
Shattered Reflections: A Regressed Reality

I just wanted to live a peaceful life. I didn't want to get involved in anything troublesome. Even then, I died. But when I woke up, I regressed back to make things right. Or so I thought. I never thought I would be involved something even more troublesome or should I say rather dangerous. Read his story to find out what exactly he was involved with and will he be able to achieve his peaceful end. Let's find out.

Phantasmic_Scribe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

4. Facing The Reality (2)

This was the first time I was entering this room. I haven't entered this room because I had no reason to. I lost all hope in the past.

As soon I entered the room, I saw that man sitting on the table on the opposite side of the room minding his own business as if I'm not worth his time. There wasn't a slightest change in what he was doing since I entered.

Even though, the head butler had told him of my arrival, it seems that he wasn't interested or rather he's busy with his work. I guess he wasn't interested in anything that I would like to say.

"The Young Master has arrived", the head butler said.

"Now, you may leave", the man spoke in his usual cold demeanor.

The head butler quickly left the room and I was all alone in the room with my father. That man hasn't even paid attention to me since the moment I entered. Looks like, he only called me for the sake of formalities since I didn't have any talent that he could use to begin with.

"I would like to bring a proposal to you." I spoke in a confident way since I had to start the conversation. It was my need and who knows for how long that he was going to ignore me in the first place.

The old man looks surprised since I wasn't always confident in front of him. He didn't expect me to speak first and was going to ignore me till he was going to finish his work.

He stood up from his desk and sat on the couch. Looks like, he finally wants to decide what this talentless person wants to say to him.

"Take a seat", the old man said.

As he told, I sat on the couch opposite to his facing him straight to straight. I wasn't intimidated in the slightest because of him. After all, I realized many things after I was kicked out of this place in the past.

In this world of constant change, you are the only one who can help yourself. Not even family or friends are going to help you when there isn't any benefit to begin with. You can only understand when you face it for yourself anyway. I don't expect others to understand it in the first place.

But, he doesn't know that I am not the same person as the past which is why he is probably interested in what I will say to him.

"State your proposal. I will decide whether it's good enough for not."

"I would like to leave this house and start to be independent. I would like for you to support me for 2 years."

"What do I get out of this? A deal is only struck when it's beneficial to both parties, not just one."

This was the turning point of the conversation. I knew it wasn't going to be easy with this man. Showing him that I had the resolve to be independent wasn't enough. Well, this was obvious knowing his personality.

"I know that the company is currently facing internal issues and due to leakage of confidential information in various sectors"

As soon I said that, the man glared at me. He was probably wondering on how I got information that was kept to be a secret to everyone. I decided to continue.

"Another organization has infiltrated our company to sabotage the company from the inside and cover it up so that we won't have many leads to go on with. I have information on the situation. The company will be kept into a dire situation if this continues so I would like to help."

I knew about the details since it happened in the future I came from. It was the same time frame so I got more details of the incident after I was kicked out. The company was going under and took a major blow due to them but knowing how the old man is able to handle things, he was able to bring things into control. But, of course the damages weren't minimal.

Even if he acted earlier, there was nothing he could do. That's the kind of people that he was dealing with. Their plan was only unsuccessful because of a slip-up that happened. But, now it hasn't happened yet. So, I have an upper hand in this conversation.

There was no other choice for him to but to accept my deal for now. The company will suffer too much if he plays stubborn right now. But I know that he always makes the most logical decisions.

"Looks like you have changed. I will accept your proposal of this."

"I'm glad that we can come to a conclusion on this"

"I hope that won't disappear on us like Shin"

That was a name I didn't hear in a while. Shin is the name of my older brother. He was eldest of the siblings. If I were to say that my sister was prodigy, then my brother was beyond that.

He excels at everything but weirdly enough compared to the rest of the family, he left more human. He always used to talk to me and support me in the past.

But, one day, he disappeared. Regardless, of how hard the old man searched he was not found. He was a rare gem of a talent that he couldn't afford to lose in the first place. My sister probably left happy since it was her time to shine since my brother no longer existed.

It's weird for him to bring him up after all these times. It's already been 2 yrs since he disappeared and even in the future, he didn't come back. I had no information about it and it more or so seemed like the old man wanted to ask if I had knew anything about it.

"I don't plan to" I replied.

The old man brought out a contract to finalize the deal so that both parties can agree to the terms. The contract was empowered by mana. It was one of the applications that were found in which the one who breaks the contract will have to take a punishment worth of breaking the contract.

The terms were written upon the contract. I looked over it carefully making sure there were no loopholes. I can never be safe with sly old man anyway. The contract stated 3 years instead of 2 years which means the information that I provide is worth more I thought.

"Seems like there are no objections" the old man spoke as he took the contract.

The contract is sealed by mana of the both the users to identify the deal between both the parties. Even though, I was very weak in mana proficiency, it's good enough for things like this. Both of us kept our hands on the contract to seal it.

We sealed the contract. The old man didn't speak a single word and got back to his work immediately. Looks like, he doesn't want anything more to do with me as what we both wanted has completed.

I left out of his room with a copy of the contract leaving his copy of the contract on table as it is. There was no longer any reason to stay here. I had gotten the permission to no longer stay here and found a place to work near to my job.

While going back to my room, I found someone at the door of my room. As expected, why would things do as smoothly as I had planned? My sister was waiting there at my room wanting to talk something to me.

"Oh, look who's finally back. Was your stroll enjoyable?"

She was always like this, as sarcastic as ever. I ignored her and went into my room as it was her need. She always ignored what I wanted to say so why would I listen to her now. There was no point in fanning the flames to a fire which will run out eventually.

I had no business with her and even I did, she would be the last person that I would go to. She always had the worst of personalities to begin with.

I lied down on my chair. After a few minutes of my sister shouting at the door, she finally left. Finally, I could rest for a while without any discturbances. I reminisced about what happened today since a lot of things happened only to realize, this is probably going to be the start of many things that I wouldn't know about. I took some snacks to eat before I was going to sleep.

Well, time to rest and wait what tomorrow entails for me. I can't be unrest about the future. Too many things have happened and it's been a long day for me. Probably, one of the longest days for me in a while. I let out a sigh of relief and threw myself on the bed hoping for the next day to come soon.