
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

34. New face 4

Her crazy cousin and aunt seemed to have come to their senses after the announcement and quickly fixed up themselves just before the crown prince arrogantly walked into the room. Chen Liju was not shocked to see him here as she knew her aunt would definitely send word to him after she showed up. She had just not expected him to get here so soon.

Everyone but Chen Liju and her two companions bowed to him an action that he noticed and seemed to immensely frustrate him. She even went a step further a d rolled her eyes before staring at him with an obvious sneer. They had not seen each other for a couple of days and she seemed to have completely changed as she no longer bothered to care about acting respectfully.

Even the words she spoke after he had taken a seat angered him almost to the point of vomiting blood but he kept it all in ignoring her rude jabs."Aiyo if it is not the mightly useless crown prince. What can we do for you your highness?"

Her words and attitude not only annoyed him but greatly amused his right hand man and guard who fought back the laughter that had bubbled up his chest making his face turn red. No one seemed to notice his barely concealed laughter as they were busy glaring at the rude Chen Liju.

They were all waiting for the crown prince to rebuke her but were shocked when he changed the topic by politely greeting her instead. "How have you been Miss Chen Liju"

"I was doing great until I saw you bunch" she went on taking another jab at them.

They all thought she was being careless and stupid but did not know that she was actually a delegate and was not obligated to be respectful toward any royal family and judging from the crown prince's calm demeanor he seemed to also know this and hence did not dare to go against her.

She wondered who had told him about her identity failing to suspect the inconspicuous man that stood next to him. She couldn't feel it but Lu Tao had already felt his level of cultivation and wondered just how he had managed to reach that level in such a backward place.

He actually felt impressed as he didn't know about his very tumultuous past. That was right the crown prince's guard was actually from a different continent but had been caught and sold when he was only fourteen and now six years later he had only advanced twice to be a top mortal saint which was a step away from immortality.

He was considered one of the most powerful people in the kingdom and was one of the reasons no one dared to go against his master. Who had just broken through to immortality despite just being at the low innate level. Being raised out there he had heard a lot of things and had also learnt some from the palace enabling him to put two and two together.

That is when he had warned his master and was now thinking of a way to diffuse the situation when Ye Muxu spoke up." I am sorry your highness my Young Miss did not mean to be rude she was just deflecting her sense of injustice to you."

"We just wanted to seek your master's

guidance and are sorry to disturb you." the crown pince's guard quickly grabbed the opportunity and somehow managed to calm down the situation greatly pleasing her.

She did not know why but she felt a lot more calmer and actually sat down giving them a chance to talk to her. Everyone seemed to feel the change in the atmosphere and also sat down before her aunt ordered the maid servants to bring in some tea and snacks.

It did not take long before a horde of servants flitted in each gracefully carrying a tray of tea and snacks before they each walked to a certain table and started serving the tea. She subconsciously watched the servant who was serving her and then realized she was actually a new face.

"When did you get here?" she asked the mousy beautiful girl who seemed to shudder in fear before answering in a low shaky voice.

Her guess was right as the girl had been brought in just a few days ago but what bothered her was her extreme fear and anxiety. She had seen this before and looked up at her cousin just in time to catch her glaring at the girl who seemed to shake even more under her attention.

The girl was clearly prettier than her cousin and had probably annoyed causing her to get bullied by her that was the only reasonable explanation as to why her aunt who was a profiteer would let such a girl become a maid instead of working in the entertainment hall and drawing more patrons.

On realizing what was happening she made a decision that would change the entire course of this girl's future making her one of the most respected people on the planet. "Can I have her?"

"Who?" her aunt asked subconsciously as her cousin tried to gesture to her mother but fail.

"This maid servant" she answered pointing to the girl who was still frozen in shock as she stared at her in fear. It caused a strange scene as the girl was clearly older than her.


Her cousin asked airing out everyone's thoughts it was actually very simple. Seeing as Ye Muxu and Lu Tao were actually soul cultivators they couldn't stay with her forever and so she had thought of getting some people to take their place.

Since this girl was clearly being mistreated she had decided to pick her but because she could not explain all of this she decided to take an unreasonable route. "Because I want her do you have a problem with me wanting her?"

"No it is just that she is still new and is not well trained." her cousin quickly explained making her scoff.

"I don't care I am taking her with me and that's final." she said before standing up and leaving the room with her two tails.They did know it then but that was the last time they would Ye Muxu and Lu Tao as they went back to the small realm when she got back to her room.

While this was happening someone was going through the shock of having everything go side ways for her. Sang Jiu had been born to one of the wealthiest families in Qiyuan it was said to be one of the most developed continents in Aleria and was known for housing many experts ensuring she grew up in wealth and splendor.

Her father also had a lot to contribute to her lavish upbringing as he had been the business manager of the family for decades and hence got a lot of respect from all family members ensuring that his only child Sang Jiu would only get the best but like in many other huge families inner battles for power often occurred and it was a lot worse for her father who only had a daughter.

So to protect her and to give them some back up he had adopted her distant cousin as his son. His parents had just recently passed and he was being restricted by the side clan leader because he was extremely talented and so when her father took him in and nurtured him they finally had someone strong enough to deter their enemies. Everything was going extremely well until her cheap brother suddenly vanished.

He had been sent out for some business and according to his subordinates they had been ambushed and so he had died. They didn't even get to ask for his body when her father started facing some problems with the family business. As his daughter all she could do was support him by taking care of herself and everything was going well until she had been ambushed and knocked out.

A few hours later she had woken up in the slave market where she was sold to the men who brought her here to this backward place to actually serve at a entertainment house and even though she hated it she had decided to stay put when this happened.

She was still reeling in shock and wandering what would happen when she suddenly felt someone grab her she was yet to react when she realized she had been pulled into a dark corner and had a huge callused hand cover her mouth to keep her silent.

She looked up at the familiar man in fear as she wondered why the prince's guard was holding her here. He looked around for sometime before turning to her and putting his hand onto his lips signalling her to be quiet before uncovering her mouth when she nodded.

"You are Sang Jiu right?"

He asked prompting her bubbling scream to die in her throat. The man took it as a sign that he was right and explained his behaviour shocking her. "Its me Sang You, I just wanted to talk to you."

Just like that brother and sister and brother were reunited and spoke about the woman who had just gotten back from the small realm and was putting away the marble when someone suddenly started knocking on her door startling her.

She even had to take in a few calming breaths before she slowly approached and pulled it open, a familiar girl stood before her, she was a servant she had met earlier and had seemed to be very close to her cousin.

"Someone is here to see you" she announced before walking away without waiting for her response. She hesitantly locked her door before following the girl who seemed to be in a hurry.

They walked to the visitors hall before the girl walked away without a word. She looked around the room confused about who exactly came to see her. The room was already half full with different people none who she knew. She was ready to walk back before someone poked her back making her turn to see her anxious brother.

He led her towards the corner of the hall where nobody sat around or even ventured towards. She noticed the curious eyes that flickered towards them and wondered what they needed to talk about.

"Ignore them, they are just here for the gossip" he dismissed on noticing her distracted demeanor. He seemed to be care free but she knew he was very smart or just very dumb. Why else would he meet her in such an open manner just after his step brother came to see her.

"Why exactly are you here?" She inquired straightening up her back and looking right into his eyes. It was a posture she often assumed whenever she wanted to know something.