
self improvement and development workout

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What is self improvement and development workout

Leia o romance self improvement and development workout escrito pelo autor Komal_Jadoon publicado no WebNovel. It took me years to understand that some pps can only give u "darkness" n ur life that are actually their gifts but its been a year I have learn that I can't b everyone's favorite flavor for All da ti...


It took me years to understand that some pps can only give u "darkness" n ur life that are actually their gifts but its been a year I have learn that I can't b everyone's favorite flavor for All da times ....nd now thats OK wd me ....sometimes I feel exhausted bout all da time I have wasted to fix mahself in label boxes in fake definition ..doin things I never meant to be Mah happiness .Mah self respect really mtrs to me ...Those who know me ..who luv me ...they get me nd I get them too....

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Heavenly Demon Lord's Cultivation System

Sei was an ordinary 16-year-old boy. And by normal I mean normal. The boy had no special capabilities, he had not even the slightest talent for cultivation or even literature. But that was to be expected at the boy was born into a third-class clan. But he still enjoyed life to the fullest. However, his life was completely changed when his clan was attacked. Four months after his birthday his clan was attacked. But who it was attacked by shocked everyone even more. It attacked by the owner of his clan. He had survived the initial raid as he was in the forest getting firewood. However, when he returned to the clan he was devastated. But instead of waiting for his death, he ran. He ran and ran but he could only survive for a week before getting caught. And when he was about to die something spectacular happened. He had activated his inheritance [The Heavenly Demon Lord's System]. At first, he was confused as he did not understand but what had happened next horrified him. Just when his life was about to turn around. Another devastating thing happened to him. The system took over his body making him lose control over his body. However, his consciousness stayed. Being locked away never to be heard by anyone again. Now although the system was created with the knowledge of everything (besides cultivation techniques). There was one thing it did not know, it did not know that Sei could cultivate even without a body. So he did and cultivated and waited for over 400 years. Until he finally had the chance to regain what was rightfully his. As the system took over his body it had but one goal in mind and that was to become the world's strongest. And as it did it made countless enemies, it used everyone and anyone as a stepping stone. Everyone from the Orthodox Sect to the Unorthodox Sect and even the Demonic Cult was all but a means to an end. Everyone wanted him dead. But as the system had only one goal it did not care about what it had to do to achieve that goal. And as the years went on, it gathered more and more enemies to the point that he couldn't even cultivate in peace. It was this year that Sei managed to regain his body. The system had finally achieved reaching the fifth title realm. And as soon as it left secluded cultivation it was attacked by the most powerful cultivators. It was at this moment that Sei used his one and only chance to use his body. And pierced a giant hole into his chest. By doing this his body died but it was not the end he had one last trick up his sleeve. It was an ancient art that the system had found but found it useless. However, Sei found it extremely useful. It was an art that could reverse time depending on the user's cultivation but it could only be used once. And that's exactly what Sei did, he reversed time as the thing possessing his body started to lose power. He was sent to the past and regained all of his memories as well as the system. This time, however, it did not possess his body. ******** Author's note I really enjoy writing this and I hope to make you enjoy reading it. I wouldn't recommend reading this if you're expecting the MC to make friends or become a hero. Let me tell you now it will not be like that. Please do tell me if I can improve the story somehow.

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Semua TentangMu

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Cinta Yang Saling Menyakiti

"Dasar gadis jelek! Kamu pikir aku akan tersentuh dengan tindakanmu hari ini? Tidak! Aku, Zico Latuharhary Alexander tidak kekurangan gadis cantik! Dibandingkan dengan kamu, aku lebih memilih jalan bersama wanita malam. Penampilan mereka lebih baik daripada kamu! Sebaiknya kamu ngaca dan lihat dirimu sekarang! Jelek, bau badan, kutu buku, jerawatan, dan miskin lagi! Siapa yang mau menikah dengan kamu? Dasar gadis gila!" Ia menghina gadis itu didepan semua orang. Ia melepaskan cengkramannya dari rambut gadis itu. Sebelum dia pergi, ia meludahi gadis itu. Pemuda itu pergi tanpa meminta maaf. Semua orang menertawakan keadaan gadis itu. Gadis itu bangun dan pergi dari kerumunan sambil menangis. Kenangan pahit itu selalu membekas dihati Angelina. Ia tidak bisa melupakan penghinaan yang diberikan oleh pemuda itu selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Angelina Faraditha Anand, sepuluh tahun yang lalu dia dikenal sebagai gadis cupu dan kutu buku. Namun, sepuluh tahun kemudian ia menjadi gadis cantik yang di sukai banyak pemuda. Takdir mempertemukan mereka kembali. Angelina tanpa sengaja bertemu dengan Zico ditaman Ritan Gongyuan saat ia sedang piknik bersama sahabatnya. Mereka bekerja diperusahaan yang sama. Zico, tuan muda dari keluarga Alexander. Seorang pemuda yang di idam-idamkan oleh semua wanita di Beijing. Ia mempunyai karakter yang tegas, adil, dan kejam. Mereka sering bertengkar namun berkat pertengkaran itu hubungan mereka menjadi lebih dekat. Benih-benih cinta mulai muncul dan mekar dihati mereka. Namun, hal yang tidak diinginkan terjadi. Mantan Zico , Nathalia Smith hadir ditengah-tengah mereka. Ia terus membuat keributan untuk memisahkan mereka berdua. Nathalia berkomplot dengan seseorang untuk membuat hidup Angelina hancur dan membuatnya membenci Zico untuk selamanya. Siapa sosok yang akan membantu Nathalia dalam menjalankan rencananya? Apakah Angelina mampu melewati rintangan yang akan datang? Seberapa kuat cinta antara Angelina dan Zico? Pantengin terus CYSM dan jangan bosan-bosan untuk berkomentar. terimakasih untuk dukungan kalian

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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