
chapter 1

as the main family's servant of warm lands packed the main family's bags to visit the jaded empire because of the yearly banquet that the jaded empire has always offered for all the nobels across the land with kings , queens , dukes ,duchesses ,town leaders/cheifs and rich young masters and mistress and heirs to come to the jaded empire to make connections with the second prince newly crown prince that has said to be "no flaws only perfection cold jaded ice prince" of course he was a top bachelor

The main family from the warm lands adopted son has been sulking because he didnt want to go to the jaded empire "why must we go? its just going to be a bunch of rich snobs in a room! with lots of politics!" he said clearly still pouting about it "xiao ying, it wont be that bad right a-chen? plus there are lots of people same to your age attending" sister responded "but jiejie! all the kids their are all peacocks and parrots so arrogant and fake! there all a bunch of mini snobs!" he cried out sulking even more, "thats true there all so arrogant! but dont keep bothering a-jie xiao! he have to or else a-niang with drag you there!" the heir of the warm lands spoke out "NOOOooooo! the jaded empire is so strict!!! jiejie save meee!!!" he cried out to his sister clearly trying to run away from his heir of a brother

"XIAO!" he suddenly froze because he heard his adopted mother call out "muqin.." he muttered " xiao kitsu! dont causing trouble for a-hua and a-chen! i will drag you there by the ear if you dont behave!" the mistress of the house spoke out "yes muqin..."he sulked