that so? Why the long face though?" He laughed at his son's seemingly traumatized face while a bit of sweat fell from his forehead.

"Trust me old man, he is not just your regular genius. Even I'm afraid I'm going to lose my confidence if I'm to teach him myself more." Asuma took out another cigarette and lit it up while inhaling the smoke like a troubled man.

"Is that so?" Hiruzen chuckled at his son's strange behaviour but fully believe him as he had seen something in Tenshin even back when he was just a one-year-old toddler.

Hiruzen can't help but remember the geniuses have in the village and even the past ones that had left this world, that he can't help but compare them in his mind. 'Is he at Kakashi's level, my three students?…or perhaps Itachi? Hmm, maybe he could give Minato a run for the money as well? Well…we'll see. We'll see.'


'Ehh… I guess I got really tired in our travels that I slept like a log last night.' I walk besides Asuma as we were heading towards the Hokage tower after having breakfast. Turns out we stayed at the Sarutobi compound last night and where I'll be staying throughout my stay here in Konoha.

"Come on Asuma walk faster. I can't wait to have this seal fixed and learn new jutsus like you promised!" I run backwards ahead of Asuma while doing showing some hand seals and taunting Asuma who shook his head helplessly while saying yes.

Because of my childish actions as I continue running backwards, I didn't paid attention behind me and crashed to someone. The opposite end ended up falling despite me running backwards, it was also a child I run into but I felt his body quite petite and light than me that I didn't even fall.

Looking hurriedly at who I accidentally crashed into, I saw a blond hair of a child face planted on the ground. "Ahh! I'm really sorry! I wasn't watching. Are you all right?!" I quickly helped the child get back up as I sat him up and dusted his clothes while apologizing numerous times.

"That hurts, ya know!" He was holding his nose with both of his hands while complaining. When he removes his hands, I finally saw his face.

The blond kid had clear blue eyes and strange whiskers at his checks and glaring at me quite heavily. I was momentarily stunned upon realizing who I've finally met. The main protagonist in the story, Naruto himself.

"Hahaha! You look really funny." I tried to keep calm as hard as I can as I dusted him off specially his face which I was basically rubbing all over. I can't help but feel really sad upon seeing a malnourished looking brat like this is the future hero of this world.

"Muu! You're just making it worse! Grrr!" Naruto stood up while backing off away from me in a hurry and growling quite threateningly.

"There you are you demon brat!" Suddenly out of no where a furious looking man run towards us as Naruto seemed to jumped in fright and was about to run when he faltered and almost fell down. It looks like he hurt his feet earlier but thankfully I managed to support him just in time as the furious man arrived as well.

"You damn demon brat, I let you eat in my place and you just run with out paying!" He raised his right arm as he was about to slap Naruto.

"Stop right there." I grabbed Naruto and hid him behind me while speaking and glaring coldly at the man.

"And who is the brat helping this demon?!" The man stopped his raised arm looked at me questioningly like I was a fool.

My senses turned cold as the man keep calling Naruto a demon and threatening to hurt a child of five-year-old in the streets for everyone to see.

I felt something strange in my stomach and felt a chilling rage overcoming me, the henge I was using was threatening to worn off as a thin veil of red chakra flows out my body.

"You should bow down you lowly---!" Suddenly Asuma appeared in front of Naruto and I, he appeared out of nowhere and blocked my vision of the man while facing me. He kneeled to my eye level and brushed my hair while shaking his head.

I calmed down a little when I felt his chakra from his hand and I suddenly realized what I was about to do. I absentmindedly nodded at Asuma as I concentrated and keep the flowing ominous chakra in me in control with a bit of struggle while closing my eyes.

'What the? I almost lost control and got taken over by the Kyuubi's chakra…' I gritted my teeth in frustration and focused on stabilizing my chakra. I opened my eyes and saw Asuma smiling at me while nodding his head in relief.

He stood up as he turns to face the man earlier and gave him some cash before whispering something in his ear, the man was horrified and apologized and turned around to hastily walk away from us.

"Sugeeeii! That was scary, I almost pissed myself because of you! That was amazing ya know!" Naruto was the first to break the ice as he excitedly praised me.

"Hahaha! Do you like my acting?! I know I'm really good at this, praise me more!" I acted high as I crossed my arms and haughtily nodded my head as Naruto nodded vigorously.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! Nice to meet you, ya know!" Naruto introduced himself proudly acting like me as I laughed inside my head with his familiar catchphrase.

"Ohh! I'm Tenshin! Nice to meet you, Naruto!" I reached out my hands at him while giving him a big and welcoming smile.