
1 : New Home, New Neighbours!

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kuala Lumpur Airport. Local time is 9:35 and the temperature is 28C. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.

If you require a deplaning assistant, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.

On behalf of Malaysia Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!" announced the flight attendant through the speaker.


Gripping the trolley tight under my fingers, I exited the gate as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I couldn't believe it, I'm here, standing in a foreign country, and no family watching over me, no overprotective brothers and friends, just me and Sarah starting our own new lives here, in Malaysia.

I couldn't help but let the thrill loose, I was on the edge of my seat. Not being able to bottle the elation in me, I let out a squeal. Strangers around me started, eyeing me weirdly as if I had gone bonkers, I mean we were still at the airport.

But I couldn't help it, turning around to Sarah who was calling for a Taxi, I grinned.

"What?" she asked, sensing I was being weird from her point of view.

"We're here," I whispered in glee, but as if Sarah didn't share the same enthusiasm she hummed, nodding her head as she was back typing on her phone.

A blue taxi came down rolling its window, a young-looking man popped its head out the window.

"Need a taxi?" he asked.

"Yes, please," Sarah replied.

The man hopped out and helped us with our luggage, putting it in the back trunk.

Throughout the journey, I kept asking the man questions. I did loads of researching but I couldn't help but ask, but the driver seems to be enjoying the conversation.

"Here we are." The doorman informed us as we stood in front of our flat.

After arriving, the doorman was generous enough to help move our luggage so we wouldn't tire ourselves going back and forth.

Sarah gave him a tip, which he declined kindly saying "It's my job and I'd love to help.

Cheerio." the thoughtful man left.

With Sarah punching the digits in the door made a buzzing sound indicating it was unlocked. Pushing the handle down we opened the heavy door.

I was awed at the view, right from the door you could see the amazing view of the city from the wide glass-like wall, it was remarkable.

Walking in closer to the glass I peered at the busy streets below, strangers looked like tiny black dots from up here.

Glancing behind me, Sarah was nowhere around. "Sarah!" I called out curious about where she might be.

Entering a room Sarah was organizing her clothes in her wardrobe. "Hungry?" She asked in the middle of folding her clothes.


Observing the room, this must be the bedroom, Sarah's room. "Oh, I'm going to check out my room." and quickly disappeared to search for a room of mine.

My bedroom was in the opposite direction of Sarah's but was the same as her, it's just the opposite, I too had a glass wall, and it was indeed spacious, the whole flat is spacious. There wasn't much furniture in the apartment, only two beds, some tables, a sofa and a TV.

Walking out my room I noticed that the boxes that were sent weeks ago had already arrived, searching for ones that had my name, I stacked the boxes up pushing the heavy objects across the room, entering my room.

Copying Sarah, I opened a box searching for hangers and went to hang my clothes from my luggage.

Sarah. POV.

I had just finished hanging my clothes and even went to order Chinese food nearby.

Scanning the flat we seriously need to go shopping tomorrow, I went to Akira's room to inform her, but she was fast asleep leaning on the bed as she was holding a hanger. Her wardrobe was halfway filled, which I was glad so I didn't have to scold her later.

Getting out I strolled to check out the kitchen. It was a beauty indeed, I've always wanted a kitchen to myself, I knew well Akira can't even cook anything other than the basics like frying an egg, but her hobby of baking does impress me, I do have a hard time making cakes and biscuits, but her skill is impressive so I'd just let her do her thing.

A buzz sound echoed through the flat. 'That was quick' thinking it was the Chinese food I ordered, I went to get the door.

But no, it wasn't Chinese. There stood a guy with thick dark hair, long enough to cover his brows, the guy was spectacle, a sweet smell came from him, or the container he was holding in his hands.

"Yes?" I asked.

The guy grinned. "Hey, I'm Danial, I live next door and I thought I'd greet the new neighbours. Welcome! Here are some cookies I made." Danial gave me a warm container.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah and I live with-" A yawn stopped me.

"Sarah, is the food ready?" Akira came stretching as she had just woke up.

Opening her eyes, she was taken back at the stranger that stood out the door.

"Hi?" She looked at me asking who the guy was.

"This is Akira." I introduced her.

Akira came standing beside me. "Hello? And you are?" she asked Danial.

"Right, I'm Danial, I live next door with a friend of mine. And I just wanted to welcome you guys here. Anyways I can't stay much longer. See you ladies." he bid goodbye.

Holding the container I went to the kitchen and placed it on the island, knowing Akira was trailing behind me.

"Biscuits." She chirped munching on the chocolate chip cookies.

"Akira, you haven't eaten a proper meal yet, don't take anymore." I scolded taking the container away.

She pouted still munching on the cookie.

Another buzz echoed.

"I'll get that, maybe it's a cute guy too." she ran off finishing the cookie.

Akira POV.

Fixing my hair I went and swung the door open hoping it would be a cute guy, but no, it wasn't even a guy, but it was food, so I went back to pay and skipped to the kitchen placing the meal on the island.

"No cute guy?" Sarah asked, smirking.

"You're mean." And I went to take the food out and ignored her laugh.

Finishing up the food I was satiated, I lazily walked to the sofa and flopped down as the cushion sagged under me. Sarah came following, sitting up and was typing on her phone.


She hummed in response.

"Wanna check out the city?" I suggested, bored that the TV wasn't fully set up.

"Right now?"

"Yeah, we don't have to go far, just around the flat."

"OK," she replied.

I went to my room to grab my phone that was charged and off we went.

Thanking the doorman as he opened the doors for us, we began strolling through the streets, it wasn't crowded but it wasn't quiet either. By this time of the day, people were just exhausted wanting to head home.

There were different kinds of smell in the air as we passed by different kinds of shops. We stopped at a coffee shop, peering around it was bigger than expected, it was a cute wooden themed shop, it had lamps all over.

Walking to the cashier we ordered. "One choco mint frappe and one vanilla frappe, oh and two strawberry shortcakes please."

We went to take a seat near the window, Sarah, as usual, was already on her phone while I just stared out the window, observing the people as they passed.

The bell of the shop rang and two guys came chatting, glancing at them, I noticed it was Danial with another guy who also wore glasses. Danial saw me and waved, waving back this caught Sarah's attention, peeking behind she meet with Danial's eyes, and he winked at her sending her looking to her front.

Looking up I was already smirking at her as she sneered.

After the guys ordered, they went walking to our table.

"Can we join you two?" asked Danial.

Before Sarah could even reply I quickly nodded which made me earn a glare from her.

Our order came and we began eating, well I begin to stuff myself with the shortcake, and it was delicious.

"Oh, btw this is my friend Haykal." Danial introduced.

"Hey" I spoke with my mouth slightly full.


"Hey, I have a question. What made you choose to live here?" asked Danial curiously as he took a sip at his drink.

"We both got accepted into MU," I answered after I gulped the dessert down.

"Really? We go there too," exclaimed Haykal excitedly.

"Cool. What major are you guys in?" I asked.

"I'm in music," replied Haykal.

"I'm taking my second degree and continuing my medical school and I wanted to be a psychologist." spoke Danial.

"Psychologist?" asked Sarah.

"Yeah, I want to work independently with my clients."

"How about you two?" asked Haykal.

"I'm in architecture," I replied and shortly begin to stuff my face again.

"Music," Sarah replied, she rolled her eyes at the sight of me being slightly childish.

"Have you ever seen someone with any mental health issues?" Sarah asked all of a sudden, making me choke.

Sarah went grabbing a few tissues and my drink to help me. I gave her a small thanks.

For some reason there was a suspicious feeling, eyeing Sarah, I observed her, she wasn't usually one to talk especially about this particular topic.

"Yes, many times, why do you ask?" questioned Danial at the sudden interest.

"Nothing, I just remembered my twin brother, he has anxiety and panic attacks but he's recovering well." Spoke Sarah quickly.

"It's getting dark outside, I think it's time for us to go, thanks for the chat." Said Sarah bidding goodbye.

"But I haven't even- argh fine." I complained following Sarah out.


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