
Sex Gods' Dirty Secret - (Moved to a New Link)

Amber Star, a journalist with an easygoing life, had everything turned upside down when she stumbled upon a dark secret and in turn got her life entwined with something darker, leaving no room for an escape. Damian Stormborn, CEO of Starline Entertainment with a prestigious reputation as a sex god and every woman’s crazy dream man, had everything at his beck and call including a dirty secret that could ruin it all. Sadly, he had not counted on the fateful encounter that would reel a little rabbit into his dark lair. They had a problem. A sweet love tugging at his heartstrings and a dangerous romance ready to engulf her, changing all of her morals. With bigger problems and demons lurking in the dark, waiting to destroy all that he held dear, including her, how would the sex god survive this ordeal? Would both of them succumb or would they be determined to break the weak link, giving into the darkness?  ********* This book would have a lot of mature content and readers' discretion is advised. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, all right go to the original artist. Discord server: https://discord.gg/eSxAQAtGR2

Caramel_Butter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Find Someone


CHAPTER 2 – Find Someone

Ring! Ring!

Her eyes flew open as the sound of a call threw her out of her sleep.

Slowly, she blinked as the morning ray of light shimmered into the room and sluggishly rose to a sitting position.

"Urgh..." A soft groan escaped her lips, feeling her head bang suddenly.

Immediately she forgot about the call on her phone and let out a yawn.

Without thinking so much about anything, she rubbed her head and tried to recall what had made her this tired.

Yesterday had brought a change in her life as a journalist but most importantly, she wondered if she could tell the tale elsewhere considering he chased after her.

No one was going to believe her anyways. This was Damian Stormborn she was speaking of.

He was the pride and every woman's idol. The dream guy of all.

"He wouldn't be much of a dream guy when the truth is out," she muttered to herself and turned her head in search of something.

Still squinting, her eyes managed to dart around till they came to land on the wall clock in her room.

"Darn it! 8 am!"

She threw the duvet off her body and immediately scrambled to her feet as she wore her slippers and raced to the bathroom.

"Not again, Amber. You're late and the director would virtually eat your brains for this," she lamented as she ran off.

Ever since she returned him the previous night, she could not find any ounce of sleep in her till late in the morning.

When she finally found sleep, it was already late into her work time.

Throwing her worries to the back of her mind, Amber hurried her bathing and dressing up and in no time she was set for work.

"Mr. Stormborn, I shall worry about you later, for now, normal life calls me," she encouraged herself and got into her car.


The previous day was one he would never forget. After being in the human realm for countless years, this was the first time any human had caught him red-handed.

Just the thought alone left Damian deep in thought but most importantly, he found himself incapable of forgetting the scared face of the lady who had caught him.

Seated behind the tinted glass desk in the office, facing his laptop while staring intensely at the screen, Damian hummed out a tune.

His back-length black hair, with a red tint at the base, swayed when he leaned forward and picked up his phone from the table.

His eyelids drooped lazily as he twirled the phone in his hand while his mind travelled for miles in his head.

After some time, he stopped what he was doing and tapped on the screen of his phone.

As soon as it lit up, he spoke to the phone and had it open up.

"Darling, call Astra for me."

"Calling Astra."

He waited as the AI did its job and called the woman he wished to speak to. Not up to a minute the lovely voice of a lady rang out from the other end of his phone.

"Why hath the mighty Damian chosen to bless my phone with a call?"

"Astra," his voice trailed off in a seductive manner, leaving anyone who heard it, wanting to feel his lips pressed against their ear and skin.

"Naughty, naughty, Damian. You need some sweet nectar to fill your love bar?" she teased.

"Nah, it is more than that. I need you in my office now. There is someone I wish to track."

Her eyes went round at the sound of his serious tone. It had been a few months since he wished to find anyone and needed her help.

"Just that or do you need more?"

"You know me. Hurry, you have 30 seconds to be here else I seek out Azura. You know she would be eager."

"Do not threaten me, Damian, or else I would make you cum hard."

Without arguing, she ended the call and smiled.

Just as he had given, a few seconds later, a shadow appeared at the far end of his luxurious office and slowly stepped out from the dark, bringing her body into the light.

"I see you did not need my help that bad," Astra's voice rang out as she pushed one leg out, letting her gown slit to the side, revealing her slender fine legs.

Taking another step forward, her hour-figure hips, swayed to a silent rhythm as her beautiful white silk and net gown flowed behind her.

The front part of her dress had a big opening in front as two flaps used in covering her round breast were pulled up to wrap around her neck, leaving nothing to her back.

"The last time you did, you almost pulled out your hair," she mused, beaming her best smile.

"That was different. I was going to make someone pay."

"And now?"

"I need to catch a snoopy rabbit," he declared and followed her movement down till she was standing right in front of him.

No longer wasting time, she let his gaze travel up her body, to see she was not wearing anything underneath her see-through gown.

Once she was sure he had seen enough, Astra made the first move and straddled him on his chair.

With a wave of her hand, a white light danced on the tip of her index finger and then she crashed her lips on his and pointed her finger to his glabella.

Having done this times without a number when he needed help finding or locating someone, Damian knew what he was to do.

Quickly thoughts of Amber racing down the lane towards the open road flooded his mind until finally, he saw her enter the taxi and take a look behind.

Immediately after that, several images began to play out in his mind until he saw one where Amber stood in front of a company.


Astra gasped as she pulled away from his lips and took her hand away from his head.

A few seconds passed and her lips curved upward, revealing a mischievous smile in her beautiful crystal-like eyes.

"I see, this one is different," she announced, rolling her hips to grind on him. "Hmm, the mighty sex god got caught. What are the odds?"

Her smile broadened and she took his hands, bringing them to her butt while pressing into it.

Taking the initiative of what she wanted, he squeezed her butt hard, earning a soft moan from Astra.

"Hhehe," Astra's smirk broadened. "You scared?"

"Wipe that smile off your lips, Astra. This isn't funny. She saw me. No human should be able to see me when I feed off the power from their pleasure."

"Exactly and just now I was pushed out while searching."

His eyes dimmed at her. "What do you mean? There is no one in the world you cannot find," his deep voice questioned.

"Yes, but a selected trio. If she is a human, I do not see why except she is protected by something."

"Do you think they sent her?" Damian shook his head, cancelling out the thoughts. "She looked scared to be one of my enemies."

"You need not worry your pretty head. Soon, we shall get her ourselves," she announced.

"There is no we, Astra." His gaze darkened as he stopped massaging her butt. "You are to refrain from going after her."


"She is mine," he growled out in warning.

He placed both hands by her side and lifted her up effortlessly before placing her on his desk and walking away.

Before he could get far, Astra caught his hand quickly and tilted her head back. "Going somewhere?"

"Crystal Daily News," he announced with a wicked grin.

"Aaahh…" she moaned out and bit down on her lips. "Then what about me and my payment?" She asked.

Spreading her legs, Astra quickly lifted her right leg and placed it on his right shoulder as her gown slid down to her waist, revealing her heart-shaped butt

As though that was not enough, Astra pushed her gown to the side, leaving her lower body exposed to his eyes, pulled his hand and placed it on her core, letting his fingers slide down her lower lips.


Damian watched through narrowed eyes as the dazzling beauty before him, used his fingers to pleasure herself and in turn tempt him.

Before he could speak, he felt his finger slide down and enter her with so much ease, showing just how wet she was.

"Aaahhh... yesh, ohh finger me, Damian.... aarrhh..."

Yielding to her wants, he pumped into her a few times, watching as her chest rose and fell with each breath and her hips ground into his hand.

Just when she thought she could ask for more and chase after her pleasure, he pulled out and whispered in her ears.

"Wait for me. I would be sure to treat you well. For now, this rabbit cannot escape."

He claimed her lips in a hot frenzy kiss, silencing her moans.

Pulling back fiercely, Damian licked his finger and instantly, she saw his eyes change colour briefly before he dashed out of the room.