
Selling Jars in the World of Naruto

After transmigrating to the world of Naruto, Shen Mo gained an all-purpose trading system. With it, he began a journey as a jar-selling merchant. Tsunade: "Shizune, don't stop me. Today, I must open enough revival coins!" Jiraiya: "Love potion? There's such a thing? Give me a hundred jars!" Uchiha Sasuke: "Opening jars can really make you stronger? Even if I have to give up everything, I must buy them. I will surpass that man!" Uchiha Itachi: "My foolish little brother, I have opened more jars than you." ... Looking at the chaotic world before him, Shen Mo [the protagonist] had a helpless expression on his face. "I just wanted to earn some money to buy Icarus..." MTL fanfiction.

RoB1TzZzU · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: Tsunade's Second Deal

Third Hokage, undoubtedly, was an excellent politician.

Those who understand him know.

He didn't directly persuade Tsunade, but rather used the wishes of her loved ones, Dan and Nawaki, to persuade her to calm down.


Such forbidden techniques, even if they really exist, must have greater consequences.


Tsunade slammed her hands hard on the table, making a loud noise, and she gritted her teeth, staring at her teacher.

"Why does protecting Konoha require low-level ninja to sacrifice themselves!"

"... This is war, Tsunade." Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice was filled with helplessness.

He was very aware that Tsunade, because of her brother's death, had been harboring resentment.

Towards herself, and towards Konoha.

And the death of Nawaki only ignited this resentment.

When Tsunade left the village all those years ago, she even deluded herself into thinking that sacrificing her life for the sake of protecting Konoha was foolish.


Tsunade stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said each word deliberately, "Since there is a chance, I will definitely save them back!"

"... " Sarutobi Hiruzen took another puff of smoke, slowly exhaled smoke rings, and then said slowly, "If you can really bring them back, I won't stop you, but the price must not be harming Konoha... I have some savings in my old hands, you can take them first."

First establish the bottom line, and then provide help.

Hearing these words.

Tsunade's anger gradually dissipated.

She lowered her head.

Picked up the badge that Shizune had given her, turned around and left, only turning back when she reached the door.

"Thank you."

A clear voice, then she strode away.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to puff on his cigarette.

It's better to relax than to be rigid.

He understood Tsunade, and in her heart, there still existed love for Konoha, but it was overshadowed by the pain of losing important people. As long as someone could awaken her, she would love Konoha even more deeply.

Because, at that time, she was also entrusted with the will of those two people, Nawaki and Dan, to protect Konoha.

"Cough cough."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly coughed lightly twice, and pulled the Hokage hat slightly.

The old face under this symbol of authority looked even older.

A ninja's life is a life of warfare. Even if he lives to his age, he must inevitably have old and hidden injuries. He no longer has the aura of a great ninja of the past.

However, he cannot yet grow old.

Because he has not found a suitable successor.

His gaze moved to the potions left by Tsunade on the table.

One of the small red bottles was labeled "can treat hidden injuries", in Tsunade's handwriting.

"Even after so many years away, her heart hasn't changed."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled with gratification, picked up the bottle, sniffed it, identified it, and then drank a little.

This is it -!

With just a sip, Hiruzen Sarutobi's expression changed.

Then, he took another sip and drank most of the remaining potion.

Then, he closed his eyes and silently felt its effects.

He knew his physical condition better than anyone else. Some hidden wounds, even as a top medical ninja, Tsunade could not heal. Coupled with aging, he was actually weaker than everyone imagined.


This potion actually repaired him comprehensively.

Although it did not completely heal him because of the small amount, the accumulated hidden wounds, like rust stains, were definitely alleviated by this potion.

"Is this the item sold by that mysterious merchant?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi stared at the remaining potion, his gaze flickering slightly.

Even listening to Tsunade's description could not compare to experiencing it firsthand.

It seems that the mysterious merchant behind this item is indeed worth paying attention to.

Hiruzen Sarutobi did not fully believe what Tsunade said about the merchant from another world. In his opinion, it was likely just a puppet deliberately placed in front of Tsunade by someone, using her emotions for the lost, to achieve a certain purpose.

Tsunade would probably continue to trade.


On the other side, Tsunade and Shizune walked out of the Hokage office.

"Lord Tsunade." Shizune looked at Tsunade's expressionless face and couldn't help but ask, "Did the Third Hokage refuse just now?"

They had originally planned to have Konoha pay for the jars from that mysterious merchant, especially the Level 3 jar. But the conversation just now...

"After all, he is the Hokage," Tsunade said calmly, as if not feeling disappointed by the result.

A Level 2 jar cost five hundred thousand yen, while a Level 3 jar cost five million yen. This was not a small amount, and they couldn't just decide to hand over a large sum of money to someone just because of what they said. Even if they really could revive the dead, Nawaki and Dan were not worth that price to Konoha.

"What do we do now?" Shizune was at a loss.

They still owed a large gambling debt, and the Senju Clan was practically extinct. Depending on them, it would take a long time to earn enough money for the resurrection.

"Of course, we call the jar merchant first and make the trade," Tsunade said as she continued walking. "The old man said he had savings, right? He won't refuse business."

"But..." Shizune wanted to say that the money was probably not enough, but she didn't say it when she saw the determined look in Tsunade's eyes.

It was the look of someone with a firm goal.

Tsunade took the savings from Hiruzen Sarutobi's mouth and returned to her old home, where she hadn't been for many years. Everything was the same as before, and there were not even too many weeds in the yard. It was clear that someone had been cleaning up.

Perhaps it was the Hokage's orders, or perhaps it was out of respect for the Senju Clan.

Tsunade looked at the familiar surroundings in her memories.

Once a lively family, now there was only her.

"Phew." Tsunade let out a long breath, not immersing herself too much in emotions.

She took out the badge and pressed the button in the middle of the eye, as Shen Mo had said before.

Soon, there was a beep from inside.


"Hello?" Shen Mo's voice came through. "Miss Tsunade? Please wait a moment, Fei Ju, don't move."

"Meow meow!"

"Slap slap."

"Be good!"

All sorts of strange sounds came from the badge, and Tsunade and Shizune looked at each other in confusion. It was only after a while that it quieted down.

"Sorry, there's a small matter on this side." Shen Mo's voice came through. "Did Miss Tsunade come to me to buy the jars?"

"Yes," Tsunade replied in a deep voice. "I have some money now."

"Then..." There was a brief silence from the other side.

Then, with a light thud, not from the badge, but in front of Tsunade, Shen Mo appeared wearing a black suit with rolled-up cuffs, holding a white kitten that was soaked all over and had a look of despair on its face.