
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Assassination Attempt

Her hands shook as she held the spoon up to her mouth. It had happened whenever she had stayed for long without eating.

That old fogeys had kept her at his place for hours just speaking before he finally released her making her feel exhausted and hangry.

She quickly seeped on the aromatic soup, flavor burst in her most as soon as the soup hit her tongue. She had thought that the food here would be horrible because she was new to this place but it was also delicious.

She wolfed down her meal before resting on the chair with a silly smile plastered on her face as she felt fully satiated.

It was now time to go back and she was about to leave when a loud group of mercenaries walked in talking about some expensive hit that had been put in.

She ignored and walked up to the counter to pay her bill when she heard them mention the target. Her body froze in shock before she briskly walked back home.

It didn't take long before she arrived at the alley which she had sneaked out from before opening up the passage back in to the bath house.

She had expected the mission to be a lot harder than it had been and was happy as she walked back into her room with a light smile.

Her eyes trailed to the door as she wondered if Mo Xi had noticed anything before shrugging and changing out of the dark clothes. She made sure to hide them away before approaching her locked door to check on her guard. She had been gone for a long time and was sure he would be suspicious if she did not check on him.

"Hey, did you get your dinner?" she asked immediately after she had opened the door causing him to turn to her. He seemed shocked before nodding in response and turning back to watch the dark. She didn't know why but she had an urge to stay outside with him and talk for a while.

"Don't you get bored, just standing there watching for nothing?" she asked walking out and approaching the steps before taking a seat.

The air was a bit cold and dry and the sky was dark she placed her head on her palm and sighed as she looked at the sky.

"No it's my duty" he retorted after a while his eyes fixed on her figure. She sighed after hearing his response and turned back and stared at him curiously studying his figure.

He didn't seem to be tired despite remaining in the same place since morning she didn't know if he ever rested or when he could take meal breaks. Yet he remained there resolutely and still believed he had to follow his orders.

"Come sit with me" she found herself offering and watched him hesitate before looking away and ignoring her.

"Aren't you watching me, come sit and watch me better" she insisted before looking away with a slight smile stretching out her lips.

She waited patiently and turned to him after he finally sat beside her stiffly clearly uncomfortable with her request.

"How many more of you are there?" she asked a while looking deep into the shadows.

She had not seen or heard anything but she could feel them watching them and wondering what was happening. She had suspected the presence before but now she was sure because she could somehow feel their presence and feelings.

Mo Xi seemed to freeze up before turning to the spot where her eyes had been fixed for some time.

"Don't lie to me, it's good there are there you will need them tonight" she muttered before looking up the dark roof a few feet away.

They had been quietly stalking and watching all this while she had felt them when she had settled on the steps. They couldn't make a move before but now the moon was almost going overhead a huge clump of clouds and it would be dark soon.

"Look at the moon, isn't it pretty tonight" she continued to comment ignoring the alarmed eyes watching her.

The moon seemed to be going in slow motion approaching the clouds tension was thick in the air as they all watched it. Slowly and slowly it got covered till it was completely covered and now darkness covered the entire courtyard. She remained in her spot as she waited for the people who had been watching them to strike she was not disappointed as they suddenly jumped out the shadows.

It was a group of darkly dressed people each holding a weapons before rushing towards her.

Another group of people rushed out the shadows and stood before the attackers before a fight broke out. Mo Xi stood up and pulled her back into the room before locking her in.

She remained standing next to the door as she listened to the ruckus happening right outside her door.

She quickly approached the chest next to her bed before pulling out the dagger she had hidden before. Her half brother's guards were well trained and could defend her promptly but she believed in keeping herself safe and not relying on others.

Her decision was proven right when a group of the assassin's broke into her room after a while. She was ready and attacked the first person in and ended him with a slash to his throat causing him to fall as blood gurgled out his mouth.

She had no time to check on him before the next person attacked he was more careful but was easy to handle.

She was moving as quickly as she could making sure to end any of the attackers who came close to her blade. She knew keeping them a live was important in ensuring to get the culprit behind their attack but she couldn't do it as she moved around them as a grim reaper. Her movements only stopped when they were all on the ground both the attackers and her guards. They had taken a huge hit after the attack had been subdued by the well prepared huge group of assassins.

She had only managed to retain her life because of the training she had gotten and the dagger.

She looked around the courtyard for Mo Xi and found him lying unconscious just outside her room before propping him up.

She searched through the bodies of the intruders for any identifying information and only managed to find a wooden tag. She quickly put it away just as a crowd of people came to the scene and was shocked by the sight. She quickly hid the dagger in her sleeves before forcing tears out of her eyes.

She could not let anyone find out about her skills or that she was able to kill a huge horde of skilled assassins.

She had almost forgotten her aunt's place was filled with people at night and now regretted it as the huge crowd filed into her courtyard.