
Shaggy and ghoul girls

Autor: Jake_Zick
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  • 8 Chs
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Chapter 1chapter 1

Shaggy sighed as he looked over the road map; he was sitting in the mystery machine by the roadside rethinking his decision to return after all this time.

"Like I wonder if this was a good idea..." He thought idly to himself.

The truth was that he hadn't changed at all since he had last worked at 'Miss Grimmwood's Finishing School for Girls.' He still looked the same and even dressed the same, wearing his green V-neck shirt, brown bell-bottom pants, and black platforms. And he was still very much the coward he had been even way back then. He was always running from one form of danger or another.

It had been about ten years since he had been the PE teacher at the school, and most of the girls would be about 18, well, except for Tanis the little mummy, who might be about 16. He sighed as he remembered all the fun and scares, he had experienced at the school.

"Like, man, I wish Scooby was here with me." He thought to himself.

The gang had split up about three months ago to have a little break, with Fred and Daphne getting married and Velma becoming an author. That just left Scooby and Shaggy by themselves. After about a month or so of looking for work with no luck, there was a knock on the mystery machine's back door, but when Shaggy opened it, there was no one there, except for a letter taped to the door.

It was an invitation to come back and work at the ghoul school, and, while the prospect scared the two cowards, it also made Shaggy think.

"Like, Scooby old buddy old pal... We could like really use the money you know?" He had tried with a small bit of hope to convince his longtime friend.

But Scooby was having none of it, "Ro Ray!" He said, shaking his head for emphasis.

After an hour of arguing, Shaggy gave in, "Like fine. Here's what we'll do. I will go to the school and you can stay with the guys, that ok man?"

And so, after dropping Scooby off at Fred and Daphne's home, he set off towards his new job, alone and unsure if he was making the right choice. And so, it was that Shaggy was seated in the mystery machine, lightly smiling as he found the location he needed to go to, and headed off towards the one place he never thought he would return to in his life.

After two more hours of driving, Shaggy passed where Colonel Calloway's Military school had once stood. Now it was nothing but a pile of aged rubble. Confused by this Shaggy kept driving and soon he arrived outside the finishing school and got out of the van. He looked down into the moat that surrounded the school and gulped, before glancing up at the raised drawbridge, the only way in and out of the school.

"Like, Hello? It's me, Shaggy Rogers..." Suddenly the drawbridge came crashing down, missing his feet by inches, "Like! Zoinks!" He jumped back, breathing hard as he tried to calm down, then took a deep breath and walked towards the front door, which opened with a loud, creepy creak as he approached.

Inside the school was exactly how he remembered it, cobwebs and dust littered the furniture and tables in the hallway as he glanced around. "Hello? Is, like, anyone home?" He called out uncertainly.

Almost as if waiting for her moment, a short, flat nosed, middle-aged woman with dark hair, wearing a pink dress and a red cloak with skull buttons and headband stepped out, "Good day Mister Rogers... It is good to see you looking so well and unchanged since our last..." Miss Grimmwood paused and looked around before putting her hands on her hips, "I do not see your two companions with you Mister Rogers, is there something wrong with Mister Doo and little Scrappy?" She asked with concern in her voice, which was as kind sounding as he remembered.

Shaggy shook his head and smiled, "No no, like, Scooby is just staying with some friends and Scrappy..." He shuddered, "Well... Scrappy does his own thing nowadays..." He replied with a small shake of his head.

Miss Grimmwood nodded, accepting his words as she stepped forward and shook his hand vigorously, "Still, at least you have come to take up your old position, although, there is something I must warn you ab..." She was interrupted by a loud howl at the top of the stairs, followed by the sound of rushing feet.

Shaggy only managed a "Zoinks!" As he was tackled to the ground by the furry shape, which, when he opened his eyes, he saw was none other than Winnie Werewolf, daughter of Papa Werewolf. She had sure grown since he had last seen her. She was taller, her fur smoother and her breasts were at least a D cup, and instead of wearing her old blue dress, she was in blue jeans, and a tight-fitting tank top.

"Hey, coach! You came back to us. It has been so long..." She nuzzled up to him, hugging him tightly as her breasts pressed against his chest.

"Um, like... Hi Winnie, it's good to see that you're doing ok, but can you, kinda, get off me?" Shaggy asked, shifting awkwardly.

Winnie looked up at him and gave a wolfish grin as she saw her old teacher blushing as he looked away. "Sorry, Coach." She said.

After they both got to their feet another voice was heard in the room, "Really Winnie, control yourself with Shaggy... Just because we haven't seen him for years doesn't mean we can go batty..." Then a bat fluttered into the room from upstairs and transformed in a tall, beautiful young woman, her skin a light purple shade, her long purple hair running down her back to her waist. She was much taller than Winnie, but her chest was probably only a C cup, her red lips curled into a smile as she saw Shaggy looking her over, showing two long fangs, her green eyes on his. She was wearing a black dress with a slit on the right side, the front of which showed off her breasts rather nicely.

"It is good to see you again Shaggy... You do remember me, don't you? Because it is Fang-tastic to see you again..."

Shaggy blinked and smiled, "Of course I, Like, remember you, Sibylla, how could I forget any of... Gah!" He let out a shout as a ghostly hand grabbed his ankle, making him jump up high, grabbing onto the chandelier that hung on the ceiling in the hallway, whimpering slightly.

The room was suddenly filled with a joyful and high-pitched laugh as the white hand that had grabbed Shaggy by his ankle rose out of the ground, followed by the arm and then the rest of Phantasma, the female ghost, who was wearing a long, white spring dress that went down to about her knees. She still wore her cowboy boots and her hair was the same color, white with a streak of blue but were now in pigtails. She was about the same height and had the same breast size as Sibylla.

"Wow, Shaggy can jump high... No wonder you were our Gym teacher!" She giggled loudly again and floated up to the chandelier and kissed Shaggy on the cheek. "Sorry, but I could not resist scaring you teach..." She smiled.

This caused Shaggy to blush and stroke his cheek with his left hand while his right hand rubbed the back of his head, a dumb grin on his face, "Well, like, I suppose it's ok...huh?" He started.

With a loud shout he dropped, forgetting he was hanging onto the chandelier, but instead of hitting the ground, he landed in a pair of feminine yet strong arms. He blinked and looked up to see Elsa, the school's female Frankenstein, who was still her same old imposing self, tall, her black and white hair done up straight and her body still covered in stitches where she was sewn together.

Shaggy breathed a sigh of relief, "Like, thanks, Elsa..." He began.

But before he could say any more the giant girl pulled him into a crushing, vice-like hug, giggling as her loud, booming voice spoke, "It's great to see you again Shaggy!" Her clothing was a green t-shirt, blue cargo pants and a pair of black boots; Shaggy was distracted though as she crushed his face into her DD cup breasts, making it hard for him to breath as his cheeks were now quickly turning crimson. The other girls promptly voiced their complaints as to what was happening, each wanting to have time to speak to Shaggy, who, through lack of air, slowly passed out...

Shaggy woke up with a start, holding his head as he looked around. He was in his bed in the room which he and Scooby had used when they last taught there. "Like... What happened..." He was answered by a quiet, yet soft voice beside him, "The other girls got a little rough with you Shaggy... We brought you up here after you passed out and I have been keeping an eye on you..."

Shaggy turned to see the girl next to him, smiling warmly to himself as he recognized her, leaning forward to hug her gently, which she returned happily, "Hey Tanis... How have you, like, been?" He asked with a smile.

The girl mummy smiled back at him, she was still wrapped in bandages from head to toe, but where her bow had been years before, the bandages were twined down her back like a ponytail, and she was wearing a gold necklace with a scarab beetle on it around her neck. She pulled back out of the hug and nodded, "I have been fine Shaggy, but...we missed you. You were the best teacher we ever had and..." She looked away, thankful that her bandages hid her blushing, "We are glad to have you back..."

With that she surprised Shaggy by kissing his forehead and running to the door, before heading out and downstairs, leaving him in his bed blinking, "Oh boy... Why do I, like, get the feeling this is going to be a long year

Shaggy was happily sleeping in his bed, snoring away, his dreams filled with food, food, and even more food, but his peaceful slumber was broken when he felt a hand shaking him by the shoulder. He burrowed deeper into his pillow and mumbled," Go, go away. Five more minutes, okay?" and rolled over so his back was to the hand.

With a sigh, the hand pulled away, and Shaggy was almost relieved, but his eyes shot open when he heard the voice, "Come now Shaggy, surely you don't want to miss a 'bite' of breakfast now do you?"

He groaned and sat up in bed stretching, and looked at Sibylla, who was wearing her usual black dress with her purple hair framing her face. He also noticed much to his discomfort that her eyes were looking at something under his bed covers, which made her grin slyly. He followed her gaze and saw his erection tenting the bedclothes, "Uh, like, I will be down in a flash so..." He stated as he watched her, blushing as the vampire girl giggled and winked at him, before walking away from him, swaying her luscious hips from side to side as she did so, his eyes on her rear the whole time, before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

After a few moments spent silently willing his erection to fade, he got up and dressed. Satisfied with his appearance in the mirror, he rushed downstairs to the kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs, looking excited at the thought of food, then he remembered... Miss Grimmwood placed a plate down in front of him; he looked down at it and saw rotten eggs, burnt toast, and bacon that had also gone off. "Oh yeah... Like, I remember why I was always hungry here..." He groaned as he poked the food on his plate with his fork.

After stomaching the toast at least, he headed out to the mystery machine and opened the back doors to grab some of the sports equipment he had brought with him. It was then he noticed his suitcase was open. "Like, I don't remember opening it." He moved over to it and looked through it; his underwear had vanished as well as two of his t-shirts. "Well... Nothing I can, like, do now." He sighed and grabbed the equipment bag before closing the doors and heading for the swamp where the girls were waiting.

He placed the bag on the ground and smiled up at the girls; they were all wearing white PE shirts and shorts instead of their usual attire, which, as Shaggy noticed, hugged their new curves quite nicely. He coughed and shifting his gaze elsewhere, hoping none of them saw him staring, stood up and took some skipping ropes from his bag.

"Ok girls, today we are going to, like, do some basic exercises." He said as he handed each of the girls a jump rope before stepping back and nodding. "Take your time, fifty jumps each, so, go!" He pulled a whistle out of his pocket and blew on it hard.

The girls were doing well, all but Tanis were up to twenty skips in the time she did six... And got the rope tangled with her bandages. Shaggy sighed but gave her a warm smile as he went to her and helped her undo the mess she was in, "Like, why don't you sit this one out, huh Tanis?" He suggested.

The Mummy girl nodded and sadly sat down, watching the others. Shaggy could not help but notice the bouncing of the girls' breasts as they skipped, gulping as he tried to hide the growing erection in his pants, "Um, Like, that's enough girls!" He called out to them.

He blew his whistle, making Sibylla let go of her rope suddenly, watching it land in some nearby bushes. "Oh dear... Shaggy, would you get that for me?" She batted her eyelashes at him, and he found he couldn't refuse, so he headed over to the bushes and put his left hand in, but pulled it out just as fast.

"Like, OUCH!" He shouted, jerking back his hand. Glancing down, he noticed his hand was bleeding from a deep bite mark, caused by a small green dragon that left the bushes in an angry mood, walking back to the School.

Winnie ran over and looked at Shaggy with great concern as he held his left wrist, "Coach, are you ok?!" She howled as she looked over his hand. Tanis walked over to Shaggy and ssid i cane help and raped his hand in a bandage and he said thank you snd kissed her

Elsa went back to the house to get Miss Grimmwood, while Sibylla and Phanty came over, all three looking up at their teacher, worry on their faces.

Shaggy smiled lightly and looked at them all, trying not to upset them anymore, "It's, like, only a bite, I will be fine... But Matches..." He said with a sigh.

Phanty pouted and started to fly back to the school, mumbling something about making 'an overgrown' lizard pay.

Shaggy, brushing off the comment chuckled, patting Winnie's head gently, "Like, don't worry Winnie. I will be fine. You go on back and make sure everything is ok with the others alright?"

Winnie smiled and seemed to purr in her throat as her tail gently wagged as Shaggy petted her. She looked up at him with concern as he told her to head back, but did as she was told, leaving Sibylla and Shaggy alone together.

Before Shaggy could say another word, Sibylla was on her knees beside him, licking at his hand, tasting his blood hungrily, her eyes closed as she sucked on his left index finger where the blood had dribbled. Shaggy, in total shock, gulped as his cock became fully erect in his pants, snapping Sibylla out of her trance as she felt it brush against her, but all she did was grin and stand up, "Not yet Shaggy... Tonight..." She whispered to him as she stood on her tiptoes, nibbling on his right ear as she then returned to the school.

Two minutes later Shaggy landed on his rear, blinking, "What, like, just happened..."

Shaggy returned to the school to find Matches the dragon being reprimanded by Miss Grimmwood. "Bad Matches. We've been over this time and again. I've warned you about your temper." She said with a shake of her head.

"Err, like, um it's alright. It was just an accident. Matches was just startled is all." Shaggy said, trying to calm her down.

"Well, I suppose, but he really must be careful about these things in the future. Anyhow, are you alright dearie? Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off to tend to your injury and resume classes tomorrow morning?" Miss Grimmwood said with a sigh.

"Alright. Like, um, thanks Miss Grimmwood." He stated then went to his room, taking a first aid kit out from under his bed and cleaning up the blood and bandaging up his hand, before lying back on his bed and sighing. He was glad Miss Grimmwood had let him have the rest of the day off.

Shaggy sat up when he heard a soft knock on his door, "Um, like, come in?" He called out tentatively.

A few seconds later the door opened showing Sibylla in a red silk bathrobe, smiling slyly at him, "Hello Shaggy, I came to see how you were doing and to..." She opened the front of her robe, showing a matching pair of red silk panties and bra on underneath, "Offer you something to help you relax..." She whispered seductively.

Shaggy blushed and shot to his feet, slightly stuttering as he tried to reason with her, "W... Wait, Sibylla; I don't know what's... What's going on, but I am your teacher and...!" He was cut off as she jumped into his arms, her lips pressed firmly against his as they both landed on his bed with a thud, the old wood groaning from the weight.

Shaggy felt his mind go blank as her tongue invaded his mouth, tasting him, and teasing his tongue as he went along with it, his tongue wrestling hers.

Suddenly, she stopped and broke the kiss, licking her lips lustfully, "I have liked you for a long time, Shaggy Rogers. Ever since I first saw you, and now, I have tasted your blood... I won't let you go easily." She purred.

Shaggy was taken aback, he never expected any of the girls to act like this, but he sighed, "Listen, Sibylla... I know what you're feeling, I was the same at your age, but I don't want you to, like, make a mistake you, and your..." He gulped and shivered slightly in fear, "Father, Dracula, will regret, I mean, I am only a human!"

This comment made Sibylla frown, "And? You are perfect for me... Funny, cute, and you taste good. Also..." She paused as she ran a soft hand over his crotch where his bulge was building, "I think this is perfect for me as well..." She finished.

Shaggy groaned as he felt her touch, his hands moved to push her off him, but landed on her breasts, making her moan as he squeezed them slightly, "Um, like, sorry... I didn't mean..." He was cut off as she placed a finger on his lips.

"Shush now Shaggy... Make my first time special, ok?" She whispered then kissed his lips, nibbling his lower lip as she undid his pants slowly.

He gasped into the wet kiss as their tongues lashed at each other, her hand slipping into his pants and gripping his shaft, making her shudder, the front of her silk panties already soaked as she broke the kiss, moving down him and gazing over his large cock, "Mm This looks fang-tastic Shaggy... Now... Want to put some bats in my belfry?" She cooed as she slowly ran her tongue up along the underside of his shaft, making him groan out, his eyes half closed in pleasure.

"Like... Wow... Where did you learn to do this..." He gasped.

Sibylla merely smirked and shrugged, before sucking the tip of Shaggy's cock into her warm, wet mouth, being careful with her fangs as she began to suck his cock. Shaggy just lay back and closed his eyes, biting his lower lip, trying to last, as it had been a long time since he was last with a girl, and he wasn't sure he could take much more, so he began to think of his favorite foods like hot dogs, pasta, pizza and... "Gah Scooby snacks!" he yelled as he suddenly came down Sibylla's throat, making her blush as she pulled back, slowly swallowing all his seed as she licked her lips.

"Mm a little quick, but I suppose it has been a while..." She giggled as she ran her hands up and down his still erect cock.

Shaggy sighed; it was now or never... "Like, listen, Sibylla, you're a good kid but..." He was cut off as his jaw dropped.

Sibylla had stood up, and she was slowly tugging her panties down, her moist pussy lips, topped with a little strip of purple pubic hair were now in full display before him. "I, uh, um..." He trailed off, tripping over his words as she giggled, walking over to him and straddling his lap.

Sibylla started kissing his neck slowly, making him slightly nervous, but then she whispered in his left ear, "I love you Shaggy..." She then slowly slid his tip inside her wet slit, making her shake as she bit his neck hard, causing him to wince.

Shaggy was about to voice his displeasure at this when he noticed she was crying as she slowly slid down his shaft until he was fully inside her. "Like, were... Were you a...?" He started to ask.

Sibylla slowly nodded in reply, lapping at the two tooth marks in his neck gently as he noticed a little blood in his lap from when he popped her cherry, "Like... I don't know what to say..." He whispered.

But Sibylla merely smiled weakly and licked his cheek, "Don't say anything, just make love to me..." And with that she began to slowly move up and down on his dick, biting her lower lip as the pain was tinged with pleasure, to begin with. However, Shaggy soon made her feel better as he kissed her lips and his hands unhooked her bra, letting it drop before groping her tits, softly caressing them in his hands as he thrust up into her gently, his tip hitting her core easily at the end of each movement.

"Mm Shaggy... You can... Move a little faster now, and... Harder..." She moaned lustfully as she rode him, and without having to be told twice, Shaggy began to pick up the pace, ramming his thick cock in and out of the young vampire roughly. Shaggy trailed soft kisses down along her collarbone towards her breasts. His lips moved to her left nipple, sucking on it and nibbling it gently as he panted, his hands moving now to her ass cheeks, giving them, a firm squeeze as he felt his cock throb deep inside Sibylla, "Mm like... So close... Sorry..." He whispered as Sibylla giggled weakly, her pants mixing with his, "N... No, it's ok Shaggy, I am close too... I...!" She suddenly stiffened and cried out as she orgasmed, shaking hard as her juices soaked Shaggy's cock and lap.

This brought Shaggy over the edge as he moaned with her, cumming deep inside Sibylla, his thick, warm seed flooding into her womb and filling it, before overflowing out of it and into her pussy. Shaggy and Sibylla embraced, holding each other tightly, their bodies covered in sweat as their eyes never left one another's.

"Shaggy... I..." She then passed out, a blissful look on her face as he sighed, slowly pulling out of her with a smile.

Shaggy went to the bathroom and got some wipes, quickly cleaning himself and Sibylla up, before lying her properly in his bed and covering her in his quilt. He chuckled, "Well that went better than I thought, and nothing went..." He suddenly hiccupped and froze in horror. "Like... Oh no!" He rushed to the bathroom mirror and, sure enough, a furry face looked back at him, full of shock and fear…

Shaggy shot up in his bed, panting heavily, as he looked around frantically, before finally calming down a little. "Like, whew. It was all a dream. I didn't fuck Sibylla, and I am not back as a werewolf. What a relief." He then looked at his right hand as he rubbed his forehead. His hand was now covered in thick brown fur. "Zoinks!" He howled at the top of his voice, before clamping his hands down over his own mouth.

"Like man, what am I going to do, if this happened, then Sibylla…" He groaned in a quiet voice through his hands as he noticed something on his bedside table; it was two letters, both addressed to him. Confused he opened the first one, which was from Sibylla.


Last night was fang-tastic. Thanks for making my first time perfect. I knew it would be great with you. I'm sorry I won't be there when you wake. My father is going to pay for not removing his curse from you. I'm heading home to find a way to fix it. See you soon.

Love, Sibylla."

Shaggy smiled slightly, but with more teeth and fangs then he wanted thanks to the curse, "Like, I hope everything will be ok." He sighed as he reached for the second letter. He then opened the next one, and his heart sank.

The letter was from Miss Grimmwood. In the letter, she explained that she forgot to inform him that the girls are at the age when they seek a mate, so he was to be careful. Also, as a p.s. She warned him that should he deflower or somehow get one of the girls pregnant; he would have to deal with their fathers.

Shaggy dropped the note and put his furry face in his equally furry hands. "Like, man. I completely screwed up this time. What do I do? Scooby Doo, I wish you were here..."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing Shaggy to look up with a bit of hope in his eyes.

"Sibylla?" He called.

But the person who opened the door was Miss Grimmwood, who smiled at him and noticed the two notes.

"I see you read my note. And that other one from Sibylla. I insist you continue lessons for today to make up for yesterday but try to be careful around Winnie. She will be on you like a rat in my soup when she sees you like that." Miss Grimmwood said, while cackling happily and went to close the door but stopped and turned back. "Sibylla is a nice girl. I hope you don't hurt her Shaggy. Or her father will hurt you." And with that, she went off.

Shaggy got up slowly and walked into his private bathroom, taking a shower to wash away the sweat and the scent of both himself and Sibylla, which he was now clearly able to smell.

"Like, what have I done?" He sighed as he leaned against the shower wall, thinking. "Like, I could make an honest woman of her. Well, honest Ghoul of her. But what would I tell the guys?! Or Scooby?!" He sighed as he turned off the shower and stepped out, his dripping fur wet as he shook himself dry like a dog. Satisfied, he then grabbed a towel and dried the rest of himself off, before walking over to his suitcase on the floor.

"Hmm, I don't remember, like, bringing this upstairs?" He opened it and put a blue t-shirt on and a pair of black jeans but noticed his black trainers wouldn't fit over his hairy feet. "Well, it seems like I am going barefoot." He thought to himself.

Shaggy walked downstairs, where he passed Matches at the foot of the stairs, who looked up at the werewolf Shaggy with confusion, but purred softly as Shaggy knelt beside him and stroked his head.

"Wish me luck..." He sighed.

Shaggy stood awkwardly by the moat of the school as the girls who were all present except for Sibylla, gazed at him in shock, before turning and glaring at Winnie, who was drooling slightly as she looked her teacher over. She paused however and looked somewhat worried as she noticed the glares of the other girls. "I didn't do anything! Honest." She insisted.

But Shaggy walked over and smiled to them all. "Like, it wasn't Winnie who did this. Count Dracula put this curse on me ages ago so that he could have me race in his monster drag race," He said trying to reassure them.

The girls nodded but continued to watch Winnie, who looked up at Shaggy with a strange glint in her eye.

"Like, ok class, today we are going to try some swimming exercises. So, once around the moat for warm-ups, then we will get to work on some other exercises." Shaggy said, trying to ease them into a sense of normalcy.

And with that, the girls began to strip off. "Whoa! Like, what are you all doing?!" He gulped as he watched them all, now nude, except for Tanis, who had taken off only her necklace.

Elsa blinked and looked at him, "Well, we don't have swimsuits, and we don't want to get our clothes wet, but we don't mind if it's just you that is watching us, Teach."

She and the other girls all blushed as they watched him, not hiding anything as they all waited for a response. Shaggy gulped as he felt his rod growing hard, before nodding, his eyes gazing over the girls as they all jumped into the moat, before beginning to swim around the school. This gave Shaggy some time to sit down and sigh, trying to calm himself down. "Like, I must have the sex drive of a wolf as well. I should not be looking at them like that," He thought to himself feeling slightly ashamed of himself.

He was forced from his thoughts as two furry hands were placed over his eyes, "Guess who, Coach?"

Shaggy bit his lip, remembering Miss Grimmwood's warning this morning, before saying, "Winnie?"

She chuckled and removed her hands before moving to sit in front of him, her legs spread apart lewdly, her furry body on show for him. Her nipples, now hard from the cold water of the moat, were a light pink color, which poked through her brown fur, the same color could be seen between her legs as her pussy was now on display for him.

"See anything you like, Coach?" She asked with a sly grin, which took Shaggy back a bit.

"Um, like, it's not ladylike to act like..." He started only to be interrupted.

She was in his lap in a flash, her lips pressed against his, a hand on his crotch and her eyes locked on his. She slowly pulled out of the kiss and kept stroking his growing pole through his pants, "Mm well this isn't gentlemanlike, getting hard from your student. Or having sex with a certain bat..." She said.

Her last words were a little bitter as she squeezed his shaft through his pants, her eyes on his. "If she can have you, coach, so can I. I am not letting you go with HER without a fight!" And with that she walked over to her clothes and slipped them back on, not looking at him again as she then headed back inside the school.

Shaggy sat perfectly still on the grass, his small mind trying to process what had just happened to him. "Winnie... wants to do it too?!" He thought, shocked.

He howled as he felt trapped between a rock and a hard place, but before he could think anymore, the other girls climbed out of the moat. Phanty looked around and put a finger on her chin. "Where did little Miss Wolfy go? She sped ahead of us like a hound possessed!" She giggled loudly, but then she noticed how damp his clothes were where Winnie had hugged him and raised an eyebrow, smiling cheekily. "Oh... That's why."

The other girls nodded in agreement before slipping their clothes back on, leaving Shaggy still in a daze on the grass. After getting the remaining girls to run around the swamp with him for an hour, he had them doing stretches before telling them to have the rest of the day off, much to the girl's delight. Shaggy watched them go as a thought came to him. "What if they are all like Sibylla and Winnie and want to..." He shook his head, removing the thoughts from his head. "Like, I can't think like this. Remember Shaggy, they all have big, mean monsters for fathers," He reminded himself as he made his way inside and went to the kitchen, searching for something to eat.

He searched through the cabinets and pantry, but all he found was rotten food or some of Miss Grimmwood's other horrible cooking attempts. In the end, he just sat at the table and sighed, his stomach growling loudly as he whimpered. Suddenly a pizza box was dropped in front of him on the table, making his eyes go wide and his mouth drool, before ripping off the box lid and chomping down the pizza in a matter of seconds.

He moaned happily and sat back, licking his lips as he patted his stomach. "Like, wow. That's so much better."

"Enjoy the meal Coach?" A lusty voice beside him asked.

Blissfully sated, Shaggy could only nod his head. "Yeah, like thanks. I needed that." He then turned and saw Winnie standing there, dressed in a schoolgirl outfit, complete with a plaid skirt, white shirt, and a tie. He also noticed she was wearing some cotton white panties as she sat down on the table beside him, hiking up the skirt a little.

"How about some dessert, Coach?" She purred.

Shaggy was at a total loss for words, but a strange feeling came over him as he looked over the young werewolf girl and felt an animal like need fill him, a need to mate. In a split second, he was on her, kissing her lips roughly, his tongue invading her mouth as she moaned with him, her tongue fighting his for control but losing as her eyes rolled back slightly. Shaggy's hands moved over her body, his left hand under her skirt and inside her panties, rubbing her moist lower lips as his right hand moved under her shirt, groping her left breast roughly, her nipple between his fingers as he teased it.

Winnie howled out as he slipped two furry fingers into her opening, fingering her roughly as he kissed and licked down her neck, his hand now moving from her breast to unbutton her shirt. Shaggy's mind was now void of all restraint, just the need to fuck her, which she did not even try to stop him from doing. She threw her shirt aside and squeezed her breasts together, licking her lips as her eyes met with her teacher's.

"Enough foreplay Coach, make me your mate." She said breathless, biting her lower lip as he pulled his fingers out of her now dripping snatch and licked them clean. Shaggy smiled at her as he reached under her skirt and tugged her panties down around her knees slowly.

The scent of her need and arousal hit his now heightened sense of smell like a brick, leaving him drunk with lust as he undid his pants, dropping them around his ankles. Shaggy stroked his cock, which seemed slightly more substantial in this form, but Winnie didn't seem to mind, in fact, she moaned as she spread her legs and used her fingers to spread her pussy lips, showing him her pink, wet insides.

"Mm. Come on, Coach. Teach a wolf a new trick." She purred.

He didn't need to be told twice as he moved closer, but he still held some restraint as he slowly slid his cock head into her tight, wet pussy.

Winnie flinched and whimpered as he slowly shoved his cock deeper and deeper, soon popping her cherry, her blood trickling down his shaft and onto the table as she shook, trying to last through the pain, but Shaggy stopped as soon as he had deflowered her, holding her close and stroking her back softly, hugging her against his chest.

"Like, calm down. We will go when you're ready," He whispered gently.

Winnie blushed under her fur as tears ran down her cheeks. "Co... Coach... Do I... Feel better then Sibylla?"

She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, to which he smiled gently. "Like, you're you, and Sibylla is her. You're all that is important at the moment."

He then softly began to thrust in and out of her, making his cock head poke against her cervix, making her shudder as her grunts of pain, soon turned to moans of lust as the pain turned to pleasure, his cock stretching her inner walls wide to fit his size into her. "Coach… Shaggy... I... I think I... Um..." She blushed as she ground down on his shaft, her hands wrapped around him as she lightly clawed his back with each thrust, sending shocks of pleasure through her body, her juices flowing out of her pussy like a stream, coating his cock and fur, along with her fur, with the sweet smelling love juices.

He growled as she tightened around his cock, leaning down to run his canine-like tongue over her tits and nipples, teasing her roughly as he groaned. "Mm, Winnie... I... Like, better pull out, I might get you pregnant in this form if I..."

He was answered when she wrapped her legs around his waist roughly, stopping him from pulling out, "N... No... Your cumming in me... " She shuddered and let out a loud howl, coming to her peak, her pussy gushing her orgasm over his shaft and fur as she squirted over his crotch, whimpering and shaking as her eyes were half closed, her tongue hanging out.

He responded in kind as he roughly humped into her soaking pussy harder, making the table under them shake and creak as he suddenly howled with her as he came inside her, his seed flooding into her womb. Her belly bulged slightly from the sheer amount of cum deep inside her hungry core, before spurting out around his cock onto the stone floor, making a small puddle. They both held each other close, panting and riding out their orgasms.

After a few moments, they began kissing each other gently and then pulled apart, Winnie quickly tugging her panties up to stop his cum from dripping out of her as she pulled her clothes on, her legs shaking.

Shaggy pulled his pants up and gulped as his senses returned. "Um... You won't, like, get pregnant will you Winnie? I don't think I could deal with your dad..." But in reply, Winnie merely smirked and stuck her tongue out at him, before rushing off, leaving Shaggy to clean up.

After he finished, he sat back at the table with his head in his hands, "Like... Great, now I am probably stuck like this, and on top of that, Winnie..." He suddenly felt something fly down his throat, making him cough and splutter, but soon swallowed the item, which, to his surprise, caused his fur to disappear slowly until he was plain old Shaggy Rogers again.

He smiled happily and looked up to the doorway and saw Sibylla standing there, but instead of a smile, she was frowning. "I see Winnie has sunk her fangs into you... But I will not lose to that... That hairball!"

She then turned into a bat and flew off, leaving Shaggy on his own, worrying, knowing this can only get worse...

He was so worried he didn't notice a pair of ghostly eyes watching him from the ceiling, before slowly fading away with a light giggle.

Shaggy found himself running down a never-ending corridor, panting with exertion as he tried to escape with his life. Behind him the Wolf Man and Dracula were hot on his heels, both trying to kill him. They shouted and cursed at him as they pursued him, both looking furious, their fangs bared.

"Like, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do it with your daughters!" He yelped as they both pounced on him…

And with that Shaggy bolted upright in bed, his body covered in a cold sweat. "Like, it was only a dream. What a relief…huh?" He groaned, his cock feeling cold and wet.

Confused, he threw back the bed covers and there, with only her torso phased through the bed, her legs under it, was Phantasma, or Phanty to her friends, sucking on his cock. She sported cheeky grin, her eyes full of mischief as she looked up at him, giving him a wave of her ghostly right hand before pulling off his shaft.

"Hey Shaggy, have a bad dream?" She asked innocently as she jacked him off with both of her ghostly hands.

"Mm, uh yeah. Wait, like, how can you touch me?" He asked her, but then suddenly realized. "Hey! You can't be doing that!" He stated, shocked.

At this Phanty looked up at him with a cold frown, squeezing his cock hard, making him grimace in obvious discomfort. "So, it's ok for you to have sex with Sibylla and Winnie but not me?!"

Shaggy was slightly taken back by this, "Wait, you like, know about that?"

Phanty nodded and floated up till she was hovering over him, at which point he noticed her normal jeans were undone. "I watched you. At first, I thought you were having nightmares but..." She giggled loudly and licked her lips. "And to answer your question, I am a phantom, so I can touch things if I want to. Like this beautiful thing right here." She gently ran a finger over his cock tip lightly, making him shudder as he moaned. Her touch, while soft, was quite cold.

He licked his lips and slowly reached out for her, but she giggled and floated out of reach, winking at him playfully as she turned her back to him. "We will sort something out later Shaggy. Just remember... It's my turn next," With that she flew through the wall, leaving Shaggy alone with his thoughts.

On one hand, he had Sibylla, and on the other was Winnie, both girls liked him, and he didn't want to hurt either of them. But now Phanty appeared to be interested as well. "Like, what a pickle." He jumped slightly when his stomach growled angrily at the mention of food and sighed. "Yeah. Speaking of which I'd best try to stomach some breakfast," He thought to himself.

After a quick shower and getting dressed in his usual green shirt and brown cargo pants, he went down to the kitchen, which he almost instantly regretted, as at the table all the girls were assembled. On the left side was Sibylla, Elsa and then Winnie, while on the right side of the table was Phanty, an empty chair and then Tanis.

Shaggy sat between Tanis and Phanty, then with a smile, he asked, "Like, how is everyone?"

Elsa smiled and nodded, tightening the left bolt in her neck a little, "Not bad coach, a little bit stiff, but nothing some work can't fix."

Tanis was next, smiling at Shaggy warmly. "I am ok as well. My bandages are getting a little tight, but Mummy daddy tells me it just means that I am growing up." She said cheerfully, making Shaggy smile happily.

Phanty kept quiet but smirked slyly at Shaggy before sinking through her chair and into the floor, vanishing. Not seeming to care, Winnie and Sibylla looked at Shaggy, both seeming to be checking him over.

Sibylla was the first to break the silence. "I have been fine. Bat, I don't like the idea of my man being sullied by some bitch in heat." She hissed at Winnie with the last bit, showing her fangs, but Winnie merely growled at the vampire and bared her own fangs.

"It's not my fault coach likes his women wild, instead of some dressed up batty runt!" Winnie snapped back.

The two girls looked like they were about to fight when Elsa sighed and stood up, easily picked the two girls up by the scruffs of their tops and walked out of the kitchen. A few moments later a loud splash was heard before Elsa came back. "Well, those two should cool off a little now I hope..." She said, shaking her head. Shaggy slowly nodded in agreement.

Shaggy wasn't given much time to eat however as Miss Grimmwood called him to the hall, where he entered and was met with a frown, "I have heard from Phantasma. You have been stepping on rotten eggshells Mister Rogers, and it won't end well."

But Shaggy just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Like, honestly... What do you expect me to do? The girls all have their own minds. I can't just tell them no. I mean I'm only human after all."

Miss Grimmwood's features softened as she smiled sadly at him, "Indeed. I am sorry Mr. Rogers. I knew this might happen, but I thought that if the girls could spend some time with the first man they ever liked, maybe they could calm down a little."

Shaggy stopped her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Like, it's ok. I understand. I will take responsibility."

This answer seemed to please Miss Grimmwood who smiled and asked, "Ah, then you will marry the girls?"

Shaggy stayed silent for a moment, his face frozen with a half-smile, "Wh... what? Marriage?! And Girls?! I, like, have to marry all of them?!"

Miss Grimmwood chuckled and spoke, "Now, I am not saying you have to... but the possibility is there, as having several wives is not uncommon for most monster groups."

Shaggy looked at the ground, "Like, give me some time to think, ok?"

To which Miss Grimmwood nodded, "I understand, don't rush it..." And with that Shaggy went off to organize the girls' class for the day.

He had all the girls do some light exercise for the day, which included some stretching and jogging around the school. Next, he had each of the girls, in turn, try the long jump. The exercise ended as he expected, with Elsa winning, followed by Winnie, then Sibylla, followed by Tanis and with Phanty coming last, as she was disqualified for floating. After the exercises, Winnie and Sibylla pulled Shaggy aside as they all went back to the school, the two girls pulling Shaggy to his van. "Like, what's up girls?" He asked, slightly confused.

The two girls looked a little worried as they glanced at each other, before Winnie finally spoke, "Coach... You're not going to leave us again... Are you? We... We won't fight anymore if you stay, we can even share you," She said sadly, tears in her eyes as she hugged Shaggy, making him blush slightly before smiling sadly and hugging Winnie back.

He looked up at Sibylla, who was also crying and sighed, holding out a hand to her. "Like, why would I leave, when I have such perfect students?" He chuckled cheerfully, causing Sibylla to run at him, hugging him as well as Winnie. The three held each other for a few moments before the girls calmed down and each kissed Shaggy on the cheek, before slowly heading back to the school.

"Like, that went better than I expected." Shaggy grinned as he walked around to the back of his van, opening it up and climbing inside. He lay back against the side relaxing in the rear of the mystery machine, before slowly dropping off to sleep. Shaggy woke up a little while later and checking, he could see it was dark outside. "Like, aw man... I probably missed supper." But as he sat up, he noticed his pants were missing, "Um, Winnie? Sibylla? Is that you?" He asked as he looked around, but got no answer.

Suddenly a pair of ghostly arms wrapped around him, the hands softly stroking his chest, but the shock caused his usual response, "Zoinks! Like, don't hurt me!" He whimpered before hearing a giggle that he recognized. "Phanty?" He asked, and the ghost girl kissed his neck, leaving a light white mark on his skin.

"Mhm, I have come to have my turn... You won't deny me that, will you Shaggy?" She whispered sweetly in his ear.

Shaggy sighed and nodded, putting his hands on hers, shaking a little at the chill of her body, "Like... Sure, as you said, it isn't fair if I only treat one or two of you..." This was all Phanty needed as she phased through him, making him jump slightly as an icy cold shot through him, but his chattering teeth soon ceased as he moaned. Phanty was rubbing her ass against his crotch, his hardening cock now pressed between her cheeks as she reached back and massaged his cock with them.

"Mm naughty teacher... Do you want my ass, Shaggy?" She purred as she then giggled, turning around for a moment to kiss Shaggy on his lips, leaving a trace of her ice blue lipstick on his own lips as she then got on all fours, "Be gentle Shaggy... It's my first time there..." Shaggy gulped and nodded, he had not tried anal since that one time a few years ago when Velma had got drunk and the two had fucked each other...

He spat on his hand and rubbed the saliva into his cock, wetting it a bit as he went to do the same to her ass, but she shook her head, "It's fine Shaggy, just put it in me, please!" She begged, reaching back and spreading her ass cheeks, showing her ethereal dripping pussy lips and her tight, puckered little asshole for him. Shaggy didn't hold back as he moved behind her, rubbing his cock tip against her tight little hole, making her gasp and squirm, before carefully forcing his cock head inside her, making her moan out as her tight ass spread around his size.

Phanty let out a loud shriek as Shaggy forced the rest of his size into her until he was balls deep, his tip deep inside her cold, tight asshole, which she slowly ground back against him as she panted, "Mm Shaggy, it feels so good..." She cooed as she started to move back and forth on his shaft, making her stretched asshole tighten on his dick like a vice as she did so, her eyes closed tightly.

Shaggy's eyes had also closed as he reached his arms around her and pulled her back into him before sitting down, forcing her down onto his cock as his hands roamed over her stomach and up to her perky breasts, pinching her nipples and twisting them between his finger and thumb, making her squeak slightly as she blushed, all the while bouncing her up and down on his thick rod, the slapping of her ass cheeks meeting his lap soon filled the van as she moaned his name over and over as he fucked her.

Shaggy kissed her neck roughly and nibbled it, thankful he could actually do so since she was a phantom. His pre-cum flooded from his cock tip, lubing up her spread asshole enough for him to hammer up into her with little resistance now, his hips meeting hers as he thrust up. She rammed herself down on his cock, the motion sending shivers through them both as they both got closer to their orgasms. At this point, with Shaggy still inside her, Phanty turned around in his lap slowly so she was facing him.

"Shaggy... Kiss me..." She whispered lustfully as the ghost girl gazed at him and, not one to refuse her, Shaggy complied, kissing her lips deeply, their tongues playing softly with each other as they kept their eyes open, staring deep into each other's eyes as they both climaxed. Phanty let out a loud ghostly shriek, causing the whole van to shudder, 'cumming' over his stomach as she squirted her juices over him, while Shaggy shot his load as deep as it would go inside her ass, making her whimper as she held onto him weakly.

"Thanks, Shaggy... That was fun!" She giggled and pulled off him, her asshole still gaping and a little cum dribbling from it as she clicked her fingers, her jeans and tank top reappearing on her body before she kissed his lips one last time and winked, "I will see you tomorrow Shaggy!" She then phased through the roof of the van and was gone, leaving Shaggy to relax, "Like, at least now I can rest..." Almost as if to crush his words, the back of the van was flung open and there, looking slightly annoyed stood Winnie and Sibylla, both having seen Phanty leave, knew what happened, especially since he was still naked,

"That's not fair coach!" cried Winnie, while Sibylla simply climbed into the van and knelt beside Shaggy.

"You owe us Shaggy... Now, let's play while the night is young, right Winnie?" The wolf girl smirked and nodded, climbing in too and closing the doors, making Shaggy gulp.

"So much for rest..." He thought to himself.

Shaggy groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, staring at the roof of the mystery machine, blinking slightly, his whole body ached. "Like... Why do I feel like I ran around the school all night?" He slowly began to sit up but found it hard, his body heavier than usual, "Huh?" Shaggy looked down and saw both Sibylla and Winnie naked on top of him, both were sleeping soundly, cuddled up against him, "Like... They can be really cute at times..."

He sighed and carefully got up without waking the girls, letting them cuddle up with each other as he got dressed, sniffing the air as he did so, noticing it smelled heavily of sex and lust inside the van, "Like... Better air it out before I take it back to the gang..." He said quietly as he climbed over into the front seat of the mystery machine and opened the windows.

It was then Shaggy looked at the clock and date on the dashboard, "Like... Saturday already... Guess that means no class..." He sighed happily and relaxed in the driver's seat, thinking on how he should spend his day, but he was startled when a hand tapped him on the shoulder, "Huh?!" He spun around and saw Elsa standing there, smiling happily at him.

"Hey Shaggy, I came to see how you..." She started in her usual booming tone, but stopped when the smell from the van hit her from the open window, "Shaggy, did you...?" And with that, she went around to the back doors, but before Shaggy could stop her, she flung open the back doors...

The cold morning air hit Winnie and Sibylla hard as they both slowly woke up, first blinking at each other, as both had expected to wake up next to Shaggy, and then both glanced to the back door, where a very angry looking Elsa stood, her face red and steam literally coming out of her ears. Elsa let out a loud shout, "OUT! Both of you... Get dressed and go inside..." She then turned her angry glare at Shaggy as he got out of the van.

Winnie and Sibylla knew better than to argue, quickly pulling their clothes on, they rushed back, Winnie on all fours as she bounded away and Sibylla turning into a bat and flying through an open window on the second floor of the school. Shaggy gulped, his knees shaking a little in fear as Elsa stomped over to him, the ground feeling like it was shaking with each of her footsteps. She then gripped the front of his shirt and raised him off the ground.

"What did Miss Grimmwood tell you?! She told you to be careful and what did you do?! You go straight to... to..." She blushed slightly in her rage as she continued to speak, "Fucking both Winnie and Sibylla? And what about Phanty huh? I saw her come in late last night, so you can't deny it... Who was next on your list?! Me? Tanis?!"

Shaggy looked down a little, a strong stab of guilt in his heart and gut as he sighed, "Like... I... I didn't want anyone to get hurt, you see, the girls, they..."

Elsa sighed and put him down gently, her rage slowly subsiding as she ran her hand through her hair, letting it fall down long over her shoulders instead of straight up like it usually was, "I... I know Shaggy, we have all really liked you for a long while, but... To just give in and fuck them... Without even a condom? I mean, me, Tanis and Phanty can't get pregnant but Sibylla and Winnie can!"

This news shocked Shaggy to his core, "Wait... How could I...?" He started to whisper but Elsa answered him straight away.

"It's not that hard... After all the magic, transformations and such you have been through, something deep might have rubbed off..." She shook her head and walked past him, heading back to the school, "I will be in the basement Shaggy if you need to talk..."

After standing in silence for a short while, Shaggy finally moved, closing the back doors of the van and locking the whole thing up. He leaned up against the back of the van and took a deep breath. Deciding he needed to clear his head and get some fresh air, he went for a walk through the swamp to where the old military school had stood. Shaggy had heard in passing from Miss Grimmwood, that the boys at the school had tried a very dangerous experiment and blew up the entire building, reducing it, and themselves, to rubble. Shaggy stood over the rocks and broken bricks of the school for a few moments, deep in thought.

"Like... I have always been a coward... I don't think that will change but... If I can make the girls happy then it will be worth having to deal with their fathers," He spoke to himself quietly, before nodding and, with new resolve, headed back through the swamp towards the girl's finishing school.

When Shaggy entered the front hall he noticed that everything was quiet, so he snuck in as quietly as he could, only to feel a hand on his head, making him shout in fear, "Zoinks!" But he calmed slightly as he noticed it was the floating white glove that helped Miss Grimmwood, "Like... Don't scare me like that... So, what's wrong?" To which the glove floated over to the table by the front door, where a letter addressed to Shaggy lay.

As he opened it and pulled out the letter, he noticed it was from Miss Grimmwood. It said that she had to go away for the weekend, but she trusted him to keep things in order, and she had informed all the girls to behave while she was gone. Shaggy sighed as he read the note, knowing he was going to have a rough time with a few of the girls.

Shaggy went up to his room and rooted around inside his suitcase until he found his cell phone, which he used to ring up Fred. "Like! Hey Freddy, how have you been doing lately mate?" He asked as Fred answered, and soon the two were chatting away, Shaggy was very careful not to mention the school till a little later when he asked, "Hey Fred, can you, like, pick me up some gifts for some girls?" Fred seemed confused and asked what he wanted, knowing not to ask Shaggy too much. "Like, just a few things..." Tanis came in and asked him to untangle her because she hade a bad dream he said let me finish up ehat i am doing than i well help you

And with that, Shaggy placed some orders with Fred and told him to have it delivered to the school, to which Fred simply agreed, "Like, thanks man, I owe you one. " And with that he hung up, sighing happily.he untangled her and said what happened in your nightmare she said some humans were chasing me with fire and trying to kill me then she startef to cry then wet herself she said sorry for that he said it is ok sll girls your age wet themselves wene they are scared she said they do he said yes know lets go to sleep

he woke up early the next morning and saw that Tanis wzs on him he tried to get up w Without waking her but it did not work he walked her up by accident And said you can go back to bed I just gotta go and tone and get a few things she asked can i go with you he said a you can but you have to stay in the back of the Van so that no humans can see you until we leave again she said OK so they went to the Van he went to the store got himself some stuff to eat and some stuff to make burgers for the girls then they went back to the school

"Like, that was great... What do you think Elsa? Elsa?!" He managed before she collapsed on him unconscious, pinning him to the table beneath her. "Like, how am I meant to get out of here?!" He shouted until a small voice said, "I... I can help Shaggy..." At which point his heart sank, turning his head to see Tanis in the doorway, her eyes wide as she looked the two over, "Tanis... Like... I can explain

Shaggy felt a mix of emotions at this point. On one side was a pleasure at having just had sex with Elsa, he was feeling great but on the other side, he had clearly hurt Tanis with this, and this caused him no small amount of guilt.

"Don't worry Shaggy. I will get you out." Came the voice of Tanis, who was standing in the doorway, her eyes looking down as she quickly rushed over, undoing Shaggy's shackles. Shaggy felt terrible, being seen like this by Tanis, he had to try and make things better... He slowly pushed Elsa off himself and lay her out on the stone slab before grabbing his pants from the corner of the room.

"Like... Tanis, this isn't what it seems. Elsa and I, we were just..." Shaggy was cut off when Tanis spoke up, in an embarrassed and upset voice.

"Having sex? Like you had with all the others?!" She shouted, her frown easily visible even through her bandages.

Tanis walked over to Shaggy, who expected her to hit him, but instead, she kissed his cheek. "I am sorry Shaggy... I wanted to tell you... But..." She then rushed off, tears in her eyes, leaving Shaggy standing there, wondering whether to follow.

"Like, Tanis! Wait..." He called weakly but a ghostly hand on his shoulder stopped him.

Phanty sighed and shook her head. "Tanis will need some time to think this through... Just... Leave her to us..." She smiled sadly.

At this point Elsa slowly sat up, groaning, "Sorry... Had a little overload, what did I miss?" She asked.

After explaining to Elsa what happened, and deciding to talk to Tanis, Phanty and Elsa left Shaggy cleaning up the basement as the two went to get Winnie and Sibylla, knowing they ALL needed to speak with Tanis and help her understand a little more about what she had seen. They found the wolf girl and vampire girl in Sibylla's room, several sets of roleplaying outfits on the bed, along with several sets of underwear.

"I think Coach would love the black underwear with the nurse's outfit?" said Winnie as Elsa and Phanty entered, but Sibylla merely scoffed.

"Silly wolf, I think the Pink set with the police officer outfit..." But they stopped the argument as they noticed the other girls, and listened as they were told the situation, to which both felt a little uncomfortable.

"Well... I know we should tell Tanis about Shaggy and us, but... She might go a bit batty if she knows we ALL had sex with him but her..." Sibylla said quietly

Winnie agreed with Sibylla, "Maybe just Elsa and Phanty could..." But Phanty raised her hand to stop her.

"She already knows... I think she knew from the beginning..." This caused all the girls to look downcast, but they all agreed they needed to confront Tanis before she did something silly.

So the four Ghoul girls walked down the hall to where Tanis's room was before Elsa knocked on the door. "Hey, Tanis? Are you in there, little buddy?" she asked, but all they heard were sniffles and sobs, making the girls feel much worse.

"Come on, we need to do this..." said Sibylla as she walked to the door, opening it and stepping in.

The room was bare of everything but some hieroglyphs on the walls and a sarcophagus which Tanis slept in. Tanis, however, was sat in the corner, crying, beside her was an old photo of Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy and all the girls the last time they had taught at the school. Tanis looked up slowly as the girls entered and tried to put on a brave smile, "Hey everyone... I am sorry... I was just..." She looked at the photo and sighed.

Tanis had always liked Shaggy, maybe even loved him... He was only a human, but he had been so kind to her and helped her win something for the first time in that volleyball game against the military school.

Winnie walked over and sat beside Tanis, putting a hand on her shoulder, patting the bandages there lightly. "We know how you felt about Shaggy, Tanis because we all felt the same. We think the reason Coach hasn't..." She said when she was interrupted.

Tanis covered her face and shouted, "It's because he sees me as a child still! Your all older, you have nice bodies... Yet... Here I am all wrapped up..." She started to cry again, making Winnie sigh and hug her.

"You can't give up, Tanis. Shaggy will happily be with you if you just ask him. I mean, how could he resist someone as cute as you?" giggled Phanty as she floated over, making Tanis look up from Winnie's hug and smile a little.

"R... Really?" she asked with a little hope in her voice.

Sibylla nodded and walked over as well, picking up the old photo and smiled. "Indeed... When we are done with you, he would have to be mad to ignore you..."

To which Elsa nodded her head and grinned, "But we need to clean you up a bit before you see him, Tanis. The last thing we want is Shaggy thinking you were crying."

Tanis brightened up and nodded, smiling happily, "Thank you... I... I won't let any of you down."

But at this point, all the girls smirked, "Just remember, we are sharing him, it's only fair..." added Winnie as she winked at Tanis, who nodded.

"I... I understand... So, what's first?" She asked at which point Sibylla took one of the bandages on Tanis's back and tugged it, making her spin around, "Let's give you a makeover..."

An hour later, Shaggy climbed up the stairs from the basement on his hands and knees, completely exhausted, and covered in dust. He had cleaned the entire basement as fast as he could, remembering Elsa's words, where she threatened to tell her father about them if he didn't do a good job. "Like... No rest for the wicked sounds about right..." He sighed as he thought of Tanis and headed up to his room.

As Shaggy walked along the landing to the stairs to his room, each of the girls' room doors opened slowly as each girl looked out, smirking, all of them wishing Tanis luck silently.

Shaggy got to the top of the stairs and noticed that the light in his room was on, seeing the light from under the door, "Like... Probably one of the girls..." He sighed as he flung the door open.

"Ok, I am kind of tired so can we, like, not..." He stopped speaking abruptly as the figure standing beside his bed caught his eye. She was about Tanis's height and age, but her body was nearly devoid of all bandages, her skin was tanned and looked flawless, her breasts were quite small, but were perky and cute from what he could tell, as she was wearing a thin cloth bikini and matching panties, but then he noticed her head was bandaged, and that necklace around her neck... "Like, TANIS?!" Shaggy gulped, looking her over as he blushed.

Tanis blushed under her bandages and nodded, running her hand nervously over her necklace, "Mummy daddy told me never to take off my bandages in front of anyone but... The person I love..." She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, making him smile lightly.

"So... You're not mad?" He walked over and sat on his bed, patting the space beside him, at which point Tanis sat beside him. She was so close to him now that he caught the scent of her smooth, tanned skin and sighed delightedly. Tanis smelled of rose petals and milk, making him grin.

"I... I have always liked you, Shaggy. Always...but when you went with Sibylla and then Winnie I didn't think I could compete..." She sighed and then stood up. "This is silly... I am sorry for acting so silly Shaggy..." She went to leave, but Shaggy grabbed her gently by her wrist.

"Like... Tanis..." He pulled her a little closer and slowly undid the bandages around her mouth, letting them drop, showing only her lips, which were a cute pink color, she watched him, blushing hard, making Shaggy chuckle, "Your so cute Tanis..." He whispered before kissing her lips deeply, his tongue slowly entering her mouth to play with hers, making the young girl shiver as her legs began to give out.

Shaggy pulled her into his lap so she could sit down, but not once breaking the kiss as they held each other, Tanis having wrapped her arms around his neck the whole time while his arms encircled her, his hands gently stroking over her back, her scent and tanned skin driving him wild as his strong hands clamped onto her rear, making her squeal, breathless and panting into his mouth, their saliva mixing as the deep, passionate kiss continued for a few more minutes until Tanis broke it, breathing heavily she smiled at Shaggy.

"I... I always dreamed of this... Being like this with you..." She whispered as she reached behind her and undid the top, letting it drop, her breasts now on show to him, her nipples slowly growing hard from his gaze.

"Like... You look great Tanis... I am sorry I upset you, so... Please let me make it up to you..." Shaggy then carefully cupped both her breasts in his hands and started to massage them and lean down, kissing and licking her now erect nipples, sucking on the right one roughly, making Tanis moan.

The other girls were crowded around the door to the room, each trying to hear and make out what was going on. "Hey, bats for brains, move it, I can't hear!" Winnie said to Sibylla quietly, who hissed at the wolf girl.

"Don't give me that attitude hairball... And I would move if a certain patchwork doll would stop hogging all the space!" Sibylla snapped back.

Elsa merely grumbled and kept listening. Phanty, who was floating happily above them all, had easy access to hear what was going on...

Tanis whimpered, drool running from her lips as Shaggy laid her gently onto the bed and removed her loin cloth. Under it she placed her hands over her crotch, hiding herself from him, "It's... It's embarrassing, Shaggy!" she blushed as he gently moved her hands away.

Her tight, moist virgin pussy now on show, he smiled, "It's beautiful Tanis, just like the rest of you..." He assured her as he slowly moved his lips to her lower lips, kissing and licking over her slit, teasing her lower lips with gentle swipes of his tongue, making her gasp.

"But... I..." She relaxed and panted as Shaggy ate her out... A talent he had a lot of skill in thanks to his huge appetite.

Tanis soon came, gasping out cutely as her chest went up and down swiftly, her lust at its peak as she watched Shaggy stand up and undo his pants. She gulped as his large cock was uncovered for her, making her feel a little intimidated as Tanis slowly moved her hands to it, noticing she couldn't get her hands fully around it, making her pout.

"Like, its ok..." Shaggy began but she smirked as she grabbed the bandage that had covered her mouth earlier and wrapped the soft material around his cock, making him moan.

"Is this ok Shaggy?" She asked sweetly, using the bandage to jack him off, making sure he was fully erect, before wrapping the bandage around the base of his cock tightly, making him wince.

"Like, what's with this?" He asked.

Tanis blushed and looked away, "Sibylla said it would make you feel good and so you would last longer..."

Shaggy sighed but didn't argue, he wanted Tanis to have a perfect first time, "Ok then... Like, let's get ready..." Tanis gulped but nodded, a small smile on her lips. He picked her up gently in his arms and lay her on his bed, watching her spread her well-toned legs for him.

"Ok... Let's go slow Tanis so we don't, like, hurt you..." He said.

She nodded and bit her lower lip as he prodded his tip against her slick entrance, making her whimper as he penetrated her.

She panted heavily as he slowly pushed his cock in till he hit her hymen and, with one quick thrust, broke it, taking her virginity, but making Tanis yelp in pain as he popped her cherry, tears running down her bandages and cheeks, at which point Shaggy stopped and held her close to him, cradling her in his arms and kissing her lips and neck softly.

"It's ok, your like, doing fine..." And after a few minutes she told him it was ok.

The girls outside the room went silent as they heard Tanis yelp, knowing she had lost her virginity, "Is she ok I wonder..." worried Phanty, to which the other girls agreed, so they risked opening the door just enough for them all to peak through... And there was Tanis, laid out on Shaggy's bed, moaning and grunting as he thrust in and out of her tight, young pussy, spreading her inner walls wide as he fucked her.

"Like, you feel so good Tanis!" He moaned out as he slowed his pace, thrusting harder instead, making Tanis pant, her hands caressing and squeezing her breasts as she looked up at the man she loved.

"Y... Yes Shaggy, so do you..." she whimpered as his cock ravaged her pussy all the way to her core.

"How can she take so much of Coach inside her?!" Winnie whispered as the other girls watched, frozen in shock and lust, each of them reaching into their panties to stroke their wet cunts.

"Shaggy... I... I'm cumming!" yelled Tanis as the young mummy girl orgasmed hard, her loud cries shattering his bedroom window as she passed out, just feeling Shaggy's thick load release deep inside her pussy, making her coo a little as she fell asleep.

Shaggy sighed and pulled out of Tanis and looked down at her, before picking her up and carrying her to the other bed in the room that had once been Scooby Doo's bed and tucked her in. "Wow... Like, am I beat..." Suddenly his door was flung open, the girls slowly entered and started stripping, "Like... Girls... Please, wait! ZOINKS!" Was all Shaggy managed as the girls pounced on him…

Shaggy Rogers had just had the best night of his life in a long time. The entire bedroom was a mess, clothes scattered here, there and everywhere, his bedroom window was smashed, and his bed had collapsed in on itself. And there, on the broken bed, lay Shaggy, nude, sweating and breathing heavily as he tried to finally get some sleep, as all around him the girls slept happily, with Winnie at the bottom of the bed curled up, her fur soaked with sweat and cum, Sibylla asleep on his right, pinning his arm under her as she cuddled up to him, Elsa on his left, pinning his other arm in place, making both his arms numb.

Tanis and Phanty had made their way to the other bed in the room, snuggling up together under the covers as they slept soundly, all the girls were worn out from the lovemaking that had transpired all through the night. Shaggy sighed and looked around, unable to sleep with the aches all over his body, "Like, at least it's a good work out." And he was right, in only a few days his appetite had dropped, and he was feeling a lot better about himself, if not more tired. So, he lay there, trapped between three girls, wondering what he was going to do next. His train of thought was derailed as he heard the doorbell ring downstairs, making him panic.

"Like, I hope that isn't Miss Grimmwood." He groaned as, with great difficulty, he pulled himself free and slipped on a pair of black cargo pants from his suitcase and a white shirt. At this point, he noticed his remaining clean clothes were getting low. "I really need to see if, like, they have a washing machine here or something." He thought to himself as he headed downstairs and opened the front door. He found no one there but a large parcel, which he took inside.

Once he closed the door, he scratched his head, slowly opening the box, before smiling happily, "Good old Fred..." He whispered as he quickly closed the box and headed out to the mystery machine and hid the box in the back, before locking the door, "Like, I hope they don't find it..." He suddenly heard a loud boom from inside the school, making the entire building shake as he looked up at it.

"Zoinks. Like, that's not good!" He shouted as he rushed inside and looked around. Pictures had fallen off the walls, tables were turned over and the place looked nearly as bad as his own room. He walked through the school, finding the kitchen and main room were in the same state, "Like... What am I going to do?!" He yelled, when the door under the stairs that led to the basement opened, Elsa and Phanty poked their heads out, smiling nervously. "Um... Hey Shaggy... Everything ok?" Phanty asked with a nervous giggle.

She was wearing her white hair in a ponytail, her blue streak going down the center of it, and her clothes were a pair of denim shorts and a small t-shirt that showed off her belly, "Yeah, we hope the bang wasn't too loud..." Elsa chimed in, her long black hair still let down over her shoulders, with the white streaks running like rivers through the black color of the other hair. She was wearing a short black skirt and knee-high boots, with a matching black t-shirt that read 'Mad Doc' on the front.

Shaggy frowned at the two girls and crossed his arms over his chest. "Like, what did you two do to make such a racket and cause such a mess?" He asked, a touch of anger in his voice as he tapped his foot on the ground, waiting for an answer when Tanis, Winnie, and Sibylla came down the stairs, and, much to Shaggy's surprise, they were all wearing one of his shirt's, more to the fact, the shirts he had found were missing after coming to the school.

Tanis wore a dark green shirt of his, which went just past her hips, Shaggy also noticed she had put her bandages back on, covering her tanned skin, while Sibylla was wearing a red shirt, which was very baggy like the others but hers showed her pink silk panties under it. Winnie was wearing a light blue shirt which she had tied a knot in over her stomach, showing off her belly and her crotch, as she wasn't wearing panties.

All three girls were still tired but had come down to see what all the racket was about, and Shaggy quickly crossed over to them. "Like, you all need to get dressed. What if Miss Grimmwood comes back?!" He asked, but Winnie just moved closer, standing on her tip toes and kissed his lips, smirking as she grinded herself against him.

"So, what Coach? I bet she wouldn't mind if she knew we loved you and you loved us." She said, confidently.

At this point, Tanis asked in her quiet voice, "You do love us Shaggy? Right?" She asked smiling at him, a light blush under her bandages, causing Shaggy to smile happily, his frown easily falling away.

"Like, of course, I love all of you, but we don't want to get in trouble, do we?" He asked, to which the girls sighed and shook their heads, heading upstairs, but not before all the girls gave him a kiss first.

Winnie kissed his lips hard once again before backing off and winking, then heading up the stairs, with Sibylla coming next and kissing his lips lightly, tugging on his lower lips with her fangs gently. "See you later Shaggy." She whispered and then headed upstairs.

Finally, it was Tanis's turn to kiss him, so Shaggy bent down abit and she hugged him close, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Shaggy," She whispered before following the other girls upstairs.

Shaggy turned back to Elsa and Phanty and sighed, "Ok. Um, what did you both, like, do?" He asked, but both the girls simply smiled and headed downstairs, with Phanty calling to him, "Come see, we made you a gift!"

So, Shaggy shrugged and headed down to the basement/lab and entered. Walking into the room, he spotted Elsa and Phanty at a table, their backs to him, so he smirked and snuck up behind them both, spanking their rears teasingly, "Like, so what's the gift?"

Both girls giggled and blushed as they parted, letting Shaggy see a small bottle on the table, it was like a cologne bottle with a skull shaped stopper. He picked it up and looked through the clear glass to see that the contents were a pink color, "Like, do I wear this or...?" Elsa took the bottle off him and grabbed a measuring beaker, pouring a little of the liquid into the beaker before handing it to Shaggy.

"Here, drink just a little..." She smirked slyly as she watched him, making him uneasy, but he still took it and drank...

He blinked, before dropping the beaker and falling straight backwards, his eyes wide open as he stared at the ceiling. Phanty floated down to his side, "Are you sure this will work, I don't want to hurt Shaggy..." But she was answered when a large bulge formed in the front of his pants, tenting the material as he stayed motionless.

Elsa laughed and tugged down his pants, gasping a little as she saw the effects of his potion, his cock now at least 10 inches long, where he had only been 8 inches before, "It certainly works..." She licked her lips as she gripped his shaft and slowly stroked it, it had also grown slightly thicker she noticed, "May need to fix the side effects..." Elsa continued but jumped a little when she felt Shaggy's hand on her wrist, but when she looked at his eyes she saw they were blank.

"Um... Uh oh..." Phanty gulped and asked, "What's wrong Elsa?!"

But Elsa smiled nervously and shrugged, "Pr... Probably a side effect, we need to wear him down until it wears off..." She sighed and pulled away from Shaggy, who was now sitting up, staying silent, almost trance like in his manner.

Elsa tugged off her shirt and tossed it on the table, her DD breasts bouncing a little as she watched Shaggy, he slowly raised his head before pouncing on Elsa, making her giggle as they both landed on the floor, Shaggy on top of her, his hands roughly squeezing her soft breasts, his hands cupping them, pinching her nipples between his fingertips, bringing small moans from Elsa's lips. Phanty pouted and floated over, hovering just behind Shaggy as she reached around him with both hands, stroking up and down his pulsing shaft slowly, biting her lip as she did so, rubbing her firm breasts against his back.

Shaggy, who was lost in his trance-like state thanks to the potion remained silent, along with no change in his blank expression, reached back with his right hand and squeezed Phanty's ass, making her giggle loudly as she turned ethereal, making his hand pass through her as she tugged off her shorts, leaving them around her knees, her ghostly pussy now on display as she reached down, spreading her dripping lower lips lewdly at him, her inner flesh a light blue color compared to her white skin tone.

Shaggy turned to watch her and silently moved off Elsa, much to her disappointment and moved to where was Phanty floating, reaching forward as he moved to grab her hips. Phanty giggled and let him grab her, gasping loudly as he pulled her closer to him, his lips and tongue exploring and tasting her pussy, roughly flicking his tongue up and down over her lower lips, teasing her budding clit with the pad of his thumb. "So... He moves to the one who displays more lust huh?" Elsa smirked and tugged her skirt up, so it showed her black lace panties and whistled.

Shaggy slowly pulled his tongue away from Phanty's pussy lips, watching Elsa as she lay back and raised her legs up, tugging her panties off slowly and then throwing them at him, making them land on his shoulder. She then rolled over onto all fours and spread her ass cheeks, showing her tight, pink asshole to him, "Come get it Shaggy..." She cooed as she winked at him.

Shaggy turned to go but Phanty growled and wrapped her legs around his head, her ghostly hands forcing his face against her dripping cunt, as she glared at Elsa. "Hey, no fair! I want to go first!" She yelled, but Elsa winked at her, "Well, how about if we lie him down and both do him... So, he can fuck my ass while he eats you out, and then switch?"

Phanty thought about this offer, her cheeks blushing as she panted and groaned from Shaggy still eating her out before she sighed, "Fine... But you better have some lube around..." So, while Phanty moaned softly, grinding her cunt against Shaggy's face, moaning out loudly as his tongue slipped inside her pussy, thrusting deeply, teasing and tasting her inner walls, Elsa grabbed a tube off the table with the potion and smeared some on and inside her asshole, before walking over to Shaggy, whispering in his ear, "Lie down."

Shaggy instantly obeyed, Phanty's weightless form still wrapped round his head as she placed her legs either side of him as she turned around so she would be facing Elsa when she mounted his hard dick. Elsa gulped and poured some of the lube over Shaggy's cock, making sure it was nice and slick before rubbing his large shaft between her ass cheeks, grinning as she slowly pressed the tip against her tight button hole and... She let out a loud yelp as she felt her ass spread wide around the size of his cock, squeezing his cock hard as she shivered, but slid down more, being careful as she kept breathing heavily.

Soon Elsa was sat in Shaggy's lap, his cock balls deep inside her ass, throbbing against her inner walls hard as she looked across at Phanty, who was also panting, her ass and cunt both being eaten, getting her even wetter as she leaned over and kissed Elsa hard, shocking her, but soon Elsa let go and kissed Phanty back as they both ground down on his tongue and cock, teasing both with their bodies.

Shaggy suddenly began to thrust up hard, making Elsa moan into Phanty's mouth, their drool mixing in each other's mouths as they made out, their hands softly playing with each other's breasts after Elsa tugged up Phanty's top. While the two girls played with each other and thrust down onto his probing tongue and throbbing cock, they both moaned into each other's mouths as Shaggy rammed two fingers into Phanty's asshole, spreading it as he thrust them in and out, all the while he thrust his hips up into Elsa, his thick member easily penetrating deep inside her stretched asshole.

Elsa moved one hand to play with Phanty's pussy, rubbing it roughly and then slowly slipping a finger inside, making Phanty gasp, as she now had two sets of fingers playing with her holes. Phanty leaned forward and began to suck on Elsa's left nipple, her left hand moving to Elsa's right breast and squeezing it lightly as she did so. "Mm Shaggy... Just... A little more..." moaned Elsa as she started to bounce up and down on Shaggy's meat, forcing it in and out of her even faster, making her breathe heavily as she got close.

After a few more moments Shaggy grunted, the first noise he had made for a while, as he came inside Elsa's asshole, but she pulled off suddenly and let his seed shoot over her ass cheeks as well, getting his thick, warm semen on her skin, "Mm so good..." She moaned as she rubbed it in, but Phanty floated over to her, starting to lick his seed off her ass cheeks with low moans.

"Mm..." She cooed as she tasted Shaggy, who slowly began to come to his senses.

"Huh, like, what happened?" He groaned as he sat up, seeing Elsa straddling him and Phanty moving to kiss and lick over his semi-erect cock, he sighed, shaking his head lightly. "So... You made a Date rape drug?" He joked, but when the girls looked at him blankly he decided to not explain.

Elsa smiled and stood up, pulling her skirt down as she walked over to the table, grabbing her shirt and slipping it on, "I best go upstairs and sort out the mess we made, you two have fun..." Elsa giggled as she made her way across the room to the staircase leaving Phanty sucking Shaggy off until he was hard again.

"Oh, we will. Won't we Shaggy?" She giggled loudly as she crawled up to him, before kissing his neck, her soaking wet sex rubbing against his hard shaft, "I want you in here this time Shaggy..." She whispered with a sly smirk.

Shaggy nodded, still a little groggy, but then stopped, "Wait, is my junk, like, bigger?!" He stared at his cock and then looked at her, seeing a cheeky grin on her face.

"Of course, you didn't think we just knocked you out did you?" She then kissed him deeply, shoving her tongue into his mouth so it coiled with his as his hands moved to her ass, squeezing her cheeks firmly as she moaned against him, the tip of his cock poised at her pussy.

With one move she slammed down on his cock, taking his entire size into her pussy, feeling the tip hit her cervix as it did so, making her shake and hold him tight, as the ghost girl had a small orgasm.

"Like, I only put it in... Are you ok?" Shaggy asked as he broke the kiss, looking at her as she blinked, blushing slightly.

"Sorry... Couldn't resist..." And with those words she slowly began to ride Shaggy, grinding down on him as she sat in his lap, the tip ramming against her womb as it moved in deeply. Shaggy licked and kissed over Phanty's neck slowly and lovingly, moving his cock up and down into her, enjoying her tight pussy as he groaned quietly, his entire shaft throbbing as his pre-cum coated her inner walls, making his thrusts into her easier.

Phanty pulled Shaggy closer, putting his head against her chest as she slammed herself down onto his cock harder and harder until she cried out as his cock penetrated her womb, making her eyes roll back as she came with him, both feeling great pleasure as their juices mixed with each other, his seed being fed directly into her hungry ghostly womb and her juices making a small puddle under them. It took several moments before either had the energy to even speak, Shaggy being the first. "Like... Wow..." He managed, making Phanty giggle weakly as she slowly floated off him and tugged her clothes up, making herself presentable.

"Like, maybe you might want to change?" Shaggy said as he watched his cum make a damp patch in the crotch of her shorts as it dribbled out of her, making her blush. "Yeah, your right, see you later Shaggy. I hope you liked mine and Elsa's gift!" And with that she floated through the ceiling, leaving Shaggy to pull his pants up and head upstairs.

He got into the entry hall and saw it was completely back to normal, the old, spooky paintings were in their places and the whole place looked clean. "Like, good work Elsa..." He then heard the doorbell and walked over, opening the front door and smiled nervously as Miss Grimmwood grinned back at him.

"I hope the weekend went by without any trouble, Mister Rogers..." She stated as she walked passed him and looked around, seeming impressed.

"You and the girls cleaned up? How wonderful... And it's so quiet!" She chuckled and looked at Shaggy, who hoped the girls would do nothing to let on what had happened.

"You really have a way with the girls. I bet if you keep this up they will be perfect, polite young ladies in no time!" She went to the stairs and started to climb them, making Shaggy sigh with relief, but she stopped halfway up and turned to him with a sly grin. "Oh, and by the way Mister Rogers, tomorrow is a school day, so please refrain from your carnal acts with the girls... Also, it would be best to return those to Miss Frankenstein before she catches a cold..." She pointed at the pair of panties still over Shaggy's shoulder, making him blush.

"Like... You knew?" He said, feeling embarrassed and awkward. To which Miss Grimmwood nodded.

"Indeed... You're lucky I trust you not to hurt the girls... So, I leave them in your care... Good night Mister Rogers..." And with that she headed upstairs, leaving Shaggy alone.

"Like... That went better than I had hoped..." He sighed as he headed upstairs as well. He needed an early night for once

After Miss Grimmwood's words the day before, Shaggy was feeling a little better about himself, thankful that he no longer needed to hide his affection for the girls. He had also noticed that the effects of Phanty and Elsa's potion had left his cock the same large size it had become, after drinking the potion. He stroked his chin slightly as he stood naked in front of the mirror in his room, but only after locking the door. "Like... I wonder if I can keep this up... I mean, I like the girls, but what will the gang say?!" He sighed as he spoke to himself, before heading into the small bathroom that was attached to his room, stepping into the cramped shower as he tried to relax a little when suddenly the water hit him.

Shaggy nearly jumped out of his skin though when the water from the shower came out freezing cold, "Like, what the hell?!" As he stepped out of the shower, he heard shrieks and shouts coming from downstairs, knowing the girls must have all experienced the exact same thing. So Shaggy, still soaked through, walked into his room, shaking slightly from the cold. His room was neat once more, his dirty clothes in a pile near the door, as Miss Grimmwood said she would sort out cleaning them for him. His bed had been fixed to a point, as all he had on hand was a hammer, a few nails, and some duct tape... But it seemed sturdy enough, well, at least with just his own weight on it.

Shaggy slipped on a red shirt and blue jeans before walking downstairs, being greeted with a fine sight. All the girls were crowded on the landing, talking to Miss Grimmwood, dressed in only towels wrapped around their bodies and hair, even Tanis was dressed this way, but her bandages were still on. Shaggy cleared his throat as he made his presence known, and almost instantly the girls rushed over to him, all talking at once, not making any sense, so Shaggy gulped and raised his hands up, silencing them. "Ok... Winnie, like, what's going on?"

Winnie smiled smugly as she looked at the other girls, her brown fur slightly damp from where she had entered the shower briefly, her towel was sky blue with bones on it, "Well Coach, I was just saying that the showers are not working right, and we think it is the old boiler...but..."

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