
Chapter One

Gazing at the open plain before him, a massive black forest cat stood guard like a sentinel to a castle. Everyday the beast tracked the same path bordering his domain in waiting for the two legged wretches to come. Sixteen years had passed with out a sign of his most hated enemy; humans.

Two dual tails flicked behind him, betraying his hidden frustration. For hundreds of years his kindred living in the shadows were hunted and slaughtered by human raiders from different kingdoms. His hatred of humans was not born of revenge for his murdered kinfolk but the encroachment in his territory, his home. Guise also enjoyed playing and torturing with any human that crossed his path. Except for two.

Scanning the open plain one last time the cat disappeared into the recesses of the forest. This forest housed him and countless other shadow dwellers some refugees and others permanent residents. The forest was called Paladin Forest by humans, while the inhabitants called it Luselet Wilds, however, Guise simply called it the wilds.

Humans dominated regions to the west of the wilds while many of the kindred dwelled in the east and North of them. The south was an unknown territory, in fact those who wandered down south rarely returned. Those who managed to return to the North were changed, driven mad by something there. Reaching the center of the forest the cat caught scent of a familiar intruder.

Without looking about the massive cat flopped to the ground and groomed his paw unperturbed by the hidden visitor. A subtle rustling sounded to the left gave the cat the advantage and spoiled the surprise attack of the hidden figure. Bursting forth from the brush a teenage girl charged the enormous beast.

Launching herself full strength the young lass brought down a wooden club to knock the beast on the head. Before the blow landed a paw shot out knocking the youth to the ground causing her to lose grip of her weapon, it rolled several feet away. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of her lungs, she lay trapped under a heavy paw gasping for breath. Yawning in a bored manner the cat deemed his ambusher unworthy and continued grooming his free paw.

Gasping the girl tried her best to glare at the unfair cat. "I'll get you next time you mangy cat!"

She gritted out with each breath. Pausing the cat cast a disdainful look at her and spoke, "Bold of you to challenge this master while under his paw." The gravelled voice tickled her ears. She knew very well with a slight movement of his paw the cat could pierce her chest with his sheathed claws. Groaning from the weight the girl exasperatedly shoved the cats paw off, causing the cat to grunt in amusement.

"If you knew I was there you should have said so, mangy cat." Sitting up slowly the youth rubbed her chest and groaned again. The cat used full force to knock her down. He really was trying to hurt her! Turning his full attention to her he chuckled, stating, "Stupid girl, I am a predator and you dare accuse me for your incompetent actions. Take this lesson to heart, had I been a real forest cat, I'd be feasting on your innards right now." Casting a pointed look at the now offended girl the cat stood and stretched lazily. For sixteen years this little human child had lived beside him. He raised her as his own, nurturing and teaching her to survive and live amongst the shadow folk. While smart and promising the girl had a long way before she could trick this old Surale.

Peering down at her in amusement the cat couldn't help but adore the little cub. The girl held unique features, pale white hair with a tan complexion. Her eyes were a bright green and the tanned skin helped those green orbs show vividly. Her face was heart shaped with a little button nose and small pouting lips. His little cub was a stunning creature and this worried the old beast for her future. Humans delighted in beautiful things and could tear apart kingdoms to catch something beautiful.

Not only that the girl possessed powerful blood and a powerful name. For years the Surale waited for her blood to awaken but for years it remained dormant. Silently he wished it'd never awaken, that way she could live her life in peace unmolested by her kind living beyond the plain. "Guise, today I walk the perimeter by myself! Remember you agreed."

The excited voice brought the cat out of his musings. He focused on her grinning face and instantly his mood soured. That's right, today she was to patrol the boundary. After so many years of training and drilling into the girl how to fight, defend and suppress enemies he'd agreed on her sixteenth birthday she could walk the perimeter of the wilds. Groaning inwardly the cat acknowledged and stalked off to wallow in self pity. As he walked away he growled a warning, "Deidre remember, steer clear of humans. They are dangerous and will harm even a little child as yourself ".

The girl watched the feline stalk off, tails switching back and forth in annoyance, Deidre couldn't help but grin. The doting old cat was worried about her running the perimeter. It warmed her heart but she was ready and brimming with excitement. Finally she was going to see the outer forest and even the outside world. Even a peek of the plain would curb some of her curiosity. Breathing in deeply, resolute, Deidre began the trip to the border.