
Chapter 5

(Ritsuka fujimaru pov)

Everyone was taken aback after hearing my words. They couldn't believe that before them stood a true God, not a lesser deity, but a formidable one—the God of Death. However, the mention of the Shadow Monarch left them bewildered, as they had never encountered that name before.

"What? I've never heard of any god named Shadow Monarch," exclaimed Romani, his disbelief evident. Yet, upon sensing my mana, he grasped the authenticity of my claim.

"That's correct. The name Shadow Monarch doesn't appear in the history of this world," I confirmed.

Da Vinci narrowed her eyes at the phrase "this world," then she made a guess and said, "So, you're from another world."

"Correct," I confirmed.

"I don't know where this is leading," Cu Caster interjected, his confusion evident.

They found it difficult to trust him now that they knew he wasn't from their world. Questions swirled in their minds—how could he summon a Servant from their world? Even Tamamo began to worry about Ritsuka's situation.

Tamamo saw noble and handsome soul in Ritsuka fujimaru so she believed him. And Ritsuka knows about it.

Ritsuka Fujimaru decided to recount his story and he had seen in system message left by Ashborn since his birth in this world. Despite having numerous memories, he hadn't fully understood the message left by Ashborn when he was a baby. Unsure of whether Ashborn was real or fake, Ritsuka chose to believe in Ashborn and Sung Jin Woo's existence are real, considering his own existence as proof.

However, Ritsuka remained unaware that many powerful beings were listening to his story at that moment, including a certain Mage from Avalon.

"Just hear my side of the story," Fujimaru began, his expression shifting from serious to calm as if recalling a fond memory. "I was chosen as a vessel for a God of Death in a foreign world. His name is Ashborn, and he selected me because I was the only capable person to contain the concept of death. He then glimpsed into my future and my destiny."

" He told me, when I was young and he imparting his power onto me, that he had witnessed how I consistently approached death but managed to evade it time and time again. Despite my perceived weaknesses and lack of talent, I refused to succumb to despair and always remained prepared to keep fighting and moving forward. Ashborn said he become the record of my struggle, evidence of resistance and the reward of my pain." Ritsuka Fujimaru wore a gentle smile as he recounted the tale.

"He chose you as his successor instead of taking over your body? Why not take control of, say, 50% or 70% and become a pseudo-vessel?" Cu Caster queried, echoing the doubts of Romani, Da Vinci, and Tamamo.

Ritsuka Fujimaru understood this concept very well. If Ashborn was indeed real and had left that message really by him in the system, then the owner of this body was not an ordinary person in the future.

"He found happiness in witnessing my future journey, in the timeline where I didn't obtain this power. Perhaps he didn't want to lose me in the current timeline. But regardless of who takes control of my body, we have already become one. It doesn't change much," Ritsuka Fujimaru said with a beautiful smile as he spoke about Ashborn.

Tamamo blushed at me upon seeing my face, She had a penchant for good-looking guys.

Olga was about to ask, "What will you do in the human world?" but changed her question mid-sentence, understanding something about Ritsuka.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru, are you on the side of humans or not?" Olga inquired, wanting clarification on this matter.

"Yeah, I'm on the side of humans," I affirmed, as Fou jumped onto my shoulder.

"Olga, I have an important matter to tell you. It concerns your life," I said with a serious expression. Seeing my face, she started to worry.

"Olga, I'm sorry to say this, but you have died. Your body was destroyed in the attack. Trismegistus thoughtfully transferred you into this land after you became residual thoughts. You only gained the aptitude you desired after you died! That's why you can't return to Chaldea. The moment you do, your consciousness will vanish."

"...Eh?" Olga slumped to her knees.

"W-what? But... I'm dead?" she murmured in shock.

"Master's boss," Tamamo said, grabbing Olga's shoulder.

Olga truly felt like she had lost her last remaining hope. Tears streamed down her face, washing away all semblance of her previous demeanor.

I could understand the immense turmoil she must be feeling upon learning that she was dead—it was undoubtedly causing her to have a mental breakdown.

Olga is a person who neither dead not alive.

I already have a way to save her and I thought to tell her.

"Olga, you don't have to wor..." Before I could finish my sentence Olga said .

"Do not try to comfort me!" Olga interrupted angrily, her fury ignited the moment she heard my voice, instead of calming down

"I KNOW... *sob* YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING... *sob* I already suspected something like this, but I was afraid to believe it," Olga said through her tears. "I don't have the aptitude to participate in rayshifting while I'm still alive, but after death, I'm somehow able to accomplish this. My body was destroyed, and all that was left of me is my soul and consciousness. In other words, even if I return to Chaldea, I will just die instantly. I will disappear for good, no more of anyone thinking of me as a bother."

She revealed her true self to us—a normal girl who had tried to carry the weight of the organization on her shoulders at a young age, even though the world and everyone didn't acknowledge her.

I felt angry at her. I was pissed off now. Because of some trash opinion of her, she thought she was better off dead. Did she not care about herself? Why did she think she was not fit to work with anyone in this world?

I know this happened because of that bastard manipulation.

But right now, I was determined to save her. If I couldn't save a girl in despair, then how could I even think about saving the world? And I couldn't bear to face my mom if I failed.

I kneeled in front of Olga and firmly grabbed her shoulders with my hands.

"Just answer my questions, dummy. Why the hell do you think that way?" I asked her, my tone filled with anger.

"I can't seem to live up to expectations... Or rather, nobody expects anything from me to begin with," she replied, starting to rub her tear-filled eyes.


"And who told you that?" I demanded.

"No one, but... everybody finds me insufferable, and it shows in their eyes," Olga replied, her voice choked with emotion.

Hearing this, both Romani, Da Vinci, and all Chaldea staff members felt guilty. They felt a deep sadness for her. However, after hearing my next words, they felt a surge of anger.

"Don't freaking care about those trash," I spat out.

But Olga continued crying like a baby..


"YOU DUMMY IDIOT, SAY WHAT YOU REALLY WANT?" I exclaimed, lightly tapping her forehead with my fingers. Tamamo was taken aback after seeing my angry face, but she believed I would help Olga.

"...*sob*... I'm scared of being alone, I want to meet everyone expectations," Olga confessed through her tears.

"You are not alone. You have me, your first friend. I'm going to save you, and no one has yet begun their journey with solid victories. You will learn from your mistakes and you will achieve everything you want. You are a brilliant woman," I reassured her, looking into her tear-filled eyes. Olga saw hope in my gaze.

"W-what?" she stammered.

"When it came down to it, you always prioritized your subordinates' lives and well-being, even at the cost of your reputation and, at times, safety."

As Olga Marie looked at the man in front of her coming to her defense, she felt an indescribable warmth behind her eyes.

"I've dealt with many corrupt executives, all merely there to line their own pockets or fulfill their agendas. None of them could ever do what you did here today. Olga, you are the best leader for Chaldea and one necessary to win this war," I finished.

"...*sniff*... *hic*... *hic*," Olga tried to wipe away her tears in a futile attempt to stop their flow. Her throat racked with choked sobs. She felt a whirlwind of emotions—happiness, relief, love, and more. But right now, she felt lucky to have met me.

Olga finally realized what was happening to her. It was something she had never experienced even once in 22 years of her life.

Tears were not something she was unfamiliar with… but this is the first time they ever fell from happiness.

Olga let her tears fall as she stared at me, many feelings swirling in her heart.

Olga blushed at me, catching Da Vinci's attention..


"And did you forget who I am?" I asked, reminding her of my divine nature. (GFD)

Her face turned red as she remembered that I was a god.

"I have a way to save you," I continued.

"Why didn't you say this before?" Olga asked.

"I tried to tell you, but you interrupted me," I replied.

"Hahahaha, hahha," Caster Cu laughed at her.

Then she remembered how she interpreted my sentence, and she felt embarrassed. Now she really wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.

I then explained about the plan, and Da Vinci clarified it for Olga. Olga understood that I was going to transfer her consciousness to a puppet body.

"Director Olga, I... am sorry for not noticing your problems," Romani said to Olga, still remembering when he first met her, young with innocent eyes.

"It's okay," Olga replied.

"But Director, remember this: without you, Chaldea would have been lost when your father died. The fact that you were able to lead Chaldea at such a young age is proof of your talent," he acknowledged her.

She felt happy to hear that.

"Yeah, but your social skills are null, so you couldn't even connect with others," I interjected, giving her a reality check. She understood that I was basically calling her a nerd.

"You idiot, can't you at least be nice to me?" Olga retorted.

"Oye master, you shouldn't go hard on a hopeless girl," Tamamo said.

"Not you too. Fine. Everyone should forget that I cried and not bring up this topic again," Olga declared, her face red with embarrassment.

"Okay, Director," Romani agreed.

"Hmm, Director, take a look at this picture," Da Vinci said, showing a picture of both Olga and me, with Olga blushing at me.

Olga saw this and covered the screen so I couldn't see.

"Da Vinci, delete it," Olga demanded, and Da Vinci started to tease her. Now, Olga's mood became more normal.

"Well then, let's go to the Greater Grail now. The sooner, the better, don't you think?" I nodded.

"Yes, let's go to the Greater Grail, Cu Chulainn," the Director gave her order, turning to the Caster.

"Yes, yes. Right this way," Cu Chulainn replied.

The group walked again, now led by Cu Chulainn.


"Here we are," Cu Chulainn's voice announced, bringing the group's attention to a giant cave, mostly natural but with traces of magecraft lingering in the air.

"The Greater Grail is in the far back of this cave, so let's not separate without reason," the Celtic mage cautioned as they entered the cave.

"What a large cave... Has this cave always been here?" Olga asked, addressing no one in particular.

"Mikon~ I'm not an expert in territory creation, mine is Rank C, so I can understand this. The cave blueprint that has been modified into a workshop by mages over the years, but it was created by naturally with the help magic, I bet it has to do with a saber servant" Tamamo explained.

"Caster…" Olga turned to him. "I have been meaning to ask you something for some time. You made many mentions of Saber before," she continued. "And said that her legend involved her having the blood of dragons in her."

"Hmm," Caster nodded, his carefree expression washing away and being replaced by a more composed one. "It does."

"You know their true name," Olga pressed.

He snorted in response. "Anyone who's ever seen her Noble Phantasm would know her true name. The most famous of Holy swords that even in your time its name is still known... The sister sword to the Sword in the Stone which selects the King."

Everyone was shocked except Ritsuka and his shadow soldiers.

"Oi, oi!" Romani interjected, his voice thick with concern and rising fear. "You don't mean that—"

"Yeah," Caster nodded, his face blank.

"Excalibur. The Sword of Promised Victory."

"E-Excalibur!?" I exclaimed, as I had read about this in many manga and anime.

"King Arthur…" Olga breathed out the name in alarm.

"I thought a King was supposed to be a man. ...How come you keep calling them a her?" I asked Caster.

"Because they are?" Caster replied as if I had said something stupid, while everyone looked at me. "What? They are. It's a little girl, actually shorter than the kid there," he gestured towards Ritsuka, who was staring at the man with raised eyebrows.

"Shorter...than me?" I parroted. "That's... um... I'm not sure how to feel about that."

"My Liege, he is saying you are greater than this saber," Beru said, but at this point, everyone ignored him.

"It's a ridiculous case of mistaken identity is what it is," Romani called through the communicator. "How the heck do you mistake a... well actually, I heard that when King Arthur pulled Caliburn from the stone they stopped visibly ageing," he muttered under his breath. "I suppose they could have just hidden their feminine nature by dressing as a boy…"

"I don't know," Caster shrugged. "All I know is that it's a girl."

"King Arthur would be one of the strongest Heroic Spirits you could summon," Romani explained. "As a Saber, they would be in their ideal class, and with Excalibur as a Noble Phantasm…"

"It's Anti-Fortress," Caster called out. "Big explosion."

"I see," I said, excited to fight.

"You... don't sound that worried," Caster pointed out to me, but I merely raised my head and tilted it to the side.

"When you have the power to kill Gods and dragons, you tend to have a low bar when it comes to expecting ridiculously powerful foes," I explained. "It's actually a surprise when you encounter one that isn't capable of ripping you in half with little effort." I remembered how Sung Jin Woo cut the Dragon King in half in two timelines.

"...Your predecessor (Ashborn and SJW) must be a monster," Caster remarked.

I just smiled.

"Okay, everyone. We are going to face King Arthur. We should be careful," Olga said to their group one final time.

"I apologize," a new voice suddenly appeared, capturing the attention of everyone present. "But if you want to enter this cave, I can only offer to let you leave now."

The man who appeared after the voice was tall for a Japanese man and dressed in a red coat that emphasized his white, in fact, gray hair.

"Archer," Caster exclaimed, grinning and instantly forgetting about the ongoing dispute. He grabbed his staff and pointed it forward menacingly.

"I thought it's weird why I didn't see dark servants. Was wondering where you were. I was a bit surprised when there was no disciple to greet us," caster remarked.

"I have no memory of becoming a disciple. But I can at least chase away mundane visitors," the newcomer replied.

"Ah! A gatekeeper then?" Caster smirked, though his expression held a more bloodthirsty edge, and began twirling his staff. "Although I suppose you do have the making of a bodyguard."

"Ho?" Archer tilted his head. "Coming from a guard dog, I suppose that is rather high praise. Should I consider it an honor?"

Caster stilled, his eyes narrowing and glinting with murderous intent as the air around him seemed to chill instantly. "What was that, bastard?"

"Don't tell me you cannot see the irony of you calling someone else a guard dog," Archer smirked, a large black bow appearing in his hands as his face flattened out. "However, as amusing as it may be, I'm afraid that I lack the free time necessary to humor you." Gripping the bow tightly in one hand, the other quickly clenched into a fist, a sword forming out of motes of blue light.

He wasted no time and instantly sent a projectile towards Olga, who was weaker in the group. It was just an ordinary throwing dagger, but it was thrown with force and speed surpassing that of a human. Therefore, at best, it would tear through the girl if it hit her. Fortunately, she had Ritsuka for support.

I stopped the sword in mid-air with my skill, Ruler's Authority. Archer was shocked to see this.

But before he could understand, someone appeared in front of him and grabbed his face, lifting him up.

"You dumbass! How dare you attack my Liege's first girlfriend? My Liege said he is going to support her. You shall face the consequences," Beru said, blood dripping from Archer's face.

Due to the distance, everyone didn't hear what Beru said, but they saw what Beru did to Archer.

Archer watched in horror as an ant monster opened its mouth and started to eat him alive. It was a terrifying experience.

"You small dickhead! This is what you get for messing with my Liege. Now I'm going to be praised by my Liege, kekkekeee," Beru laughed and went to meet me.

"You did great, Beru," I said, and Tamamo saw this, feeling a little jealous.

"Let's go," I continued, leading the group forward.



King of Camelot

The group quickly came to a halt at the large opening. The inner sanctum was massive, with a flat top raised section of ground lying in the center.

I could feel the power radiating from whatever it was that was there.

"The Holy Grail has been converted into a magical reactor?" Olga widened her eyes as she stared up at the source. "And an exclusive one at that?"

"Oh-ho?" A voice echoed across the chasm, and the group instantly focused on a figure standing atop the hill, staring down at them. Pale-skinned and clad in dark armor with glowing red lines spread across it, the short woman stared down at them.

"Oh, that's an interesting guest there." They looked up to find Saber, identified as King Arthur from Camelot, standing atop the mesa. However, there were discrepancies between the servant in front of them and the person of legends. One, the servant was female, and two, she was in a dark attire over the regal look they were expecting.

But those questions were left for later as Saber began to glow with a dark, ominous aura as she stared at me with her pale yellow eyes.

"Is that Saber?" I asked, my voice tinged with anticipation.

"What magical energy!" Olga exclaimed, her senses nearly overloaded with the energy emanating from Saber.

'She's the real deal. I can feel her strength and her sword. It's giving the same feeling as my Kamish's Wrath daggers. We're both at the same level,' I thought to myself as I summoned my pair of daggers. I was determined to level up by defeating her.

'He smell nice, tch. What I'm thinking' Artoria thought and annoyed at herself.

(MC's body is at the same level as Artoria, even if he had full control over his powers. This change is to balance the story. But Mc magic attacks are Powerful and you will see in next chapter when he faces demon Lev)


Kamish's Wrath daggers: 

Kamish's Wrath grants an attack power boost of +1500 to their user, making them the strongest magical weapons in the world. The daggers are also mana-sensitive, meaning that their power will increase based on their user's abilities, and even allow their user to alter their weight however they please, as displayed in the novel when Jinwoo was able to make them as light as a feather.

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