
The Sacred Rain

After their little discussion, Jake couldn't help but feel sad and angry about the situation, he didn't know whether Dee deserved to be the one responsible for some family sacrifice or a group sacrifice. He didn't believe in the human sacrifice until the day Dominic told him about Dee being the target of a group, as much as he wants to kidnap the people responsible and send them to jail, he doesn't have enough evidence to convict them. Sometimes when they decide to follow the trail everything ends up on dead ends. 

The last time he wanted to finish off some man because he believe he was connected to the organization, he later realized that the man who was coaxed to get into the organization for wealth purposes didn't fulfil their duties to grant him the wealth they needed, instead, they cast him out of the group but not before copping his two thumbs.

The group is based on hierarchy and getting to the highest chain of command is so hard because you don't know who is high in the rank as they all wear masks.

At first, Jake thought that Dorcas and Dee's mother were on top of the food chain. As they went on to investigate, they realized that the group had some mini-group and they all answered to a superior who then reports to other people before decisions are made. 

Brushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, Jake divided to sleep off, though he knew its something that will finish him off.

He knew he needed to tell Dee about the situation. Ironically she doesn't even know anything about the group. For her all she grew up understanding was, it was the same religion and spirituality and drinking raw blood while eating raw meat was like drinking and eating the body of the saviour directly. She believed too much in her family even when they wronged her that didn't matter because all that mattered was that they were good people and blood was thicker than water, Jake couldn't wait for the day she will have a different perspective about the human being.

He chuckled the moment he arrived in their bedroom. His so-called girlfriend's ass was sprawled on the floor, a book in her stomach and her hair was spread all over the floor. He couldn't contain himself, he took two pictures at different angles before placing his phone back in his pocket.

Dee had been waiting for Jame to join her in her, she decided to use a book to distract her from her evil and dramatic thoughts. Turns out she waited for too long but sleep couldn't wait for that long so it took over her. 

Jake looked at her, dressed in his t_shirt, and beneath she had worn his boxers. He loved her in them, though they were a little tight on her but still loved that they are cute on her. 

He placed her on the bed and started stroking her hair, he knew sometimes he can act like a jerk, avoiding her whenever he has a problem. He didn't want to do that with her, he knew a good relationship needs people to talk, 'I can't be avoiding her when I am angry and maybe she needs me," Jake thought to himself. 

He bent down and kissed her forehead, she tightly caught his hands and Jake could see she was trying to pull him closer to her, she furrowed her brows and kept pulling Jake towards her, Jake leaned closer, he knew she was dreaming.

He jumped on the bed and scooted her near him as he rubbed her back to calm her down, he didn't know what was going on in her though he wanted to. After sometimes she was okay and went back to sleep.

'Hope everything will be okay hun, I don't want anything to happen to you again. Though I don't know what to choose between my company and you. I am at crossroads here baby, but hopefully, I will make a good decision.'

Mr Daniel Cummington was standing inside the huge four-sided building that was incomplete, walking up and down he didn't know what to tell his superiors. Everyone wants power, wealth and fame and because of a girl that's what they want to do, offer her as a sacrifice to please their 'gods,' to gain it all. 

He knew his son loved Dee and there is no way he was going to allow people to offer her as a sacrifice. He didn't believe in artificial powers, his son believed that if you want to be successful, you must work hard immerse yourself in your work and everything will be okay, but if you want to be successful, through shortcuts then things will be short for you, you won't get the opportunity to get the good things in life because all your wealth will be gone as soon as they started to grown.

His bodyguard alerted him that the people he was waiting for were arriving, he adjusted his suit and put on the mask, just as they usually do, hiding their faces because they don't want to know who is behind the mask. 

They were four men, plus Daniel, they were five, odd numbers, the number they believed is important to their organization, you don't pair up anyone but stand alone.

His men escorted him to the inner chambers of the room that were made from black clothes droppings. The five stood in a pentagon-shaped figure that was on the floor, Daniel knelt facing the statue of a naked woman, while the other four faced the different side of the wall, away from the statue that Daniel was addressing. 

"Forgive me, for I have sinned, my lust has led me into temptation, obeying all the rules and disobeying none, threesomes has become my area of speciality and to you, I bow, because I want my orgasm to please Ye!" He said and the rest bowed showing their asses to the statue, they then removed their trousers and made a circular shape.

Daniel stood and faced the person in front of him, "for Ye I please, for my climax will satisfy thee, and my cumming the sacred rain that pleases Ye!" He said and the rest followed after him.

He bowed down and placed his face on the ass of the man in front of him. He licked his but hole, the process went round as the five men please themselves, blowjobbing each other, it was an asymmetrical process that was geared by Daniel, what he started was followed by the other members, the groaning went on as he started screaming, "as I climax, as I reach my highest point, may Ye take me high so high."

The rest said after him, it was only allowed to do that when the person felt that he was climaxing and his emotions were not being suppressed. 

After all of them were done, they collected the cum from the others and plastered it on the statue, "for there is no one to please you, Ye, I do this to Ye, please receive this sacred rain to wash and please you."

After the session, they sat down with their legs crossed and Daniel had to explain what his son had said, "we will have to give him time before he hands her over."

The other members looked at each other, one of them stood up, "excuse me, but I feel like we will be dragging this issue. The sacrifice was supposed to be made like two months ago but here we are and still, we don't have the sacrifice!"

"I know that, but we don't need to rush, we always have the grace period when the deadline is upon us," said Daniel.

"And do you think during the judgement day you will ask Ye to give you another chance to wash your sins and please him because I won't be there to help you and you be given a grace period?" Questioned the other member in anger.

"Make sure in two weeks we have the sacrifice lamb ready, her pot should be stirred with a good cooking spoon before she is presented the might high Ye, without that, count yourself out of this group!"

Daniel wished that he could know their faces, not even their names, he has been in the group for twenty years, he tried to give out her daughter as a sacrifice but she beat him at the game, that's what made him get demoted from his previous position. 

He always feels he is an outcast member though he has lots of duties as the chief of the group. All he always see is a group of men with masks on their faces, not even their arms were allowed to be the hare, they wore long-sleeved clothes making it hard to identify the tattoos on their bodies. 

He nodded to their command, being a chief didn't mean he had authority over the other members, they were his superiors, he was just trusted with duties because the rest were busy with other things.

They left the meeting after their agreement.
