
Seraph of the End:Blood for the Blood God

A mass serial killer named Cain dies, and gets reincarnated into Seraph of the End, will Cain redeem himself as a protector of humanity or will he give in to his urges and damn his already cursed soul? (The cover photo is not mine. I will change if needed)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Bio (Must Read)

Name:Cain Hyakuya

Race: Namanari/Seraph/Human

Cursed Gear: Shi-Zan-ketsu-ga(Demon) sword(Cover photo) Release command: Drown the world in a sea of Blood.

Titles: God's most unholy soul, The Devil in human skin, The Devil's favorite sinner, The blood God, The First Trumpet, and the Anomaly

Cursed Gear powers:

Cleave: Cain infused his blood into his sword, creating a blood-projectile shaped as a crescent moon at his enemies, the more blood that is given, the sharper the attack is.

Calling: When the sword is not in use, thousands of bloodthirsty voices will attempt to order Cain to kill, the more it succeeds, the higher the chance his demon will control him.

Owari no nai shukketsu(Endless Bleeding) : whatever the blade cuts, no matter how small or shallow, it will continue to grow and spread until the entire body is covered in cuts, leading the person to profusely bleed to death.

Akai manjushage(Red spider Lily) : The sword's edge has a mysterious poison, if it comes in contact with a wound, the wound will become infected and will clump together to form a dense spider-Lily, the flower will continue to grow while aggregating the person's blood, rupturing their internal organs, until the person is a skeleton covered in Red spider-Liles.

Drink: Every time Cain's Katana comes into contact with blood, some of that blood is absorbed into his sword and is stored inside the tsuka, Cain can use this blood to heal, enhance his abilities, and pull him back from his blood-frenzy.




Seraph abilities:

First Trumpet: "The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the Earth."

Hemokinesis: Depending if the seraph is in a partial or complete transformation, the level of control over blood varies, from creating storms of blood, to controlling Vampires.

Toxic blood: Cain's blood is toxic to vampires, noble vampires can drink it, but will go into a blood-craze until they are killed.

Pyrokinesis: Cain can generate and control fire, from making fireballs to enormous hailstorm.

High-speed regeneration





Cursed Gear: Physical weapons imbued with demonic power and can possess their hosts, two types: Manifestation and possession.

Vampires: An immortal race that feeds on human blood, and have three types: normal, half-Vampire and Progenitor.

Half-Vampire: A newly-turned vampire that doesn't drink human blood, has all the characteristics of a normal vampire but weaker.

Progenitors:Ancient vampire nobles that are far stronger than normal vampires, have a ranking of 1-20 and the lower the number, the stronger they are.

Seraphs:Angels that have been experimented by humans, live in human hosts and have a hatred for all human life, the strongest angels are the trumpets of the apocalypse. Ex: Cain (First Trumpet) Yu(Second Trumpet)

Horsemen of John: Non-sentient monsters that hunt down and kill any humans on sight. They are created by the 6th trumpet.