
shaping shadows

What we can see is what you cannot, what you see as fiction is what we see as reality. Yet, are we right?

Gray_view_1034 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Night

It was night again and usually the time on weekdays when everyone sleeps, does not sleep, plays games, anything.

Liam was tired after another day of school like any kid but the other thing that he always tried to avoid was Usora because of the foxlike figure that seems to follow him all the time, of course, he always felt awkward when he does interact with him but he was able to hide it.

He wanted to go to sleep and he did he was glad that there was not any homework to be done and he could just sleep the night away.

11:20 PM it was close to midnight, Teki who was aware o this decides to go outside as he feels the mood to go the night "What are you gonna do there this time?" A voice said to Teki, the voice would seem nonexistent yet he hears it "Im bored I guess" He said in reply. He then soon got out of his apartment room and checked his watch "Eleven twenty-five pm" he said in a low voice. he then proceeds to walk down the stairs and soon walk towards the street as he would check his watch. He stopped in the local park where he sees some other people there. "Are there here for that as well? or something else? he thought to himself "Maybe some of them are here to go to the night like you" The nonexistent voice replied as if it could read Teki's mind "Shut up?" Teki said in a whisper directed to The nonexistent voice.

After a while, the surroundings slowly seem to swirl around as it seems like reality is changing its shape. Teki then closed his eyes and when he finally opened them. He was now in a new place as there were some light patterns in the park with many shop stands and people. The park had a purple-like color view with a darkish vibe. but what makes this place truly interesting in his eyes are the monster figures that roam in this different reality which most people here would call it "the Night". Some monsters follow different individuals which they would be called "manifestations"

He never really planned what to do here this time but just to go to the usual place. He walked through the once-empty street during the night as many people and manifestations would pass by and some would even greet him which he greeted back as he did not want to cause any misunderstandings here. "What do you plan to do there this time?" The voice asked but the voice had a sound this time as the voice would sound like a typical monster stereotypical voice with human features. "The usual" Teki replied as he was close to the place where he wanted to go.

He arrived at an entrance that leads to the underground and soon entered it. the stairs just go straight down as the deeper he goes the darker it gets he then hears the sounds of people cheering and spots the light that is from the bottom of the stairs. when he finally reached the bottom of the stairs he was introduced to a crowd cheering on a fight between two individuals inside of a fighting cage arena. One was carrying a baseball bat as a weapon while the other was using his bear fists.

the person with the bat proceeds to swing the bat at his opponent but his opponent just dodges every swing. The opponent then made a direct punch at the person with the baseball bat's stomach and it was pretty much the end as the opponent made more punches against the baseball bat person without giving him any chance to again swing his bat. When the referee announces the end of the fight the bare-fist opponent was declared the winner while the other guy was given medical help some were cheering while some were let down by the defeat of the baseball bat guy. the next fight was about to begin and Teki was on the front sow seat as the next two fighters enter the arena. everyone who was here watching would bet on who would win with money or valuables of course not everyone watching the fight does it but most people do it. the fighters of course also get a prize if they win, but that only depends on how many people made a bet on the fight.

The next fighter was a guy with nunchucks and the other one was a dude with a mask with no weapons. Teki decided to bet on the person who is most likely to lose and that is the person with a mask when he finally made his bet he realizes that the gap between people betting on the guy with nunchucks and the masked guy was very large with only a small amount of people betting on the masked guy. Teki gave a bet of 100 pesos it was not much but if the masked guy did win Teki would gain another 100 pesos so it was a high-risk high reward for Teki.

In the fighting cage arena, the guy with nunchucks could not hide his smug face "This will be easy including someone unarmed like you" He said while still maintaning his smug look. The masked did not respond and just rushed forward to attack. The nunchucks guy was surprised by the sudden rush and swung his nunchucks toward the masked guy but the masked guy stopped and ducked easily avoiding the attack. the nunchuck guy then swung his nunchuck again at the masked guy but the masked guy just grabbed the nunchuck and pulled him toward himself. With the strong force of the pull of the masked guy, the nunchucks guy lost grip of his weapon and now he was the unarmed one. "Looks like the tables have turned," The masked said as he then relentlessly attacked the used-to-be nunchucks guy with his own opponent's nunchucks. the used to be nunchucks guy still was able to dodge the attacks but when he finally got hit by one attack it was over as the attack hit his abdomen. The used-to-be nunchucks guy kneeled in pain after that hit he then got kicked directly in his face. As the used-to-be nunchucks guy was now unconscious the winner was announced to be the masked guy whose name was "Hiwaga".

After that Teki now had 200 pesos which is good, it was enough for his lunch tomorrow.

He then left the underground fighting place as he decided to go home. "Was that all?" The voice said Teki replying with a nod said "Yep" He passed through more people and manifestations before arriving at a similar apartment complex to the main reality's counterpart. He entered his apartment room he then fasts asleep in his bed.

Teki then woke up as it was already 6:00 AM he then took a bath and changes into his school uniform. He then came out of his apartment room to be greeted back to the main reality which he knows of and it was just in time as Liam also came out of his apartment. Liam notices him as Liam waves a hand at Teki and said "Good morning".