
Shadow Slave

Growing up in poverty, Sunny never expected anything good from life. However, even he did not anticipate being chosen by the Nightmare Spell and becoming one of the Awakened - an elite group of people gifted with supernatural powers. Transported into a ruined magical world, he found himself facing against terrible monsters - and other Awakened - in a deadly battle of survival. What's worse, the divine power he received happened to possess a small, but potentially fatal side effect... Discord: https://discord.gg/NpDgaxRA6Y

Guiltythree · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1891 Chs

Two Futures

Laying on a makeshift raft that was being pulled through boundless mist by a powerful current, Sunny suddenly burst out in laughter. 

"Ah. Ah, I see now…"

Sin of Solace glanced at him with curiosity.

"What is it that you see, if you don't mind me asking?"

Sunny remained silent for a while. 

"No, it's just that… I suddenly remembered an old conversation."

Years ago, in the ruined cathedral of the Dark City, Effie — who was mostly a stranger back then — had told Sunny a strange thing. 

She had told him that the Dream Realm was not hell, like everyone believed, but instead a paradise… a dark and cruel one, but a paradise nevertheless. The kind of paradise they all deserved.

He knew now that Effie felt that way because she had been trapped in a broken body and constrained to a wheelchair in the waking world, but received a chance to be healthy and vibrant in the Dream Realm… however, that was not the only reason.