
Kim Dokja and more.....

Alex dreamt.

In the depths of his slumber, visions unfolded before Alex's mind's eye. He beheld a kingdom ravaged by flames, its once majestic structures reduced to ash. An endless river flowed, its waters shimmering with an ethereal glow.

Within the realm of his dreams, Alex encountered a creature, primal and untamed, stalking through the wilderness with lethal grace. An archer stood poised, arrow drawn, ready to unleash death upon its target.

Further into the dream, Alex stumbled upon a cave concealed within the ruins of a forgotten city. Within its murky depths lurked repulsive creatures, their grotesque forms twisting and writhing in the shadows. At the heart of the cavern, a lone figure, shackled and cloaked in darkness, gasped for breath. The creatures surrounding him exuded a perverse hunger, their eyes glinting with a primal instinct, yet perhaps tinged with fear of their own demise.

The scene shifted abruptly to a whispered conversation between the dying man and a shadowy figure, possibly his own kin. Alex strained to discern the words, shrouded in mystery and laden with hidden meaning, as if they were whispered from the depths of the unknown.

As if out of fear that he would unravel the whispers' secrets, the scene once again shifted, plunging Alex into a yet more terrifying tableau. Now, he witnessed the once endless river evaporating into thin air, its once tranquil flow vanishing into nothingness. The kingdom, once reduced to smoldering ruins, now brimmed with vibrant life, a stark contrast to its former desolation. And the cave where he stood moments before transformed before his eyes—where once lurked grotesque creatures, now stood empty caverns, devoid of life or menace. The creatures themselves, once formidable and fearsome, now crumbled into dust, as if they had never existed at all.

Time moved, slowed, and resumed then its usual pace.

Suddenly, a faint voice whispered in his ear, barely audible yet chillingly clear.

"[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your trial...]"

Alex stumbled a few steps, falling onto his butt as he failed to break his sudden fall.

'At last…'

Suddenly, a chill raced down his spine as he found himself standing naked within the ominous cave. His hands were bruised, and his feet had turned a startling shade of blue, the cause unknown.

Alex glanced down at his body, noting its newfound strength and contrast to his previous frailty. Running a hand over his chest, he felt the solid muscles beneath his fingertips, a surprise to him. "Naked, huh... Not much different from before... Sigh."

With a resigned sigh, he pressed onward, striding toward a wall of the cave. Despite the prickling sensation in his feet and the biting cold that permeated the cavern, he pushed forward, to lean over the cave's wall.Top of Form

"I guess I should be grateful the previous owner didn't die," Alex muttered, recalling that he was in a better situation than a certain slave... at least for now, that is.

Having already endured living in a stranger's body for 16 years, Alex found himself surprisingly comfortable in this new vessel.

He looked around, relieved to find the cave not filled to the brim with nightmare creatures or perhaps they were yet to arrive in the near future.

"Now... how did he check those things?" he thought to himself.

"System...? Stats...? Updates...?" he pondered for a few moments before finally managing to navigate through after a couple of tries. When he saw them, his already hollowed eyes slightly bulged in surprise.

He watched in astonishment as a couple of ancient runes materialized seemingly out of nowhere in front of him, or perhaps the information was simply implanted directly into his mind.

"What the...? No, seriously, what the actual fuck...?!" He couldn't help but exclaim, his disbelief evident in his voice.


Name: Alex Stark.

True Name: —

Rank: Aspirant.

Soul Core: Dormant.

Memories: —

Echoes: —

Attributes: [Fourth wall], [Fateless], [Mnemoflex], [Mark of divinity], [Unearthly Sigil], [Eternal Suffering], 

Aspect: [Stranger]

Aspect Description: [To you, a stranger to these lands, integration is an elusive concept, forever marked as the harbinger of demise, the catalyst of endings. While your necessity looms, your existence remains a testament to failure.]


Perhaps... if he hadn't been fixating on one single piece of information, he might have avoided this total breakdown.

"Fourth wall... of all things, the fucking fourth wall!?" Amidst the dreary gloom of his doomed existence, Alex's composure shattered like never before.

"Okay..., let's just breathe in... and breathe out... hahh... hahh... fucking fourth wall!? What's next, Kim Dokja as my boyfriend?! Seriously, what the hell!" Maybe he should have been thrilled, but after 16 years of pent-up frustration, it just had to burst out now.


As Alex tried to wrap his head around the absurdity of it all, he couldn't help but chuckle despite himself. "Well, if I'm going down, might as well make it memorable," he muttered, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips.

But deep down, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a tiny spark of defiance flickered. "Screw this," he thought. "If the spell or whoever sent me to this rotten hell hole wants to mess with me, I'll mess right back motherfucker! ." 

After quelling his inner turmoil, he turned his attention to the shimmering runes arranged before him in an ethereal order.

"Let's see... my aspect is [stranger], hmm? Well, at least the spell got that right,hehe" he chuckled softly to himself. Yet, if anyone were to witness the peculiar way he laughed, they might have suspected him of being possessed.

"Aspect description is whaaa... So I'm supposed to be revered but also be deemed as human garbage? Gee, the spell sure is moody," he chuckled. "Sunless did mention the spell being a bit poetic, but this is not what I expected."

"Now, what about those attribute thingies," he mused, peering at the runes .

[Fourth wall] Attribute Description: "The dying gift of the 'He who remains" Alex muttered, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, not ominous at all..." He paused, his mind drifting to the ominous yet mysterious meaning behind those eight letters.

"Is it Kim Dokja... nah, I mean, he is the oldest dream... but that doesn't mean he can do stuff like this for fun, right..." Alex tried to calm himself down as he gulped unconsciously.

"Onto the others..." Alex murmured, steeling himself as he turned his attention to the remaining attributes, his curiosity outweighing his unease.

[Fateless] Attribute Description: "A whisper in the void, a thread untouched by destiny's loom. You are the sole entity to have eluded fate's gentle touch, a being unbound by its strings... awaiting your inevitable demise," Alex read, his voice hushed as he felt the gravity of the description sink in.

"Damn, didn't know that spell licked weavers this way," Alex thought, his expression resigned as he absorbed the information.

"I mean, come on, there's no way something like the [Fateless] attribute description is more ominous than the fourth wall one. At least [Fateless] has a proper description, regardless of it being ominous as well," Alex mused, attempting to comfort himself, though he felt on the verge of a breakdown. 'i guess the spell want me dead huh... petty bastard' alex mused to himself while chuckling.

'sigh...Nothing can surprise me at this point,' Alex thought to himself while reading aloud the attribute 'duroflex...?... no, it's not... sigh....'

[Mnemoflex] Attribute Description: "An ancient power conferring unparalleled adaptability, akin to water flowing effortlessly. Memory transforms into a precise repository, capturing every detail with masterful clarity. Experiences are cataloged with meticulous accuracy, creating a timeless mosaic of knowledge. The adept navigates fate's currents with graceful foresight, effortlessly surmounting challenges. Yet, within this prowess lies a peril: the burden of bearing witness to the haunting whispers of the past."

"It's rather remarkable, isn't it? The ability to adapt and learn things faster. Finally, something promising. Oh, does that mean I possess better-than-average abilities, perfect photographic muscle, and brain memory? Hehehe, haha... hehe... ha," Alex chuckled to himself, contemplating the newfound attribute before gasping for air in the already oxygen-deprived cave.

"Now, let's venture forth to the next one, shall we?" he mused to himself, a sense of anticipation filling him.

[Mark of Divinity] Attribute Description: "You bear a faint scent of divinity, as though touched by it briefly once, a long time ago."

"Finally!! Now that's what you call a stroke of luck!" he exclaimed, relishing his fleeting moment of joy. "Onward to the next one, shall we? ~ "

"huh...?,what the fuck" he muttered seeing the next one.

[Unearthly Sigil] Attribute Description: "You have inherited the forgotten lineage of the 'He who remains' "

"hahh... it's bad for my heart... hahh... what even is that language? It's different from the runes. Now that I think about it, the spell isn't translating them like with others... its somehow dfferent... ahh shit, is it really Kim Dokja?"

'No, no. Only happy thoughts. The next will be something good, I guess... amen...?' Alex thought as he focused on the last of the glimmering runes, and then everything went blank.

[Eternal Suffering] Attribute Description: "In the vast expanse of fate, you are but a stranger, a perpetual enemy to destiny. Your existence hangs precariously between life and death, denied true peace in eternity."

'....fucking dojka'


 [ A/N: what can i say I just like orv and for new readers , I highly recommend it.]

[ A/N: 30 power stones before april 13 if possible, highly appreciated. ]

 [ A/N: the next 22 chapters will be released on april 13, 2024. if possible try to spread this novel to ur friends if u liked it. ]



The next 22 chapters will be released on april 13, 2024. if possible try to spread this novel to ur friends if u liked it.

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