
Serial No:101

Zane is a nineteen year old college student that is being bullied by his course mates. He is suicidal but cannot kill himself because his family might end up living with the guilt. But now that he has been kidnapped by the notorious serial killer as his one hundred and one victim, instead of being afraid, he is excited and willingly wants to welcome death. Peter, popularly known as 'Counter' the dangerous serial killer, who kills people and writes the number on their bodies ends up kidnapping Zane but for the first time in his life, he meets a victim that is willing to die. He slowly finds himself wanting to bring life back to Zane's dead eyes, he begins to fall in love and now wants to live a normal live, which he finds impossible because with the number of people he has killed, he knows he does not deserve it. Nelson is Zane's neighbor and police officer, he is also inlove with Zane and had planned to ask him out on the very day Zane was kidnapped. He is determined to end the reign of the notorious serial killer and bring Zane back home. But is it Zane or Peter that needs saving? Cover photo credit: Pinterest!! If the owner wants me to change it, I will!

DaoisteWq8fI · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


The sky was overcast with clouds and the wind blew violently from all directions. It seemed like it would be a stormy night, the smell of distant flowers and blood filled the air.

The sounds of feet coming in contact with flesh reverberated in a secluded area at a corner at the back of Chamber university.

A group consisting of six boys could be seen stomping on a body that was curled on the floor as he tried desperately to cover his already battered face.

They seemed to be enjoying their little exercise as they continued stomping hard and laughing.

They stopped stomping as they were no longer getting any response from their victim. Thinking that he had already fainted, they crouched down to his level and lifted his head up by grabbing a fistful of his hair aggressively.

The boy stared at them emotionlessly as his own blood was now blurring his vision.

"That's enough!"

The one that seemed to be the leader of the group finally emerged from the shadows. His green eyes accessed the battered boy and he smiled in satisfaction.

"Bring him closer." He commanded and leaned against the wall lazily as the breeze blew his brown hair backwards.

They lifted the almost lifeless boy and dragged him towards him.

"You know who I am?"

The boy gathered a pool of spit mixed with blood in his mouth and spat on the brown hair.

The brown hair wiped his face as a menacing laugh escaped from his mouth.

"I am sure you know who I am, who doesn't know Kel Walker of Chamber university? But I do not like people like you!"

His palm landed vigorously on the boys cheeks, he slapped him a few more times before he stopped.

He then strengthened his shirt and signaled to his boys to let go of the brutalized boy.

They did and all turned to leave when the boy finally spoke.

"What did I ever do to you Kel?"

His voice was weak but loud enough to make them stop in their track.

Kel walked back to where the boy was and picked him up so lightly like a rag doll and then flung him to the wall.

The boy winced in pain and could only rest his back against the wall.

"What did you do?"

Kel chuckled as he eyed the boy with displeasure.

"Zane, you made the biggest mistake of coming to this college! You could have gone to any other college, why did it have to be the one that I am attending?" He paused as he desperately ran his hand through his hair. "Everyone knows that I hate gays! So just drop out of this school or I will make your life miserable, this is just the tip of the iceberg Zane, be warned!"

"How did you find out?"

"F**k!" Kel cursed as he looked up to the sky. "It's going to rain."

With that he walked away with his gang leaving behind a battered Zane.

Zane sighed and closed his only eye that was not already closed because of the beating. How had Kel found out about him being gay? He had made sure he kept it a secret, that was why he had distanced himself from everyone and everything.

This was only the second week in college and it was already a repeat of his highschool life.

Everywhere in his body hurt so bad but weirdly it was like he could not feel it, it felt like he was now numb to pain.

All he could think about was ending it all but he could not. Knowing his family, they would blame themselves for not noticing his pain, his feigned happiness and his lies. He did not want them to guilt themselves for his death. He had thought about hiring an assassin to kill him but he was too broke for that, what about joining a gang fight? What if he ended up not dying and then ends up in jail which would only prolong his miserable life.

He opened his one eye that was not badly damaged and slowly used the wall and floor to help himself up.

Little drops of rain began falling, helping him wash off the blood on his face as he limped out of the secluded area. Each step he took felt like a thousand nails were being driven into his body. His hoody was covering his battered face so his appearance did not make any brows rise as everyone hurried past him trying to get to their destination before the rain starts falling heavily.

Soon the streets and roads were almost empty. Zane walked down the road, he walked past his bus stop. By now he was already completely drenched, he refused to use the bus and instead liked the pain he was feeling as he walked home.

His house was only a thirty minutes walk away so he got there in no time. He stopped close to his house and stared at it, the house he had grown up in, his home, where the only people that actually loved him lived.

He finally broke down, raindrops poured down his cheeks taking his hot tears away with them.