
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · Ação
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23 Chs


<p>MOOD SWINGS <br/><br/>Rhida woke up very early and rushed downstairs, Janette and Lincon have yet to arrive and she rushed inside Iver's room but it was empty, she was shocked, could he have perhaps left for work? That's so early. She searched everywhere but couldn't see him. She was worried all of a sudden and she pick up her phone and dialed Iver's number, there was no response at first until the second time, it was picked up by Donald. He told her he was in a meeting and just like that, she end the call. <br/><br/>She wondered what was keeping him so busy these days and she snorted and sat on the chair, it was still so early. Just then Janette arrived in and she rushed to her. <br/>" You are awake, ma'am"<br/>" Ah yes, don't mind me, just go around your business," Rhida said and Janette bowed and left. She went back into her room, somewhat sad. <br/><br/>She got dressed up at ten in the morning and rushed downstairs. <br/>" Where..." Lincon was saying<br/>" To my friend's house," She said and smiled, then she rushed out. <br/><br/>Rhida got to Jay's entertainment and entered, people are giving her looks, clearly different from the ones they gave her before when she was there. She didn't care, she walked with pride as usual and passed by those girls who whispered to each other. Of course, she knew it was not something good but she has got to adapt to it now. She entered Hannah's office and stood up immediately <br/><br/>" Yeah! I told you not to come now!" She shouted and Rhida smiled <br/>"You shouldn't be here!" She said worriedly and Rhida walked up to her <br/>" Can you please go now? Before Jenny arrives? She is like a snarling lion these days" <br/>" But..." <br/>" Go, hurry," Hannah said, pushing her outside. She opened the door and saw Jenny. Her eyes widened and she released Rhida. <br/><br/>" Miss Rhida, can we talk?" Jenny said politely but in a mockery and angry tone <br/>" She is going h..." Hanna was saying, trying to make an excuse but Rhida touched her and she stopped <br/>" Let's go, I also have stuff to talk with you about", Rhida said with confidence and a straight look. <br/>Jenny smirked and they both left. <br/>Hanna looked at them worriedly and shot Jenny's manager a dreadful look. <br/><br/>Jenny and Rhida got to a room and stopped. <br/>Jenny face her <br/>" Don't you get it yet? You are bad luck, you always ruin everything you are involved with. See? You ruined the movie!" <br/>" Mind your words, Jenny, oh right, I heard you were on your knees, or should I say you give out your body so you can get the role. Don't worry I won't blame you, it's worth getting mad at" Rhida said with a mockery tone and Jenny slapped her. <br/>Rhida's face was thrown aside by the sudden slap and she looked up at her <br/>" Yeah! Did you want to get sued?" Rhida shouted, beaming with anger <br/>" Sue who? Me? It's me, Jenny and you seem to have forgotten something really important, I'm also the fiancee of the executive director of Collins Co. Get yourself together and plead in front of me!" Jenny said and Rhida smirked, she was already as angry as she was but who the hell is she to claim to be the fiancee of the father of her child? <br/>" Really? Then let me show you what a person who is not the fiancee of the executive director of Collins Co. Can do" Rhida said between gritted teeth and grabbed her hair. <br/>" Ahhhhh" Jenny screamed and the members rushed in, separating them. <br/><br/>Rhida stare at the big building in front of her and sighed. She was always once happy to work here but now she was banned. She sighed and turned away. <br/><br/>" Rhida!" She heard a familiar voice from the distance and she turned to the person; It was Anna. She smiled at her, they must have come out for lunch. <br/><br/>" Hey girl, missed ya," Anna said and she smiled <br/>" Same here" <br/>" Come on, let's have some drinks," Anna said and left for the cafeteria. She also follows her <br/><br/>They both sat on a seat with their trays. <br/>" I bought a beer" Anna grinned <br/>" Let's both share," She said and Rhida smiled <br/>" Don't worry, I'm ok" She touched her tummy gently <br/>" Why? You are a knack for drinking like me, so why won't you?" <br/>" I stopped drinking," Rhida said, giving her a straight face so she won't see through her lies <br/>" Why?" <br/>" Just... Let's eat" Rhida said, changing the topic and Anna nodded. <br/>As they were eating, she gave Rhida some fried meat and Rhida smiled. <br/>" Thank you but I always feel like throwing up when I ate it," Rhida said and Anna looked at her <br/>" Did you by the way always feel dizzy?" She asked and Rhida look away <br/>" Why are you..." <br/>" Are you pregnant?" Anna cuts in and Rhida was speechless. She wanted to find a word to say but it was like she lost her voice at that moment <br/>" You are pregnant? Whoa congratulations, why don't you tell me? Or is the father out of the picture?" Anna asked and Rhida reluctantly nodded<br/>" Oh my, so sorry to hear that. I don't understand why some men are animals!" Anna said and Rhida nodded and smile with everything she said. <br/><br/>They went out after eating <br/>" How about some visit sometime? You are still living in your house right?" <br/>" No, I moved out"<br/>" Why?" <br/>"Why did you have a lot of questions today" Rhida scratched the back of her neck, feeling uncomfortable. <br/>"I'm sorry, you just seem to have changed a lot. You have even injured your lips, don't you know a pregnant woman must be extra careful?" Anna nagged and she fake smile <br/>" Alright, I will get going, we are super busy these days, see ya," Anna said and waved then she left. <br/><br/>Rhida sighed and touch her lips, it was caused by Jenny's slap. She turned slowly and went away. <br/><br/>Janette and Lincon were transfixed when they saw Rhida. She was injured and her dressing was rough unlike the morning <br/>" Oh my, Ma'am, what's wrong?" Janette asked worriedly and Rhida walked upstairs without a word and shut the door. <br/><br/>" That was so sudden. What could have happened?" Lincon asked and Janette shook her head worriedly <br/><br/>It was almost midnight when Iver arrived and Janette and Lincon rushed to him <br/><br/>" You are home boss," Lincon said sadly and worriedly <br/>" What's wrong?" <br/>" Your wife has been acting strange since she was back from her friend's house. She arrived with an injury and she has been sleeping since then until recently when she came down, she refused to go back to her room. She was sleeping on the sofa!" Janette cried and Iver looked at them with anger <br/><br/>" Why don't you tell me earlier," He asked icily and they both trembled <br/>" We... I... She..." Lincon said, not forming a reasonable word, he was so scared that he knew he would wet his pants sooner. <br/><br/>Iver went inside and saw the small figure laying on the couch, he walked up to her and saw her injured lips, he clenched his fist angrily, he wished to know the person who did this to her so he can do something more unforgettable for the person. <br/><br/>Not wanting to wake her up, he picked her up gently and carry her inside the room and tuck her in the duvet. He looked at her and touched her injured lips, then she turned around. He walked toward the door and off the lights. He looked at her one more time before he left the room <br/><br/>Rhida woke up the next day, her head spinning. She switched on her phone and notifications chimed on her phone. <br/>She was surprised by the amounts of notifications and she open one which caught her attention, it was about Jenny. <br/><br/>Opening it, she saw a picture of her and Iver; He was so close to her and Jenny looked at him passionately. Her heart scrunched up and she remembered what Jenny said the other day. She is right after all. They were engaged. <br/>She almost forgets that. Tears trickled down her eyes and she struggles to wipe them away, she clearly don't understand why she felt this way. Is she angry or jealous or perhaps disappointed? She didn't know. She went down after some minutes for a cup of water and she bumped into someone. It was Iver, she was so shocked to see him at home, he normally went to the office early but why is he still at home, it was almost nine in the morning. She looked at him and saw his cold face. She trembled, this was the first time he gave her that look. Well, who is she to him anyways? The only thing he wants from her is the child, he never cares for her from the beginning. Her friends must be right. Tears trickled down her face and she bow her head <br/>" I'm sorry, I will know my place," She said and left for her room. Iver was shocked and Janette and Lincon were at a loss too. <br/><br/>Rhida locked her door and sat at the back, weeping she didn't understand why it was so hard to control her tears. <br/><br/><br/>In the afternoon, Rhida opened the door and walked up to Iver's room, she was curious about what Iver was holding in the picture. As she was searching for it, she saw a locker. She was curious as she bent to it. It was locked and she tried several passwords but it was all wrong. <br/>She sat on the floor, frustrated and then she remembered the password of the main door. <br/>' 0203' As Anna said before and she stood up and quickly stood up and pressed it, then it unlocked <br/>" Whoa," She said and opened it <br/>She saw some papers there and bring them out. <br/>" Ah" She screamed after seeing the papers and Janette and Lincon rushed in <br/>" Ma'am!" Janette shouted and rushed to her. Lincon looked at the floor at the bloody letters and pictures. <br/>" Take her away," Lincon said and Janette took Rhida away. Lincon packed the letters back into the locker. <br/><br/>Janette gave Rhida a cup of water and she drank it, still in a daze. <br/>" Are you okay? How are you feeling now?" Lincon asked and she nodded. <br/>" What are those letters?" Rhida asked and Janette and Lincon looked at each other then keep quiet. <br/>Rhida picked up her phone immediately <br/>" I guess I have to ask him myself," She said and they both stopped her <br/>" Please don't" Janette cried and Rhida turned to them <br/>" Then tell me, I won't tell him you told me," Rhida said and they both give her a worried look <br/>" Please keep your word," Lincon said when he realized she won't give up. <br/>Lincon looked at Janette and she nodded <br/>" Boss has been receiving the letters since five years ago, those bloody letters..." <br/>" The day he first receives the letter, we are there with him, it's the picture of Claire, his fiancee then as well as Donald's sister. Her pictures were soaked in blood. We didn't believe it at first but the boss was so scared and he rushed to her workplace. Then he saw her laying in the pool of blood, she was stabbed..." Lincon stopped and Rhida's hands were trembling <br/>" He started receiving the letters since then, on the same day of her death. It will soon be the day, that bloody day..." Janette's eyes filled with tears <br/>" I guess he is still receiving the letters, judging by the way he still has it in his locker," Lincon said and Janette hold her hand <br/>" Please can you stay with him? I heard about the rumors, you must have misunderstood. He can never like Jenny, he is trying his best to cut off the engagement but it was all planned by his family. His family didn't like him, and his mother detest him. Why is it only him? You are the only one he has now. Please, ma'am, trust and understand him" Janette said, holding her hands and she looked at her, tears blurred her vision and she couldn't form a word. <br/><br/>At night, Iver arrived home late as usual and Janette and Lincon rushed to him <br/>" Welcome boss"<br/>" Where is Rhida?" He asked and they both looked down. <br/>Iver went inside and saw Rhida laying on the sofa. He walked up to her and carry her gently. She opened her eyes and saw him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and Iver looked at her, confused. He thought she will demand that he put her down but it was the other way around. <br/><br/>He lay her down gently and she wasn't letting go of her hands that were around his neck <br/><br/>" I'm sorry that I'm late" He whispered and She looked at him <br/><br/>" Are you craving something? Tell me, I will go get it for you" He said and Rhida nodded <br/>" What? Tell me"<br/>" You," She said and Iver looked at her with astonishment. <br/>" I want you to sleep here tonight," She said and Iver looked at her <br/>" Really? Then give me some moments, let me freshen up and come back" He said and she nodded <br/><br/>He arrived in a few moments and tuck himself in the duvet. <br/>Rhida turned to him and hugged him, burying her face in his chest. He hugs her back and buries his face in her hair, inhaling her hair scent. <br/><br/>Rhida hugged him more tightly, she wished she can shower him with all the love he lacked, and she wished she can make up for her mistakes. <br/><br/>Iver smiled and hugged her back, he was surprised by the sudden changes; well he heard pregnant women do have mood swings but he wished these mood swings will last longer, longer than those other mood swings</p>