
Selling Jars in the World of Naruto

After transmigrating to the world of Naruto, Shen Mo gained an all-purpose trading system. With it, he began a journey as a jar-selling merchant. Tsunade: "Shizune, don't stop me. Today, I must open enough revival coins!" Jiraiya: "Love potion? There's such a thing? Give me a hundred jars!" Uchiha Sasuke: "Opening jars can really make you stronger? Even if I have to give up everything, I must buy them. I will surpass that man!" Uchiha Itachi: "My foolish little brother, I have opened more jars than you." ... Looking at the chaotic world before him, Shen Mo [the protagonist] had a helpless expression on his face. "I just wanted to earn some money to buy Icarus..." MTL fanfiction.

RoB1TzZzU · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 2: Let's Start Selling Jars!

"Thank you again for your help," Shen Mo thanked politely with a smile, not wanting any small issues to cause the transaction to fail before it even began.

In fact, he had always been very self-controlled.

"No need to thank me, just bring the money," Tsunade held out her hand and shook it, "One hundred thousand."

One hundred thousand?

Shen Mo's eye twitched a bit.

It was really expensive.

In this world, one hundred thousand currency was roughly equivalent to six thousand transaction points in the system, with purchasing power probably about six thousand yuan.

But he was very clear about his own body. It was only because of his time travel that he fell into a brief fainting spell and had the so-called "time-travel protection time". Even if Tsunade did nothing, he would not be injured before waking up.

So, he had no psychological burden to pit her.

"I'm really sorry, but I have no money on me right now, but I do have some goods," Shen Mo took out a scroll from behind him and opened it with a light pop.

Ten black cans appeared.

Each worth thirty transaction points.

Including the sealing technique scroll, the cost was a total of seven hundred transaction points.

"Hmm?" Although Tsunade was a little surprised that Shen Mo had a sealing scroll, she didn't pay much attention to it, and after taking a look, she looked at him with a disdainful gaze, "Earthenware jars?"

How much could earthenware jars be worth?

"This is not an ordinary earthenware jar," Shen Mo still maintained his smile, "Each earthenware jar is worth fifty thousand."

"Fifty thousand?" Tsunade gave him a skeptical look.

At a glance, she could tell that these were clearly just ordinary earthenware jars.

"It's not the earthenware jars themselves that are valuable, it's what's inside them," Shen Mo explained, "Miss, do you know what a lottery is? This is similar to that, except that there is not only money inside the cans, but also some items that are worth less than fifty thousand, as well as items that are worth even more, perhaps even several times more."

This was gambling.

Before opening the can, it was impossible to know what was inside.

After purchasing it, you might lose or you might win.

As expected.

Tsunade, who was a gambler at heart, became interested after hearing this.

"How do I know if what's inside is really what you say it is, and there will be items worth several times more?" she held a glass in one hand, pressed it against her leg, leaned forward, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. She was just one step away from writing "I'm very interested" on her face.

Beside her, Shizune felt a little embarrassed.

Her own master was really...

"If you don't believe me, you can buy them all. There will definitely be jars worth several times their value, but overall you will still lose some money," Shen Mo knew the other party had taken the bait, so he confidently said, "I don't do one-time deals. Those who make a profit will buy from me again."

"You have a good business mind," Tsunade praised, as she had figured it out.

These jars were indeed like lottery tickets, but with a lower chance of winning. For those who loved gambling, they were quite attractive.

"These jars were not made by me. I only bought and sold them," Shen Mo shook his head. He had to distance himself in case Tsunade found out about the resurrection coins, otherwise, why would she buy the jars? She would find a way to get them from him, even if it meant trading and not buying.

"I see," Tsunade nodded. In her eyes, Shen Mo was just an ordinary person who couldn't possibly create scrolls that required sealing techniques to make.

Then she put down her wine glass and got excited. "Can I take two?"

"Yes, as medical expenses," Shen Mo nodded and gestured towards the ten jars in front of him. "Do not touch them, and once opened, they cannot be exchanged."

There was nothing in these ten jars, at least not yet.

But he wasn't worried that Tsunade would cheat with ninjutsu or chakra. As the legendary cash cow, this was a small gamble for her.

"Hmm..." Tsunade's eyes scanned over the jars. They looked exactly the same, and if they couldn't be touched, there was no way to tell anything from their weight.

"You're the one!" She reached out and took a jar, then smashed it with a snap.

That was close!

Sweat broke out on Shen Mo's forehead.

He almost didn't react in time to exchange the item.

"It's money, 10,000?" Tsunade's face immediately fell. After all, Shen Mo had said each jar was worth 50,000.

This was like exchanging 50,000 for 10,000. A big loss.

But she quickly shrugged it off. Losing a gamble was normal for her, and this was supposed to be free anyway. She hadn't even treated Shen Mo for anything, just checked him over.

She casually picked up the next jar.

This made Shen Mo relax a little, and he quickly exchanged the item.

This was the real bait.

Snap -

"A small bottle?" Tsunade was curious when she saw it wasn't money.

"Congratulations!" Shen Mo immediately gave a congratulatory and envious smile. "This is a very valuable item, worth 50,000, the Fountain of Youth."

Yes, this was the real Fountain of Youth.

Shen Mo exchanged for the Fountain of Youth from the Caribbean Pirates, and had completed the ritual. After drinking it, a normal person's lifespan could be extended by three days.

The value was 600 trading points.

Converted to the currency of this world, it was exactly 10,000.

However, Shen Mo boldly claimed it was worth 50,000.

The value of an item could change with the changing conditions.

Without being ruthless, how could one make money?

Tsunade opened the bottle, sniffed it, and shook it. A hint of anger flashed in her eyes.

"Isn't this just water? It's worth 50,000 trading points?"

Looking at Shen Mo's gaze, it was also somewhat dangerous. She didn't mind gambling and losing, but if she was cheated... she would make sure this person knew how the name of the Sannin of Konoha came about.

"This is not ordinary water." Shen Mo shook his head and said seriously, "We always do business with honesty and fairness. This bottle of Fountain of Youth is enough to make an ordinary elderly person who is nearing death and dying frequently, live for three more days. If you don't believe me, take a small sip and you should be able to feel it."

"Oh?" Tsunade neither confirmed nor denied.

She could make the elderly who frequently die live for a few more days, and she could do it very easily.

After all, she was the medical ninja who was known as "no disease cannot be cured."

However, she could not detect any trace of herbs from this bottle of water.

She sneered inwardly.

This person probably didn't know her identity.

She picked up the bottle and drank half of it without any worries about poison or hallucinogens.


Her pupils slightly contracted.

What is this?

She felt an exceptionally pure vitality flowing through her entire body from an unknown place.

Although it was very weak for her, the purity was unprecedented, as if it were originally her own vitality. And because she was already a highly skilled medical ninja, and had the ability to use life force like the ninja art Creation Rebirth: Strength of a Hundred Technique, this was particularly shocking to her.

It could indeed add three days of life force.


It was three days of helplessness even for herself.

If it was for a person who was seriously injured and frequently dying, this small bottle would be a life-saving potion that could last until treatment!

50,000 was not only worth it, it was too cheap!