
Shameless One

"I'm not scared to dying, so why should I be scared of living" In the divine realm of Lordrixis, citizens are bestowed with an individualised "ethereal arm" on their fourteenth birthday, imbuing them with unique powers and societal roles. Young orphan Shun Xshasi's life had been nothing but a tragedy, the loss of his parents left him no place to stay in the world. with his childhood filled with fear, poverty and humiliation, Shun clings to a singular hope: that a formidable ethereal arm will alter his bleak fortunes. However, when the fateful day arrives, not a thing showed up, unlike every other citizen in Lordrixis, Shun stands bereft of any ethereal arm. Just when Shun was about to put an end to this misery, he recognises something that changed him forever, Despite the absence of an ethereal arm, Shun possesses something far more profound and singular. Shun has nothing else to lose, his life couldn't get any worse, but that might just be his biggest asset after all. As Shun pursues his avenging journey, he gradually discovers the truths of the kingdom, the truths of history, and most significant of all, the truths of himself.

kimjonglei · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


For Shun, clarity began to settle into the chaos of his thoughts. The memories of his life before his parents' passing had always been fragmented, disjointed like a half-remembered dream. Yet one memory stood out with sharp precision—his mother explaining the origin of his name.

"Shun," she had said, was the name of an ancient warrior from the Eternal Dynasty, a name imbued with strength and honor. His middle name, "Eukanorn," was given in tribute to his parents' most trusted friend, a silent protector whose legacy lived on within him.

Shun bowed once more to the king, though this time, gratitude flickered genuinely in his eyes. King Eldran noticed the shift, a faint glimmer lighting his regal face.

"Where can I find her?" Shun's voice cracked through the silence, demanding the answer he sought.

"All you need to do is wait," the king replied smoothly. "I will let her know that her instructor's descendant has returned to Haven. Rest assured, she will come to you."

With those words, the king turned toward Violet Remoria, resignation veiling his eyes. "Your turn."

Violet approached, her delicate fingers resting gently on Shun's shoulder. He looked up at her—this ethereal warrior whose presence radiated danger in ways he had never encountered. Yet despite her potent aura, her demeanor was unexpectedly warm, almost inviting.

"Will you become my apprentice?" she asked, her tone casual yet filled with purpose.

Both Shun and the king raised their eyebrows in surprise. Shun, unaware of the unspoken acknowledgment he'd received from Violet, was caught in awkward silence. He knew his path was not meant to be shared—he had never needed an instructor. Having one might only complicate his journey, dragging him from the shadows he preferred to traverse alone. Yet the peril of rejecting her outright hovered like a blade over his neck.

Before he could reply, Violet released him and turned away, her steps unhesitating. Only her parting words lingered behind.

"Your silence has spoken for you," she said quietly, her back to him. "But the offer remains. Should you ever change your mind, you know where to find me."

Shun watched her shadow fade into the distance, his eyes cold and emotionless.

The king's voice broke the stillness. "My men will retrieve me shortly. Any other questions?"

"Why?" Shun asked, his gaze never leaving the space Violet had vacated.

"Violet does not measure a warrior by the strength of their ethereal arm," the king explained, his voice calm and reflective. "To her, the mind—the will—is the true source of power. It seems you meet her standard."

Shun bowed once more, a gesture of genuine respect. "It has been a pleasure, Your Majesty. Thank you for your time."


As Shun entered the SIGMA Academy's lounge, the atmosphere was a stark contrast to the serious conversation he'd just left behind. The room buzzed with energy, laughter echoing off the walls as if another tournament were in full swing. Even Leon Ermy and Vito Fool were laughing heartily, the air light with the joy of their recent victory. Soon, the entire group would be moving into the grand mansion provided by the king—an honor bestowed upon them for their triumphs. Not only had they secured their title as champions, but they had also ascended to the ranks of nobility.

Shun had no objections. He relished the company of these people; they were the only light attempting to pull him out of the darkness that had consumed him for so long.

"What are your plans for the future?" Fiana Samuel's voice rang out above the clamor, silencing the room. Some had already decided, while others were still weighing their options.

Jaylen Shielram spoke first. "I might join the Royal Council. It has always been my goal to brighten the smiles of the people." Everyone nodded in agreement, confident that the kingdom would flourish under Jaylen's guidance.

Vito Fool followed. "I want a few years to relax and adjust to this new life with all of you. My only goal is to protect and stay with my friends."

Emilia Cylus gave Vito a supportive pat on the back. "I plan to join the army. My ethereal arm is well-suited for the battlefield." The sorrow in her eyes hinted at a deeper motivation behind her choice.

"I might do the same," Gideon shrugged. "It's not like I have anywhere else to go. Unless, of course, I'm chosen by one of the complete ethereal warriors. I did pretty well in the tournament, after all."

"Plus one," Ruby chimed in.

"Plus two," Yurien added. "Mia, you should join us. A healer is always a valuable asset in the army."

Mia smiled gently. "I think I'll join the Royal Hospital. The battlefield is simply not where I belong."

Yurien nodded in understanding, giving Mia a thumbs-up.

Rin Dreamer spoke next, after a moment of contemplation. "I want to join the Belkarn Clan. I hope they will accept me."

Shun shook his head. "The Belkarn Clan is not a place you can simply apply to join. They guard secrets they may not want an outsider to learn."

Rin remained undeterred. "Who knows?"

Osward leaned back, taking a more laid-back approach. "I'll see what fate has in store for me. If nothing catches my interest, I'll stick around with Vito and enjoy life as a noble."

"You're always welcome," Vito replied with a broad smile.

Osward then turned to Fiana. "What about you? You're the one who asked the question."

Fiana chuckled. "I'm just glad to see everyone with such grand plans. As for me, I'm content to live peacefully in the city. No battles, no worries."

"With us, then," Osward said, pleased to welcome another member to the leisure club.

Albert Eldran, bound by the duties of a prince, had his future already laid out before him, though he had the freedom to live alongside the others. Cloudy Adaires, too, had accepted her role as a princess, knowing that Albert would always be there to shield her from harm.

Silver turned to Shun. "What about you?"

"I need to uncover some mysteries from the past," Shun replied, his tone measured. "After that, there are tasks I must complete within the capital."

"Wherever you go, I will follow," Silver said with a smile, her earlier turmoil now replaced with calm resolve. Shun felt an unfamiliar warmth in his chest at her words—a feeling he had tried to suppress for a long time but had never been able to completely rid himself of.

In the past, someone would usually interrupt with a sarcastic comment, sparking a playful argument. But this time, an unsettling silence filled the room.

All eyes turned to Rayden Asher, who had remained quiet throughout the discussion.

Rayden finally looked up, his determined gaze softened by the glisten of unshed tears. This unexpected sight filled everyone with concern; even his enemy Osward appeared serious and anxious.

"I will leave the kingdom and embark on an adventure to the Eternal Dynasty," Rayden announced, his voice steady despite the emotion behind it. "You may never see me again."

This chapter signifies the true beginning of a new arc, before things get serious, there are a few more characters that need to be introduced and elaborated on.

This arc will also be somewhat chill, but Shun can finally kill some people, he won't waste the opportunity to harvest some ethereal arms.

The structure and plot of the story are still constantly being improved on, the late story chapters will be truly stunning(at least I think so).

Thanks for supporting my book.

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