
Chapter 13: Property Inquiry and a Wolf's Responsibility

(This chapter was uploaded Friday 16/June/2023 8:00 PM, time zone GMT+3)

('1), ('2), ('3), etc. means that there is some explaining for the thing in the notes at the end of the chapter.

(-------------------) -> line break

"..." small moment of silence


"He-" Someone was interrupted.


[Skills' names, chanting and spells' names]

Don't shy from commenting on typos and/or inconsistencies. That and/or suggesting a modification to certain things that didn't make sense to you.

I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.


"Lady Hestia, do you know where I could find the property management center of the city?" Henryk called Hestia as she was exiting the basement.

"The guild manages that" She rushed out of there. She was almost late for her shift. She refused to resign from that part-time job at the potato snack stall. She was saying something about not leaving all the work to her children.

Henryk walked upstairs to where some of the others slept. Two would keep watch from inside the church, changing with another pair each day.

"Has Olympia returned yet?" He asked them calmly. 'Hopefully, it turned out peaceful'

"No, she is still outside, father" It was Gracie and Blanc's turn last night.

'This co-'

"Did I miss something?" Olympia excitedly entered through the creaking front doors. She has a certain glow to her now.

"Why's everyone looking at me like that?"

"Did you wash yourself this morning?"

"Yes, thoroughly" 'Why would dad ask that?'

"So, let's talk abought your clothing"

"What about it?" She did not know what Henryk meant by this sentence.

He pointed at his neck, particularly the nape.

"No w- SO THAT' S WHY PEOPLE LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT?!!" She covered her nape while screaming. Among those who saw her naively walking around without covering her nape, the old couples thought endearingly "How good it is to be young". Their faces conveyed that thought.

"Forget how other people thought of you. I will use my skill for the first time, on you at that" Henryk was talking about [Observe].

"Dad? Why did your eyes change? They're worrying me" Olympia took a step back fearfully.

"Ouros, Blanc, take a look at this" He toggled off the 'recent activities' part and gave them a look at it.


Name: Olympia

Location: Home/Hestia Familia Church's Hall

Condition: Pregnant (Beginning stage)

Recent activities: (AN: This is hidden from Ouros and Blanc)

Ate dinner at the Hostess of Fertility.

Took Bete Loga's consent after he sobered up. (AN: He was still considerably drunk)

Took Bete Loga's V-card.

Lost her V-card to Bete Loga.

Had intercourse with Bete Loga until he collapsed in the morning.

Delivered Bete Loga's unconscious body to the Twilight Manor.



"Olympia, you aren't going to the dungeon for the foreseeable future. You're pregnant" Henryk sighed. He was not prepared to be a gramps this early in life.

Olympia's smile became its brightest at that moment.

"You... Did you ask him about you two becoming a thing?" Henryk asked her.

"Yes, right before he fell asleep again! He agreed to get married if I got pregnant from that!"

'... THE ASSHOLE! He knows that, aside from werewolves, only humans and amazonesses could hope for children with him! And he still told her that knowing she's a chienthrope! Just you wait, Bete Fucking Loga! I will shackle you with parental responsibilities!' Bete Loga was not prepared for this.

"If he was lying to you, what would you do?" Henryk needed to ask her. If she was not prepared for refusal, he would not take her with him to the Twilight Manor.

Her face showed heartache. She could not possibly have formed romantic feelings for him yet, but she was interested in him. Losing the man she got interested in at first sight and had a child with, that would hurt her. "I'd raise the child alone!" Her smile spoke of sadness.

'She's prepared enough. Though, he will have to stay true to his word' "We will go talk to him today. Rest at home until we finish our business at the guild"

"Yes!" She regained some of her previous mood back.

The brothers had grim expressions on their faces. They knew, thanks to Blanc's questions, that a demi human could only have children with another of their kind, a human or an amazoness. Bete's promise was like saying "Impossible" to her face. He was playing with their sister's heart.

The girls, on the other hand, were gushing while talking about how adorable Olympia's child/children might be when they are born. That helped Olympia to get back to her normal mood.

Scarlet was standing on the side, staring at them from a distance. That ended in her being dragged into their conversations by Gladia. She felt like she may be accepted by them.


"Miss Eina, we need to talk about buying some land. Do you have time for that? We would like to see their price tags for now" Bell was saying the lines Henryk had him practice.


(Minor flashback, minutes before going out of the church)

"Do I need to be there? And do I need to be the one talking?" Bell wanted to go to the dungeon to get stronger today.

"Yes, captain. As captain, you need to take on the responsibilities of one"

"You could have been the captain. You seem to know what a captain needs to do and act like" He complained.

"You wanted to be a hero, right? A hero also leads their companions. You need to get used to things like these"

"Is it true? Does a hero need this type of skill?" Bell's eyes immediately lit aflame as soon as he heard the word hero.

".... Captain, not everything anyone says means the truth"

"Your words do~!" Bell was starting to hop his way to the guild. 'Henry is helping me become a hero! What I thought of him is right! He is both the brother and closest aid for my epic!'

'This rabbit will be the end of me with his childishness' Henryk sighed and let Bell be.


'It sure is Williams's doing. Bell was not this good at any of what he talks about now' "Follow me" She guided them to a room on the side and told them to wait.

"In which district is the land that interests you?"

"We want lands that surround our current familia home" She then went to get the files from the guild's archives.

"Did I do good, Henry?" Bell was getting fired up. His actions made him feel like he was the true captain of his familia.

"For now, yes. You're doing better than I expected you to in your first time, congratulations. You need to stay focused, though. The business isn't done yet" Henryk complimented him. He was not surprised by Bell's overachievement, but he did not know he would go that far beyond his expectations. Henryk expected him to fumble a few words here and there, but he did not.

Eina entered the room with a thick stack of papers in her arms. She arranged copies of the district's maps. They had details on where the boundaries of properties there start and end. "look through them and see what suits you. You can take your time to look at them then call me when you are done" She left them to attend to her desk at the guild's entrance hall.

"Look here, captain. What do you think of this?" Henryk drew a rectangular with the church in the middle of it, a little off-centered.

"But is that not too big? Would the price be something we could manage?" Bell looked at them. Even with his limited experience, he knew that they might be pricey with how many Henryk encircled.

"Well, we came to put a goal in our minds. We see the prices, we go on a little murder spree, on monsters of course, then we see how much valis we still need to gather. Rinse and repeat until we gather enough of it" Henryk thought of utilizing Ouros's [Claim]. But due to safety reasons, they will limit where that is used.

"But would that not take long? These lands may be sold by the time we try to purchase them" Bell voiced his concern.

"Don't worry, captain. I'm sure we can gather enough before many of them, if any at all, were sold. Although, the method's risky"

"How... risky?" Bell's instinct screamed at him.

"Very. It's only because of Ray and Gladia's participation that I may even think of using this as a viable option. What do you say about facing a horde of monsters?" Henryk wanted to know how facing a large number of monsters at once felt. Facing as many as fifteen to seventeen monsters at once felt kind of nice to him.

"An adventure!" Bell saw an adventuring opportunity. Nobody knows how he saw that opportunity, but no one was going to sway him away from it now.

"Captain! Calm down!" Henryk squeezed the muscles that stretch on from behind the neck towards the shoulders' joints, and he squeezed hard. ('1)

"Aw aw aw aw stop it aw aw!" Bell started feeling pain like no other at that moment. He broke free easily, though.

"We can go on that adventure tomorrow. I need to do something else after this"

Bell nursed his hurt muscles. He gave Henryk a hurt look and went back to look at the map.

"Henry, what will we do with all that space again?" Bell wondered. His thoughts did not reach that far into the matter. He only thought of their current members, including Henryk's sons and daughters, the few members that would join later and a small garden for the blue papilioes and purple moths.

"You see, captain, we need to account for a further future than just a few months from now. Our familia wouldn't stop at adventurers. I have a good number of monsters I want to add to our ranks. Think how cool it would be if we got war shadows, silverbacks, hell hounds, bugbears, mad beetles, hard armoreds, infant dragons or even the cuties like needle rabbits and almirajs to join us. Heck, we don't even know if a goliath could be tamed yet"

"I am bothered with the way you worded it, Henry"

"Forget that, captain. The length and width of the land we aim for would allow us to build a pretty big house and have space for a decently big garden. The house should have one floor for now, going up to three at most. Every floor should contain 15 bedrooms for two people each. The men and women's rooms are going to be separated. Of course, we may also rebuild the church as lady Hestia's place. It will be the most guarded. A separate building should be built for training. Another would have the living necessities ('2). They may have passages in-between to make it easier to go from one to the other without getting hit by the burning sun" Henryk sported a fond smile. He was imagining Flora and the rest fly from plant to the other, trying all the different nectars they had.

"Henry? I know you love your children, but this is excessive" Bell was dumbfounded by how much Henryk is willing to give to his children.

"How so?"

"The garden, at least according to your drawing, is about 50% or more of the space we are going to buy"

"If Flora wants to cooperate, it will also double as our farmland. The trees, the bushes and the herbs in the spaces around them. All will be edible or sellable. Well? What do you say, captain?"

"It looks appealing as a plan. I am just unsure if we should buy all this land"

"We will use it. It's better than allowing someone to buy it just so they can overprice it once we needed it"

"That is... true" Bell thought over it for a good minute. "We would need this much land if we kept adding members to our familia" They called Eina in.

"Are there any other buyers aside from us?" Bell asked.

"No. There is currently no one else that wants any of these properties"

"What about the prices?"

They negotiated the prices for a few minutes afterwards. They settled on approximately 5 million valis total. ('3)


"Has Fey returned yet?" Henryk asked them first thing after returning to the church.

"She did not, pa" Gladia answered him.

"Haaah" Henryk checked her using [Observe]. "She's sleeping while enveloping Tiona in her feathers, it seems. They're currently in a park somewhere in the city. I will let her play until she was needed for something or until tonight" Having time with a friend was something she needed to experience. This is a chance for that as Tiona was a friend she made all by herself.

"Get ready. We're going to the Twilight Manor" It was afternoon now. They are probably awake.

"We were prepared beforehand, father. We were anticipating this moment" Gracie told him.

"Then let's go" 'Bete Loga, I will make you face your responsibilities'

Bell decided to go to Welf's place and have a chat while Henryk solved his family's problem.


"Halt! Identify yourselves and the purpose behind your visit!" One of the guards standing at the manor's gates questioned them.

"We're members of the Hestia familia. We came here to meet your goddess and talk about what Bete Loga did yesterday" Henryk replied as politely as he could.

The guard entered to ask if Loki would like to meet them while the other guard stayed at his post.

"Welcome to our familia's home, the Twilight Manor. If you would follow me inside" The guard came back with another member. The other member would guide them to a guest room and Loki would come later.

Henryk and Olympia were the only ones sitting down. The others were standing behind them in their kobold forms to make an imposing image. Even Ray, with her armor on, was standing there, although she purposefully stood in the back. Her cloak was discarded for good, as her poster as a tamed monster was out for enough days to not freak civilians who saw her walking in the street.

Loki came only minutes later. She was accompanied by Gareth, who sat on the sofa beside hers, drinking. He would not be drunk from this little, so he was allowed to.

"Hey there, hunk" Loki was not surprised by the figures standing behind Henryk. She did her research on Hestia's two children. As he was a tamer, those might as well be his tamed kobolds and siren.

Loki's greetings weirded Henryk a little. He felt uncomfortable hearing it. "Good afternoon, lady Loki" His children followed in his example.

"Enough with all that polite talk, yeah? I'm not one to mind it"



"Fine then, Loki"

"So? What brought Loli Big-Boobs's children to me?" She was going to ask them about Tiona later. This thing with Bete sounded much more troublesome. Truthfully, anything related to a drunk Bete did.

"Well, sorry in advance. I will be insulting him"

"Go on" She wanted to know what he did to them. It would be good for her if they would keep silent about it.

"The asshole promised my daughter an impossible thing to her face. He promised to marry her if she got pregnant last night. He said that knowing that chienthropes and werewolves can't reproduce with each other. He stepped all over her hope. Little did he know, she did get pregnant with his child. I've my methods to know that this early on in the pregnancy. I came here to shackle him with the parental responsibilities he himself promised to take" Henryk was seething, but he contained himself.

"BETE FUCKIN' LOGA!!! SO YOU DID SOMETHING AFTER ALL!!!" Loki's red eyes shot open, flaming with rage. Her worst fears came true. And it was one of the worst ways possible. Bete promised marriage to a person from another familia, not knowing that that would bite him the very next day.

'I'll ask them how she got pregnant at a later date' Loki thought as she marched towards Bete's room. Even Loki knew when it was inappropriate to ask this kind of question.

They were going to demote Bete temporarily for what he said and did yesterday. But now, he was on the edge. He may get an extended demotion.

Loki went to his room. She slammed the door open then dragged him out. She dragged him out like one would a piece of scrap cloth, being roughly dragged on the ground.

Once they reached the room, she threw him on the floor.

"What was that all about?! Huh?! I was chilling in my ro-...!!" Bete started shouting at a still open-eyed Loki. He only then noticed that Olympia was there.

"Bete Fucking Loga, did you promise the girl to marry her if she was pregnant with your child?"

"Hah? Like that wou-" He was talking in a flippant manner until Loki interrupted him.

"Did you or did you not? Answer me" She left him no room. He has to either say yes or no.

"Yes, I did. What about it? It would never have happened" He continued talking in the same manner as before.

Hearing him, Olympia's ears and tail drooped a bit. Her smile also faltered.

"Take your fucking self-imposed responsibilities then! The girl came here pregnant with your child and is asking you to fulfill your irresponsible promise!"


(Sooooo, here is where it takes a fork. I wanted to make him the worst for no reason. I admit that. But, this is going to be take one. After it, I will write the same thing but going down differently. Give me your opinion of which was better at the voting corner under the end of chapter notes. If nobody votes, or if the votes are equal, I will default for take two)

"No! I clearly made what I thought was an impossible promise to reject her!" Bete was confessing the wrong thing here. He sealed his fate.



After what he said, silence descended on the room. They kept on staring at him intently.

"Dad, it's okay. We can just forget about him. I'll raise my child with our family's help. Let's just leave" Olympia has made her decision.

"Olympia, my daughter, are you sure? You're crying"

"Oh? This? This's nothing! All my one-sided desire was shed along with it!" She wiped the only tear that she unknowingly shed then smiled confidently. Her smile would have been more beautiful if it did not have a trace of disappointment. Yes, it was disappointing. She would never be grasping at a feeling that came one day and died the next.

"...Let's go, then. Let's go before we sully our sights looking at him any further" Henryk was going to step out when an idea came to his mind. "Loki, can we beat him up a little? The pup needs some discipline" Henryk had a dark smile on him.

"Keep him alive, with his limbs intact. We need to discipline him from our side too" Loki was incandescently incensed.

"Ray, restrain him! Gladia, beat him until he has blue and black spots all over him!" Henryk turned his back and walked by Olympia's side. His arm was wrapped around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him. The other siblings gave him a last stare full of disdain and left without a word.

Ray and Gladia made quick work of beating him up and soon followed the rest outside.

"Bete Fucking Loga! You made two horrible mistakes that I cannot forgive! First, you disrespected the girl's hopes and her feelings by promising her the impossible to her face! Then, you insisted on running away from responsibilities you yourself promised to take care of! Namely, taking care of the child you had with her! You are going to be demoted to the rank of new member for the good part of the next four months! Learn what it means to be responsible!" He was then beat up some more as an additional punishment.

Loki really disliked the idea of having any form of connection to Hestia. But even that would not have been enough reason for her to accept an act of irresponsibility like Bete's. 'With Bete's personality, having others, who're weaker than him, order him around would be hell. He better learns from it'


(Here starts take two)

"Come on, Loki! We both know that-"

"-chienthropes and werewolves can't reproduce together, yes! But this one did, Bete! She's the mother of your coming child!"

Bete was shocked and bewildered. He looked at Olympia's chienthropean ears and then looked back at Loki. "Are you damn sure they didn't make any wordplay to trick your divine senses?"

"Their words were direct and to the point! There wasn't a chance they could trick me either way!" Loki strongly denied that. Even if they were playing with their words, it would have been a near-impossible feat to trick her.

Bete was conflicted. He would have taken care of both of them if he could protect them or if the woman was strong enough to protect herself, but she was not. He lost people he wanted to protect. Then when he tried to make people capable of protecting themselves, he lost those too. He had had enough of losing people he treasures.

"I don' wanna protect a weakling!" He huffed as he dusted himself and turned to the door.

"And if I get stronger?" Olympia wanted to stay with him for reasons unknown to her. ('4)

"... I don' care!"

"Noble father, could I have a word with this werewolf?"

"At least call him by name while talking to him. No matter what, keep some level of respect, even if it was self-respect"

"As you say, noble father" Blanc nodded. "Bete Loga, although you answered harshly, you hesitated. You looked as if you were considering something. What was it you were taking into consideration?" Blanc wanted to know the details. He might be able to work something out if he knew them.

"It's n-"

"Bete, answer him" Loki pulled his ears till he agreed.

"I've had enough of protecting people who may die easily. I got attached to some and they always died. Happy now?!" He kept the finer details to himself, but he still answered them. He valued his ears.

"Huh?! Is that the only reason? Tell me then, what if I make her strong enough?" Henryk had an idea.

"Promise me she dies of nothing but old age! I dare you do that, you weakling!" Bete will be humbled again.

"Loki, confirm this for me. I can make her the strongest in the city, right here, right now"

"HUH?! HOW?!" If Loki's eyes were not already opened, they would have. They could not be any more open than they are now.

"So, Bete Loga, will you keep your promise?" Henryk turned his attention away from Loki and towards an equally stunned Bete.

Bete looked at him. "I'm not irresponsible enough to throw away my own child! I just didn' want to get attached to people who could die any moment!" He was flustered.

"TELL. ME. HOW." Loki held his shoulders with a surprisingly strong grip.

"A skill, duh" Henryk gave Loki an unimpressed look.

Henryk turned towards Olympia. "Olympia, tell me honestly. Do you really want to stay with this punk?"

"Who're ya callin' a punk?! Huh?!" His distasteful behavior was promptly stopped by a stomp on his back. Loki was against interrupting them. This might be a chance to have him open up to people. Remaining a tsundere was not healthy for him in the long run. ('5)

"Yes, dad! I want to stay with him!" Olympia was not going to give up if she could keep going.

'Flora, come here'

Silence decended on the room. After a few moments, Loki could not take it anymore.

"When are yo-" She stopped when Henryk stood up.

He walked towards one of the windows and opened it. From it entered a huge butterfly. Its wings were majorly dark brown, turning lighter as they near the edges. The patterns were brown, starting from the edge and getting lighter as they close on the main body.

"Sorry, Flora, to have you come all the way here" Flora went to climb his head as her form of saying it was fine.

"Olympia, use [Single Out] on Flora"

"But... dad? Wouldn't she lose her will and be forced to attack me 'til one of us died?" Flora was one of her father's daughters. In a way, she is her sister. She did not want to do that to Flora. She would be guilt-ridden for the rest of her life if she did it.

"Did you forget what I told you already, Olympia? Your skill said that the monster will target you but did not say how. She can target you with her assistance"

"That's dandy 'n all, but how'd that make her stronger?" Loki was curious. Henryk did not lie. That meant he thought of a way to make it happen. She just did not see the relation between making her targeted with this butterfly's assistance and her being the strongest.

Blanc was already thinking of something.

"Well, can you tell me what the other effect of your skill is?" Henryk asked her to remind her of it.

"It said that only I and my target can harm or restrain each other. But what if I was shackled with adamantine chains? Aren't they strong? I won't be the strongest then"

"Play with the word, Olympia. Restraining something in its essence means either slowing its movement or outright stopping it, changing the direction of the thing's momentum could be counted as well. You can't be harmed nor restrained. That would ensure your ability to protect not just yourself, but also your ability to protect the child later. And let's not forget about how Flora would remain alive no matter what if this was applied to her. Go for it, Olympia" Henryk smiled at her. He supported her wholeheartedly. ('6)

"Yes, dad!" She targeted Flora with the skill.

They tried to make a small, harmless cut to test her skill's effect. The cut could not be made. ('7)

"Fine! I'll keep my promise! Dammit!" Bete was not the best at expressing his happiness. He was happy that he would finally have someone who he would not lose.

'Am I really qualified to become a father as I am now? No, I'll be! I just need to become a father my child's not ashamed of!' Bete finally decided it is time to change for the better.


(This takes place after both takes are over. It is a constant)

"Ray, why were you silent all this time?" Henryk was worried about how she felt a tad distant during what happened moments ago.

"I felt like I had no place to talk. This was your family's problem, and I am not a part of the family yet" Ray was feeling distant in this new place. Although Henryk treats her well, she still had not been with him long enough to interfere in his family's problems.

"Ray, you're misunderstanding something here. You're as much a part of our family as Scarlet is. She's new to us, but she's already a daughter to me. A lover who I'm getting married to later counts as family if they wanted to. It isn't a matter of whether you can be considered one, it's a matter of if you want to be one. You're always welcome to see yourself as a part of our growing family"

"Really?" She was hesitant to accept it. It was a new feeling to her. While the xenos certainly are her kin, they did not consider each other as close of a family as Henryk considered his adopted sons and daughters. This was a completely new experience for her.

"Come here, big girl!" Henryk grabbed her shoulder and brought her close to him. They walked like that back to the church. Henryk was walking with both Olympia and Ray hugged close to him, which looked weird to the onlookers with the height differences of this family. Ray was reconsidering some things.

Flora was enjoying her stay atop Henryk's head for now, humming happily. ('8)


End of Chapter.


For those who want to know exactly which muscle I mentioned there, its name is Trapezius. Henryk squeezed the top of it. This one especially hurt if it was squeezed while relaxed.


I will leave that open as to not restrict myself to a limited number of facilities. If I want to add one, there would be room for it.


The price is made up. But think about it. The lands are meant to be purchased mostly by civilians, who don't earn as much money as adventurers. I see this as a reasonable price for the huge land of crumbled buildings they wanted to buy.


Her natural instincts as a mother did not want to allow for the child to be seen as fatherless. She did not know recognize her instincts at the time.


The word tsundere is not known by mortals here. But you must remember, the gods and goddesses of Orario are all stuck with a permanent case of eighth-grade syndrome to at least a certain level. They use terms like that to describe people sometimes.


No, she is not invincible. Although she could not be harmed or stopped, her attacks are still weak. Don't forget that she will also try to protect her child when they are born. That will keep her from getting stronger for some time.

Say, if she tried to punch someone. Now, her punch will only push them aside if she did not have the strength to harm them.


Reckless? yes. Uncalculated? No.

They did that with Flora's healing in mind. If she got cut, Flora will immediately heal her.


She could breath, she could hum. She is big enough to generate a noticeable humming noise.


Phew! That was a lot of explaining to do!

Thanks to Rokatsa_Marskirs, Draconic_Games, FoolishPanda_25, MasakiSilver, Sergio_Navarrete, Jaxryder, Dylan_Carl, JWR95, R_O_B, poisonous08, GeeGeeTeeWuu, Joshua_Sloan, Mason_Solberg and Rock_Drake for the power stones. If there are ones I missed, sorry. The list seems to delete names after a certain limit. I will work around it.

Anyway, I forgot to post pictures of how the five insectoids look. Here:

- Alexander.

- Flora.

- Peppers.

- Bones.

- Luna.

By the way, Rock_Drake, your username gave me an idea. An infant dragon could become a Rock Drake variant. And their specialty, navigating caves, just so happens to be convenient for the dungeon... and the feathers.... Hehehehehe.

So, I saw this person whose name I am not going to mention.

They said that Henryk ending up with a xenos was weird. Like, my man, there are over ten other races humans were confirmed to have had children with. Anything in that world is viable as long as they are human enough. Ray is human enough, in both mindset and body shape. If he ended up with the likes of almiraj, hellhounds, green dragons, hippogriffs, unicorns or peludas, then, yes, that would have been weird. But Ray, as a siren, has a human body with a bird's limbs. The base is still that of a human's.

Then they went on to say that Henryk's treatment of Fey was 'over the top'. Well, this is a wish fulfillment story. It is not meant to be taken seriously. Take it seriously and you lose. Then again, being 'over the top' is not strange in these types of stories. As for Henryk acting 'over the top' with Fey, he has his personality quirks. Tell me you have no quirks of your own at all and I call you a liar.

Oh oh, you know what? I might make Henryk and Fey's interactions more 'over the top' just to spite that one person. (I won't do it intentionally, if that still somehow ended up happening)

Lastly, Fey's fans, celebrate! Another piece of good news for you!

Seeing the lack of Fey in this chapter, I pieced together another chapter yesterday. It is from Fey's PoV. Enjoy~.

Have a good day, ladies and gentlemen.


This is the voting corner. Here, you choose which direction the fic goes from the two takes that were written in this chapter:

- Take one: Bete refuses to take responsibility and gets extended punishment.

- Take two: Bete gets convinced and acts like a responsible father even if he was forcing himself to do it.

Depending on what you choose, the fic will drastically change. You have time before the end of my summer studies. That would be two months from now, at least.

Próximo capítulo