
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


The streets were somehow more filled with people despite the greying of the sky. She had no watch but it was around six pm if she had to guess.

Five hours later and here she was walking back where she had come from. More glances were shot towards her then earlier with whispers floating around. Just like when she had come out in the morning.

None of it made sense all she knew was that she had to get back. Good thing a path was cleared wherever she walked giving her room to speed up.

Her eyes were stuck to the ground as she hurried along until a pair of shoes stood in her path. She slowed and tried to bypass the person but was blocked by another person.

The previously loud street was now eerily quiet. She looked up to the still crowded before turning to the person blocking her path.

Everyone else stared at them with fear and terror making her wonder who they were. He was richly dressed compared to all the people she had seen except from the young man she had just spoken with.

He confidently stood in her way flagged by uniformly dressed men at his sides. She had never met anyone whose mere presence just disgusted her.

A smirk lay on his lips as he looked down at her with contempt. As if she was a lowly being that shouldn't be anywhere near him.

"What is someone like you doing out here?" he questioned unveiled disgust coating his words.

Her opened mouth ready to ask to be excused was shut as she stared at the person blocking her path.

He seemed to be mocking and maybe it was because his face just looked punchable but anger filled her chest.

She lowered her head and looked at the ground again before taking a deep breath trying to calm down.

Her face felt really hot and she was not sure whether it was because of the veil or her boiling blood.

"The young master asked you a question." another voice yelled rendering her exercise null and void.

It was the man standing on the left side on the man blocking her path. She looked up at his ugly face and pursed her lips in annoyance.

Every culture had its own societal norms but she had never heard of people dumbly blocking someone's path then asking them what they were doing.

"I heard" she muttered shooting the lanky minion a glare making him quickly look away.

That glare scared him and he stood up taller pretending he had not felt the threat in that glare.

"Young master, I am sorry if I offended you in anyway I won't do it again." she apologized and slightly bowed her head to the man.

After all she had just gotten here and didn't know if she had offended this bunch before today.

A cold chuckle followed her apology before she was grabbed by the man and pulled to his chest aggressively.

"Offend me, how?" he asked fingering her veil as if preparing to pull it off.

She tried to remind herself it was different time and she didn't know if she had offended him before.

Her body didn't seem to get the memo as she kneed him in the groin and elbowed his side before pushing him away.

"I -" she started but stopped when the other two guys suddenly attacked. Her body subconsciously reacted and she kicked one and punched the other.

Her fist seemed to carry immense power as they were sent crushing away at the watching crowd. Suddenly the first man tried to grab her again.

She held his hands back and pulled him before throwing him aside making fall on his back with a groan.

She was not sure how things worked or whether she would get into trouble but since no one was helping.

She decided to go in with a few kicks so they wouldn't be able to follow her back. At first it had been about defending herself but since it had gotten to this. She suspected she had broken some bones and done immense damage.

Looking down at her trembling hands, she decided to run before she was stopped by anyone. She looked around the still gaping crowd before rushing away.

Her feet moved at unbelievable speeds making her feel like she was flying. Soon she was back at the manor and quickly rushed to her room before locking the door behind her.

In all the ancient costume shows and fiction novels she had read young masters were usually very important people.

Even though she had also been addressed as a young miss she was not sure about her rank compared to his.

Yet she had beaten him and his minions up on the street in front of a crowd of people. It was her first day in this realm and she had already gotten into trouble.

She hoped that nothing would happen and decided to just wait and see. She at least hoped her rank wasn't that low after all the mansion was big.

Shaking her head she pulled out the pouch she had been given in the restaurant and pulled it open. A purple shiny pearl was laying inside and felt cool on her hand as she held it.

It beautifully reflected the light around the room making her stare at it. That strange man had handed it to her with no explanation.

"-you must be her" he had said staring into her eyes.

She remembered his reverent gaze and shivered before shaking her head. He was a strange person indeed.

Even after spending five hours with him she still didn't understand him and had not gotten any useful information from him.

Throughout that period she had wanted to ask him who 'her' was but did not have the courage to ask. The answer to that question scared her and she felt it would change everything.

All she knew was he seemed to know her and everything about her. That scared her because she didn't know about herself.

She stared back at the marble before placing it against the candlelight. Just like that she felt woozy before everything around her went dark.