
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · Videojogos
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16 Chs

Dragon ball universe?

"...Is that a dragon ball?"

The paper had a star shaped orange thingy, which had circles in the center

It seemed similar to dragon ball but it has swapped shapes

'Huh, interesting' thinking that Shifter teleported to that AU

The place Shifter got teleported to was a modern city, totally not underground as when he looked up there was a clear sky (Hammer)

The interesting thing was that not only humans were walking around in the city but also monsters, different kind of them but all of them were humanoid

'It really looks like dragonball...'

Shifter started exploring, he teleported all around the city finally finding the place he was searching for

Infront of him was capsule corps building, bulma's home

Shifter smiled, when he chose to reincarnate in Undertale, although he knew that there were AUs like Alastor!Sans and Bill!Sans but he didn't expected a anime world to also exist

'I guess it will be fun to travel this world for a while'

-After a while

'...Although I want to travel around, money is a must to travel comfortably and I ain't a thief... What to do?' Shifter was walking down the road, thinking of how to get money

There were alot of people gathered in one place making alot of noise, Shifter noticed that and teleported on the brick wall near which the crowd gathered

Shifter was surprised to see the chinese looking guy with the boxing gloves on, he was a guy that not many would remember as he was only shown once in the series when goku was searching for bulma's place

Image here^

'If he's here then..' Shifter looked towards the crown and noticed the oddity, there was a small skeleton with blue eyes and a... skeletal tail? with a bright smile talking to himself

'He wants to fight bruce lee guy huh, sorry but I'll be taking the money'

"Well? Who's next then? Take me down for a hundred thousand zeni? Which one of you has got the guts? Come on! Step up!"

The crowd was murmuring, telling each to go on and fight the guy

"I'll be fighting ya" bruce lee surprised as it was not coming from the crowd

Bruce lee looked around and noticed a young guy with white hair and blue eyes

"Pfft, no joke? Are you serious? Alright small guy, come on" Bruce lee guy didn't take Shifter seriously and it was his mistake

Shifter jumped down and while he was in the air he transformed into delta sans's human form

Image here^

Bruce lee guy was looking at Shifter with wide eyes but quickly composed himself

"Such petty tricks won't help you little guy, come on, I'll let you have the first hit" He showed "Come on" Gesture

Shifter shrugged and using his blaster on his back he seemed to teleport but it was actually pure speed

Shifter did a leg sweep making his opponent fall down and right after that punched his fist right beside "Bruce lee's" head making a hole

By this moment the crowd was in awe and the guy himself was shaking in his boots

"Now, where's my money?"

"Money? A-ah, yes, here you go" "bruce lee" stood up and brought him his hundred thousand zeni

"Thanks" Shifter said turning around and leaving, "Bruce lee" was sobbing in his corner saying "I'm broke"

When Shifter was leaving he felt a tag on his clothes, turning around he saw a small skeleton with two blue eyes

"Excuse me, do you know where bulma lives?"